On Wednesday, 24 January 2018 18:59:40 UTC-4, vince wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 2:42:46 PM UTC-8, gjr80 wrote:
>> WeeWX can run with one driver only; however, it can run with an 
>> (essentially) unlimited number of services. So folks with an existing 
>> station that want to include data from another source typically do so by 
>> running the driver for their station and a service for the other source.
I understand now, thank you Vince.

> So I'm hoping for a scenario that seeds a secondary db from a MQTT topic, 
> in effect.   Kinda like the MQTT 'out' extension Matthew wrote, just in 
> reverse.

We should be able to get everything in one db regardless of its source?

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