The first results suggests that your WMR300 is not registering on the USB
bus. From a command line, try this

$ *lsusb*
Post the results.


On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 3:40 PM Cycle London <>

> Couldn't run as I don't know what's supposed to be in it, but
> after running yum install libusb and trying to restart weewx...
> Aug 16 23:35:19 weather systemd: Stopping SYSV: start and stop the weewx
> weather system...
> Aug 16 23:35:21 weather weewx: Shutting down weewx: [FAILED]
> Aug 16 23:35:21 weather systemd: Starting SYSV: start and stop the weewx
> weather system...
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather weewx[2129]: engine: Initializing weewx version
> 3.8.0
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather weewx[2129]: engine: Using Python 2.7.5 (default,
> Jul 13 2018, 13:06:57) #012[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)]
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather weewx[2129]: engine: Platform
> Linux-3.10.0-862.11.6.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-centos-7.5.1804-Core
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather weewx[2129]: engine: Locale is 'en_GB.UTF-8'
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather weewx[2129]: engine: pid file is /var/run/
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather weewx: Starting weewx: [  OK  ]
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather weewx[2133]: engine: Using configuration file
> /home/weewx/weewx.conf
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather weewx[2133]: engine: Loading station type WMR300
> (weewx.drivers.wmr300)
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather systemd: Started SYSV: start and stop the weewx
> weather system.
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather weewx[2133]: wmr300: driver version is 0.18
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather weewx[2133]: wmr300: usb info: pyusb_version=1.0.2
> Aug 16 23:35:22 weather weewx[2133]: wmr300: sensor map is {'outHumidity':
> 'humidity_1', 'extraDewpoint6': 'dewpoint_7', 'windchill': 'windchill',
> 'extraDewpoint4': 'dewpoint_5', 'rainRate': 'rain_rate', 'heatindex':
> 'heatindex_1', 'inTemp': 'temperature_0', 'windGustDir': 'wind_gust_dir',
> 'extraDewpoint2': 'dewpoint_3', 'extraDewpoint3': 'dewpoint_4',
> 'extraDewpoint1': 'dewpoint_2', 'barometer': 'barometer', 'extraDewpoint7':
> 'dewpoint_8', 'dewpoint': 'dewpoint_1', 'extraDewpoint5': 'dewpoint_6',
> 'extraHumid6': 'humidity_7', 'pressure': 'pressure', 'extraHumid4':
> 'humidity_5', 'extraHumid5': 'humidity_6', 'extraHumid2': 'humidity_3',
> 'extraHumid3': 'humidity_4', 'extraHumid1': 'humidity_2', 'extraTemp6':
> 'temperature_7', 'extraTemp7': 'temperature_8', 'extraTemp4':
> 'temperature_5', 'extraTemp5': 'temperature_6', 'extraTemp2':
> 'temperature_3', 'extraTemp3': 'temperature_4', 'extraTemp1':
> 'temperature_2', 'extraHeatindex3': 'heatindex_4', 'extraHeatindex2':
> 'heatindex_3', 'extraHeatindex1': 'heatindex_2', 'extraHeatindex7':
> 'heatindex_8', 'extraHeatindex6': 'heatindex_7', 'extraHeatindex5':
> 'heatindex_6', 'extraHumid7': 'humidity_8', 'extraHeatindex4':
> 'heatindex_5', 'windDir': 'wind_dir', 'outTemp': 'temperature_1',
> 'windSpeed': 'wind_avg', 'inHumidity': 'humidity_0', 'windGust':
> 'wind_gust'}
> Aug 16 23:35:25 weather kernel: usb 2-2.1: reset full-speed USB device
> number 4 using uhci_hcd
> Aug 16 23:35:25 weather weewx[2133]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 0x1
> Aug 16 23:35:25 weather weewx[2133]: wxcalculate: The following values
> will be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=hardware,
> dewpoint=hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, rainRate=hardware,
> windrun=prefer_hardware, heatindex=hardware, maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware,
> humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=prefer_hardware,
> inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter=prefer_hardware,
> cloudbase=prefer_hardware
> Aug 16 23:35:25 weather weewx[2133]: wxcalculate: The following algorithms
> will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
> Aug 16 23:35:25 weather weewx[2133]: engine: Archive will use data binding
> wx_binding
> Aug 16 23:35:25 weather weewx[2133]: engine: Record generation will be
> attempted in 'hardware'
> Aug 16 23:35:25 weather weewx[2133]: engine: Using archive interval of 300
> seconds (specified in weewx configuration)
> Aug 16 23:35:25 weather weewx[2133]: manager: Created and initialized
> table 'archive' in database 'weewx.sdb'
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: manager: Created daily summary tables
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' to
> database 'weewx.sdb'
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: manager: Starting backfill of daily
> summaries
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: restx: StationRegistry: Registration
> not requested.
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: restx: Wunderground: Posting not
> enabled.
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: restx: PWSweather: Posting not
> enabled.
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: restx: CWOP: Posting not enabled.
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: restx: WOW: Posting not enabled.
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: restx: AWEKAS: Posting not enabled.
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: engine: Starting up weewx version
> 3.8.0
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: wmr300: reading records since *******
> N/A *******     (    N/A   )
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: wmr300: usb failure: [Errno 110]
> Operation timed out
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]: engine: Caught WeeWxIOError: [Errno
> 110] Operation timed out
> Aug 16 23:35:26 weather weewx[2133]:    ****  Waiting 60 seconds then
> retrying...
> On Thursday, 16 August 2018 19:41:28 UTC+1, vince wrote:
>> He's missing the 'libusb' rpm....
>> On a clean centos/7 vagrant box with only pyusb rpm added....
>> [vagrant@localhost ~]$ python
>> None
>> None
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "", line 6, in <module>
>>     print usb.core.find()
>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/usb/", line 864, in find
>>     raise ValueError('No backend available')
>> ValueError: No backend available
>> After also doing a 'yum install libusb' things look cleaner:
>> [vagrant@localhost ~]$ python
>> None
>> --
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