I guess your month and year data doesn't use the daily records instead of
the interval ones?

At least I know why it is so slow then.

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 11:47 AM Pat <p...@obrienphoto.net> wrote:

> Ah, that'll do it. Explains why your database is so large and why it takes
> a while to generate the graph json files. That's a lot of records to
> process when generating the graphs.
> You may want to consider going to 300 seconds for archive which is the 
> aggregation
> of the loops during those 300 seconds
> <http://www.weewx.com/docs/customizing.htm#_________LOOP_packets_vs._archive_records_______>.
> Up to you though, it's your data.
> Changing it now won't cure the size and slowness issues though. Suppose
> you could run a database query to drop any dateTime from archive that isn't
> on a 5 minute interval (0, 5, 10, 15, etc).
> Don't know if Tom or Matthew have another way.
> On Monday, August 27, 2018 at 12:40:15 PM UTC-4, David Hathaway wrote:
>> [StdArchive]
>>     # If the station hardware supports data logging then the archive
>> interval
>>     # will be downloaded from the station. Otherwise, specify it (in
>> seconds).
>>     archive_interval = 60
>> On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 11:36 AM Pat <p...@obrienphoto.net> wrote:
>>> The year graph don't total like the others, just shows you which days
>>> had rain. That being said your year.json is HUGE at 8mb (by contrast my
>>> year.json is 231kb). I wonder why yours is so big? This is why your report
>>> generation is so slow. Month and Year look rather large.
>>> How often are you doing archive? weewx.conf StdArchive.archive_interval
>>> On Monday, August 27, 2018 at 12:29:26 PM UTC-4, David Hathaway wrote:
>>>> Pat,
>>>> If you look at my site and graphs, the year rain is very odd.
>>>> http://dave77459.mynetgear.com/weewx/belchertown/graphs/
>>>> On the yearly graph, rain is far less than 0.02.  Switch to month, and
>>>> you can see it exceeds 1/2" a few days.  I also miss the total rainfall
>>>> line on the year graph.
>>>> Dave
>>>> On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 11:24 AM David Hathaway <hathaw...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> The .tar.gz backup of the database is 71MB.  That is to say, it is
>>>>> big.  It is possible that it needs tuning, but running a query to create a
>>>>> cumulative rain table for the past year takes less than a second.  When I
>>>>> get home, I can investigate further.  Maybe there is a deadlock or
>>>>> something.
>>>>> Meanwhile, yay!  It runs and looks nice.
>>>>> http://dave77459.mynetgear.com/weewx/belchertown/
>>>>> TO-DO:
>>>>>    - Figure out the wind records
>>>>>    - Figure out the server load issue
>>>>>    - NOAA data when 0.5 comes out
>>>>>    - Personalize the headings, etc
>>>>>    - Figure out how to get my smokeping graph to show
>>>>>    - Figure out how to get pwrstat, which indirectly tracks server
>>>>>    loads
>>>>>    - Update my URL
>>>>> Thanks for the help!  Many hours of fun ahead. :-)
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 11:06 AM Pat <p...@obrienphoto.net> wrote:
>>>>>> > Do you mean this section of weewx.conf?
>>>>>> Yep
>>>>>> > Will that mess up StandardReport?
>>>>>> Don't believe so. It will change your URL that is displayed on
>>>>>> weewx.com if you have register_this_station = true
>>>>>> >  I am on a quad core Xeon CPU at 3.30Ghz, 16GB RAM, and an SSD main
>>>>>> drive.
>>>>>> So basically a server. Hmm.... the highcharts do a lot of queries so
>>>>>> an extended generation time is expected but not sure why it's 2 minutes.
>>>>>> Maybe your tables needs to be optimized?
>>>>>> There are ways to tune MySQL which may be something to check out too?
>>>>>> On Monday, August 27, 2018 at 11:58:28 AM UTC-4, David Hathaway wrote:
>>>>>>> Do you mean this section of weewx.conf?
>>>>>>>     # If you have a website, you may specify an URL
>>>>>>>     station_url = http://dave77459.mynetgear.com/weewx/
>>>>>>> Will that mess up StandardReport?  Heck, I'll try it and see.  Easy
>>>>>>> to change back.
>>>>>>> I am on a quad core Xeon CPU at 3.30Ghz, 16GB RAM, and an SSD main
>>>>>>> drive.  Hardly anything takes time on this system.
>>>>>>> I'll give --rebuild-daily a try.  I have a backup from yesterday,
>>>>>>> but I'll make another first.
>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 10:31 AM Pat <p...@obrienphoto.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> This way is fine. Problems and resolutions can help everyone if
>>>>>>>> it's in the public forum.
>>>>>>>> I think I just resolved the error. In my highcharts Day function
>>>>>>>> I'm defining an end point, yet still using the timespan (which causes 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> problem). Moving to my defined end point may have fixed it. Doing some
>>>>>>>> testing with it now across a few lab systems to make sure. Then I'll 
>>>>>>>> issue
>>>>>>>> 0.5 and we can give that a test.
>>>>>>>> To answer some of your questions:
>>>>>>>> The link to styles.css file is wrong. To fix this, change your
>>>>>>>> weewx.conf's URL to "
>>>>>>>> http://dave77459.mynetgear.com/weewx/belchertown"; and re-run the
>>>>>>>> report.
>>>>>>>> The 2 minute generation is for the highcharts section and it does
>>>>>>>> seem high. Are you on a Pi? I have 3 years of data in my database and 
>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>> takes 15 seconds to generate on a PC. A pi would be a bit slower.
>>>>>>>> No column error with wind? Hmm. Not too sure on this. Could be
>>>>>>>> database related. You can try to run sudo wee_database
>>>>>>>> --rebuild-daily to rebuild the daily values and see if that
>>>>>>>> helps.  Make sure you have a *working backup of your database*
>>>>>>>> just in case you need to revert back to it.
>>>>>>>> On Monday, August 27, 2018 at 11:25:07 AM UTC-4, David Hathaway
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I feel like a problem child at this point.  Maybe I should email
>>>>>>>>> you directly rather than via this group?  No worries if you want to
>>>>>>>>> continue this way though.
>>>>>>>>> Commenting out the NOAA reports got it to run...ish.
>>>>>>>>>    - I got a "NoColumnError" in the wind section.  See log
>>>>>>>>>    below.  I commented out the Wind Records section of the
>>>>>>>>>    records\index.html.tmpl to continue on.
>>>>>>>>>    - The skin is taking 2 minutes to be generated.  Is this
>>>>>>>>>    expected?  In contrast, StandardReport takes 0.75 seconds.
>>>>>>>>>    - The resulting page is broken as if it is missing all
>>>>>>>>>    content.  See it here:
>>>>>>>>>    http://dave77459.mynetgear.com/weewx/belchertown/
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:53:16 localhost weewx[22819]: cheetahgenerator:
>>>>>>>>> Generated 14 files for report StandardReport in 1.18 seconds
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:53:17 localhost weewx[22819]: imagegenerator: Generated
>>>>>>>>> 16 images for StandardReport in 1.54 seconds
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:14 localhost weewx[22819]: manager: Added record
>>>>>>>>> 2018-08-27 09:54:00 CDT (1535381640) to database 'weewx'
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:14 localhost weewx[22819]: manager: Added record
>>>>>>>>> 2018-08-27 09:54:00 CDT (1535381640) to daily summary in 'weewx'
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:14 localhost weewx[22819]: engine: Launch of report
>>>>>>>>> thread aborted: existing report thread still running
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:15 localhost weewx[22819]: restx: Wunderground-PWS:
>>>>>>>>> Published record 2018-08-27 09:54:00 CDT (1535381640)
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: cheetahgenerator: Generate
>>>>>>>>> failed with exception '<class 'weedb.NoColumnError'>'
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: cheetahgenerator: ****
>>>>>>>>> Ignoring template /etc/weewx/skins/Belchertown/records/index.html.tmpl
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: cheetahgenerator: ****
>>>>>>>>> Reason: (1054, "Unknown column 'wind' in 'where clause'")
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****  Traceback (most
>>>>>>>>> recent call last):
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File
>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/cheetahgenerator.py", line 330, in generate
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****      print >> _file,
>>>>>>>>> compiled_template
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File
>>>>>>>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cheetah/Template.py", line 1005, in
>>>>>>>>> __str__
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****      rc =
>>>>>>>>> getattr(self, mainMethName)()
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File
>>>>>>>>> "_etc_weewx_skins_Belchertown_records_index_html_tmpl.py", line 1109, 
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> respond
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File
>>>>>>>>> "_etc_weewx_skins_Belchertown_records_index_html_tmpl.py", line 385, 
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> __errorCatcher46
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File "<string>",
>>>>>>>>> line 1, in <module>
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File
>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/tags.py", line 329, in __getattr__
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****      return
>>>>>>>>> self._do_query(aggregate_type)
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File
>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/tags.py", line 343, in _do_query
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****      val=val,
>>>>>>>>> **self.option_dict)
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File
>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/wxmanager.py", line 60, in getAggregate
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****      return
>>>>>>>>> weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager.getAggregate(self, timespan, obs_type,
>>>>>>>>> aggregateType, **option_dict)
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File
>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/manager.py", line 1249, in getAggregate
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****      **option_dict)
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File
>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/manager.py", line 458, in getAggregate
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****      _row =
>>>>>>>>> self.getSql(select_stmt % interpolate_dict)
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File
>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/manager.py", line 394, in getSql
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****
>>>>>>>>> _cursor.execute(sql, sqlargs)
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****    File
>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weedb/mysql.py", line 48, in guarded_fn
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****      raise klass(e)
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:35 localhost weewx[22819]: ****  NoColumnError:
>>>>>>>>> (1054, "Unknown column 'wind' in 'where clause'")
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:54 localhost weewx[22819]: cheetahgenerator:
>>>>>>>>> Generated 13 files for report Belchertown in 96.59 seconds
>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:54:54 localhost weewx[22819]: copygenerator: copied 22
>>>>>>>>> files to /var/www/html/weewx/belchertown
>>>>>>>>> On Monday, August 27, 2018 at 9:44:55 AM UTC-5, David Hathaway
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> OK, I will try that and see if that gets the rest going.
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 9:37 AM Pat <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks. I'm aware of this error but haven't resolved it yet.
>>>>>>>>>>> It's a problem with NOAA reports being generated.
>>>>>>>>>>> My thought is to move the NOAA reports to another skin, but I'm
>>>>>>>>>>> afraid that'll be too much extra work for everyone who installs the 
>>>>>>>>>>> skin.
>>>>>>>>>>> If you want to stop it from happening, open skin.conf and remove
>>>>>>>>>>> the NOAA_month and NOAA_year sections - which will get the skin
>>>>>>>>>>> working but will not produce the NOAA reports.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, August 27, 2018 at 10:22:23 AM UTC-4, David Hathaway
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I updated MySQL to stop throwing that error, updated to weewx v
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.8.2, and installed Belchertown 0.4. Now I get this error:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:16 localhost weewx[4131]: imagegenerator:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Generated 16 images for StandardReport in 0.75 seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]: reportengine: Caught
>>>>>>>>>>>> unrecoverable exception in generator 
>>>>>>>>>>>> weewx.cheetahgenerator.CheetahGenerator
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****  start time
>>>>>>>>>>>> (1535346000) is greater than stop time (1420092000)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****  Traceback
>>>>>>>>>>>> (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****    File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 239, in run
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****
>>>>>>>>>>>> obj.start()
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****    File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 273, in start
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****
>>>>>>>>>>>> self.run()
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****    File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/cheetahgenerator.py", line 158, in run
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****      ngen =
>>>>>>>>>>>> self.generate(gen_dict[section_name], self.gen_ts)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****    File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/cheetahgenerator.py", line 232, in generate
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****      ngen
>>>>>>>>>>>> += self.generate(section[subsection], gen_ts)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****    File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/cheetahgenerator.py", line 232, in generate
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****      ngen
>>>>>>>>>>>> += self.generate(section[subsection], gen_ts)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****    File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/cheetahgenerator.py", line 320, in generate
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****
>>>>>>>>>>>> default_binding)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****    File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/cheetahgenerator.py", line 372, in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> _getSearchList
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****
>>>>>>>>>>>> searchList += obj.get_extension_list(timespan, db_lookup)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****    File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/user/belchertown_highchartsSearchX.py", line 88, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>> get_extension_list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****
>>>>>>>>>>>> (time_start_vt, time_stop_vt, outTemp_vt) =
>>>>>>>>>>>> db_lookup().getSqlVectors(TimeSpan(_start_ts, timespan.stop), 
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'outTemp')
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****    File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/weeutil.py", line 315, in __new__
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****      raise
>>>>>>>>>>>> ValueError("start time (%d) is greater than stop time (%d)" % 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (args[0],
>>>>>>>>>>>> args[1]))
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****
>>>>>>>>>>>> ValueError: start time (1535346000) is greater than stop time 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (1420092000)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]:         ****  Generator
>>>>>>>>>>>> terminated
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aug 27 09:17:47 localhost weewx[4131]: copygenerator: copied 1
>>>>>>>>>>>> files to /var/www/html/weewx/belchertown
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, August 27, 2018 at 8:35:00 AM UTC-5, David Hathaway
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Pat.  I moved the options into weewx.conf after reading
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that suggestion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 8:03 AM Pat <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd suggest using the latest release
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/poblabs/weewx-belchertown/releases>. No
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues with upgrading if all your Belchertown options are within
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weewx.conf. See the GitHub readme
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/poblabs/weewx-belchertown> for those
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> options.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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