I have a similar problem.  restx says it is going to post to CWOP and 
PWSWeather, but is only posting to PWSWeather (see below)

I'm not very good at finding things in Linux, so if you could please help 
me find where I can check my Pi for DNS name resolution, I would like to 
make sure it is showing the correct servers.

Thank you!

Aug 28 11:27:04 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: engine: Using binding 
'wx_binding' to database 'weewx.sdb'
Aug 28 11:27:04 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: manager: Starting backfill of 
daily summaries
Aug 28 11:27:04 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: restx: StationRegistry: 
Registration not requested.
Aug 28 11:27:04 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: restx: Wunderground: Posting not 
Aug 28 11:27:04 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: restx: PWSWeather: Data for 
station KC1ELF will be posted
Aug 28 11:27:04 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: restx: CWOP: Data for station 
KC1ELF will be posted
Aug 28 11:27:04 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: restx: WOW: Posting not enabled.
Aug 28 11:27:04 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: restx: AWEKAS: Posting not 
Aug 28 11:27:04 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: engine: Starting up weewx version 
Aug 28 11:27:04 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: engine: Starting main packet loop.
Aug 28 11:28:35 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: interceptor: MainThread: skipping 
rain measurement of 0.0: no last rain
Aug 28 11:28:35 raspberrypi2 rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 17' suspended, 
next retry is Tue Aug 28 11:29:05 2018 [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2007 ]
Aug 28 11:31:35 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: manager: Added record 2018-08-28 
11:30:00 EDT (1535470200) to database 'weewx.sdb'
Aug 28 11:31:35 raspberrypi2 rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 17' suspended, 
next retry is Tue Aug 28 11:32:05 2018 [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2007 ]
Aug 28 11:31:35 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: manager: Added record 2018-08-28 
11:30:00 EDT (1535470200) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
Aug 28 11:31:36 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: restx: PWSWeather: Published 
record 2018-08-28 11:30:00 EDT (1535470200)
Aug 28 11:31:40 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 14 
files for report StandardReport in 4.44 seconds
Aug 28 11:31:41 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: imagegenerator: Generated 12 
images for StandardReport in 0.78 seconds
Aug 28 11:31:41 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: copygenerator: copied 9 files to 
Aug 28 11:36:35 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: manager: Added record 2018-08-28 
11:35:00 EDT (1535470500) to database 'weewx.sdb'
Aug 28 11:36:35 raspberrypi2 rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 17' suspended, 
next retry is Tue Aug 28 11:37:05 2018 [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2007 ]
Aug 28 11:36:35 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: manager: Added record 2018-08-28 
11:35:00 EDT (1535470500) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
Aug 28 11:36:36 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: restx: PWSWeather: Published 
record 2018-08-28 11:35:00 EDT (1535470500)
Aug 28 11:36:38 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 14 
files for report StandardReport in 2.00 seconds
Aug 28 11:36:38 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: imagegenerator: Generated 12 
images for StandardReport in 0.78 seconds
Aug 28 11:36:38 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: copygenerator: copied 0 files to 
Aug 28 11:41:35 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: manager: Added record 2018-08-28 
11:40:00 EDT (1535470800) to database 'weewx.sdb'
Aug 28 11:41:35 raspberrypi2 rsyslogd-2007: action 'action 17' suspended, 
next retry is Tue Aug 28 11:42:05 2018 [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2007 ]
Aug 28 11:41:36 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: manager: Added record 2018-08-28 
11:40:00 EDT (1535470800) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
Aug 28 11:41:36 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: restx: PWSWeather: Published 
record 2018-08-28 11:40:00 EDT (1535470800)
Aug 28 11:41:38 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 14 
files for report StandardReport in 2.10 seconds
Aug 28 11:41:38 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: imagegenerator: Generated 12 
images for StandardReport in 0.77 seconds
Aug 28 11:41:38 raspberrypi2 weewx[3754]: copygenerator: copied 0 files to 

On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 10:46:52 AM UTC-4, Michael Gray wrote:
> I have found/fixed my problem!    As I suspected, it was nothing to do 
> with weewx per se...   Somehow, my DNS config (resolv.conf etc.) was changed
> so my Pi was not resolving hostnames.   This caused weewx rest code not to 
> resolve urls needed for posting to public servers:
>     ./weewx/restx.py:    rf_url = "
> http://rtupdate.wunderground.com/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php";
>     ./weewx/restx.py:    pws_url = "
> http://weatherstation.wunderground.com/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php
> "
>     ./weewx/restx.py:    default_servers = ['cwop.aprs.net:14580', '
> cwop.aprs.net:23']
> Once I got name resolution back on the rails, weewx publishing started 
> working.
> I'm a little surprised that with all the error checking in the code, weewx 
> was silent on the issue of not being able to resolve the hostnames in the 
> URLs
> upon which it depends -- nothing about GET failing or anything...
> It looks like the except's on the try's to connect to the servers could 
> use some more generic error catching -- I might give it a go but my python 
> foo is not strong...
> Would a bug report be in order here?  I know this wasn't weewx fault per 
> se, but had there been an error like "unknown host", I would have probably 
> found the
> name resolution problem quickly... 
> Thanks to all who looked at my post and sent along their thoughts -- great 
> community here!
> On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 10:02:34 AM UTC-4, Michael Gray wrote:
>> It's always said that -- I never explicitly requested "hardware 
>> generation" -- I'll try adding  record_generation = software   explicitly
>> last restart before "upgrade" when all was well:    Aug 14 15:17:11 
>> raspberrypi weewx[654]: engine: Record generation will be attempted in 
>> 'hardware'
>> post-upgrade:                                                        Aug 
>> 15 22:01:18 raspberrypi weewx[29842]: engine: Record generation will be 
>> attempted in 'hardware'
>> hardware is the default and comments suggest it will use hardware in 
>> devices that support it -- software if not...    But I've added the 
>> following:
>>     # If possible, new archive records are downloaded from the station
>>     # hardware. *If the hardware does not support this, then new archive*
>> *    # records will be generated in software.*
>>     # Set the following to "software" to force software record generation.
>> *#    *record_generation = hardware
>> *    record_generation = software*
>> Log now reports this:
>> Aug 16 09:56:18 raspberrypi weewx[2791]: engine: *Record generation will 
>> be attempted in 'software'*
>> No change in behavior -- still getting data, storing records and 
>> generating web pages -- but no publish...
>> I'm wondering if something in all the linux updates (not updated for 
>> several months) changed -- python or some library weewx uses...
>> On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 8:15:00 AM UTC-4, gjr80 wrote:
>>> Let's try that again.
>>> Hi,
>>> Any reason you are using hardware record generation? As far as I am 
>>> aware the AcuRite stations only emit loop packets (in fact the AcuRite 
>>> driver does not have a genArchiveRecords() method necessary to generate 
>>> archive records from the hardware). Suggest you try setting 
>>> record_generation = software under [StdArchive] in weewx.conf. Once you 
>>> make  the change you will need to restart weeWX.
>>> Gary

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