Thanks Gary,

I have been investigating and found as much - but in the end could not get 
it to work by config alone.

I have turned to a completely different technical solution and are able to 
upload the remote data at approx 5kB / archive - so it solves my immediate 

I am still intrigued by the concept of doing this with MQTT and I will play 
around until I get it to work.  If I can shave off a few more kB per upload 
using MQTT then I can upload loops rather than archives.

On Sunday, 9 September 2018 16:36:16 UTC-7, gjr80 wrote:
> Hi,
> That error is telling you that the field dateTime does not exist in your 
> loop packet so I doubt the issue is whether dateTime is an integer or a 
> float, its more fundamental than that. I would be looking at the wxMesh 
> driver; do you have it configured properly, are there any field maps that 
> need to be configured, typos? Remember case matters. If you can't spot a 
> config error turn debug up as high as you can, both in WeeWX and the driver 
> (if it is supported). I would set debug=2 in weewx.conf. Have a read of 
> the wxMesh driver file, are there any comments up front about setting debug 
> levels or troubleshooting, it might not be setting a option named debug, 
> it could be debug_read etc. What you want is to get the driver to spit 
> out the loop packet to screen/log so you can see if the driver is doing 
> what it should or if the issue is further up the processing tree.
> Gary
> On Sunday, 9 September 2018 09:37:45 UTC+10, Louis De Lange wrote:
>> Pat,
>> Thank you for the insight.  I already understood most of what you 
>> described, but your point that the data should be on weather/loop 
>> worked.  
>> So changing that now the loop is activated when data arrives, but I am 
>> getting an error about data type for dateTime.  
>>   File "/usr/bin/weewxd", line 64, in <module>
>>     weewx.engine.main(options, args)
>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 877, in main
>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 191, in run
>>     self.dispatchEvent(weewx.Event(weewx.NEW_LOOP_PACKET, packet=packet))
>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 224, in dispatchEvent
>>     callback(event)
>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 45, in new_loop_packet
>>     self.calc.do_calculations(event.packet, 'loop')
>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 191, in 
>> do_calculations
>>     getattr(self, 'calc_' + obs)(data_us, data_type)
>>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 300, in 
>> calc_maxSolarRad
>>     data['dateTime'], self.atc)
>> KeyError: 'dateTime'
>> I suspect the driver reads it in as a REAL number, not an integer.  I'll 
>> dig into that a bit further and report back.
>> On Saturday, 8 September 2018 15:53:02 UTC-7, Pat wrote:
>>> Hi Louis, I don't have any specific experience with wxMesh, but maybe I 
>>> can help a little with MQTT. 
>>> In general, the # in a topic ID means "I want to see everything in this 
>>> topic". This is good for debugging, but typically bad practice for anything 
>>> else. For example if my broker is available to the public and anonymous 
>>> users can publish (hopefully you're using an ACL if your broker is publicly 
>>> available!), then they can post to weather/hello, or weather/mywebsite, 
>>> etc. and your driver will ingest everything on weather because you're 
>>> subscribed to weather/#. 
>>> Depending on your weewx.conf configuration, your data is probably on 
>>> weather/loop. Try to subscribe to that in your mosquitto_sub client to 
>>> verify. 
>>> Also, my guess would be you want aggregate since that will put all 
>>> observations in 1 published message, as opposed to individual topics like 
>>> weather/outTemp, weather/humidity, weather/barometer, etc. 
>>> Hope this helps a little bit. 
>>> On Saturday, September 8, 2018 at 5:51:02 PM UTC-4, Louis De Lange wrote:
>>>> I  have a remote site that I want to connect to my home network using 
>>>> MQTT and utilize minimal data transfer.  
>>>> The plan is to have weewx on one Raspberry Pi Zero at the remote site 
>>>> receiving the data from the weather station, archive it and publish to a 
>>>> MQTT broker using mwall's MQTT uploader.   The MQTT broker will be 
>>>> Mosquitto running on my home network.  Finally, I want to have another 
>>>> instance of weewx running on a raspberry pi on my home network using Bill 
>>>> Morrow's MQTT driver as input.
>>>> Right now I am trying to test the arrangement using multiple PI's on my 
>>>> home network in a simulation.  
>>>> I am able to successfully publish the data from my local station to the 
>>>> MQTT broker running on a different PI, and subscribe to it  with mosquitto 
>>>> tool mosquitto-sub - so we know publishing works..
>>>> Where things fall apart is that I cannot get Bill Morrow's MQTT driver 
>>>> tor work.  Weewx starts OK, but it just waits for an archive loop and 
>>>> nothing else happens.
>>>> The following is the log output from starting weewx.
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:12 testpi systemd[1]: Starting LSB: weewx weather system...
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:13 testpi weewx[21197]: engine: Initializing weewx version 
>>>> 3.8.2
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:13 testpi weewx[21197]: engine: Using Python 2.7.13 
>>>> (default, Nov 24 2017, 17:33:09)
>>>>                                      [GCC 6.3.0 20170516]
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:13 testpi weewx[21197]: engine: Platform 
>>>> Linux-4.14.50+-armv6l-with-debian-9.4
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:13 testpi weewx[21197]: engine: Locale is 'en_CA.UTF-8'
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:13 testpi weewx[21197]: engine: pid file is 
>>>> /var/run/
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:13 testpi weewx[21186]: Starting weewx weather system: 
>>>> weewx.
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:13 testpi systemd[1]: Started LSB: weewx weather system.
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:13 testpi weewx[21201]: engine: Using configuration file 
>>>> /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:13 testpi weewx[21201]: engine: Loading station type 
>>>> wxMesh (user.wxMesh)
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: wxMesh: MQTT host is localhost
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: wxMesh: MQTT topic is weather
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: wxMesh: MQTT client is wxclient
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: wxMesh: polling interval is 1.0
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: wxMesh: label map is {'dateTime': 
>>>> 'dateTime', 'outTemp': 'outTemp', 'outHumidity': 'outHumidity', 'inTemp': 
>>>> 'inTemp', 'i
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 
>>>> 0x1
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: wxcalculate: The following values 
>>>> will be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=prefer_hardware, 
>>>> dewpoint=pre
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: wxcalculate: The following 
>>>> algorithms will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: engine: Archive will use data 
>>>> binding wx_binding
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: engine: Record generation will be 
>>>> attempted in 'hardware'
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: engine: Using archive interval of 
>>>> 300 seconds (specified in weewx configuration)
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' 
>>>> to database 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: manager: Starting backfill of 
>>>> daily summaries
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: restx: StationRegistry: 
>>>> Registration not requested.
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: restx: Wunderground: Posting not 
>>>> enabled.
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: restx: PWSweather: Posting not 
>>>> enabled.
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: restx: CWOP: Posting not enabled.
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: restx: WOW: Posting not enabled.
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: restx: AWEKAS: Posting not enabled.
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: restx: MQTT: service version is 
>>>> 0.18
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: engine: Starting up weewx version 
>>>> 3.8.2
>>>> Sep 08 14:37:14 testpi weewx[21201]: engine: Starting main packet loop.
>>>> The following is the wxMesh section of the weewx.conf file.  
>>>> [wxMesh]
>>>>     driver = user.wxMesh
>>>>     # MQTT specifics
>>>>     host = localhost    # MQTT broker hostname
>>>>         username = XXXXXXX    # MQTT broker user name. Assumption is 
>>>> your broker requires authentication
>>>>     password = XXXXXXXX
>>>>     topic = weather    # topic is all weather (indoor and outdoor, e.g.)
>>>>     poll_interval = 1
>>>>     [[label_map]]
>>>>         dateTime = dateTime
>>>>         outTemp = outTemp
>>>>         outHumidity = outHumidity
>>>>         inTemp = inTemp
>>>>         inHumidity = inHumidity
>>>>         barometer = barometer
>>>> I am not sure about the following things in the wxMesh section of the 
>>>> weewx.conf file
>>>> 1. Is the topic "weather" correct?  When I subscribe to the feed using 
>>>> mosquitto-sub the correct syntax is "weather/#"
>>>> 2. In the MQTT uploader  I can select "individual" or "aggregate" 
>>>> records to upload.  What does the MQTT input driver expect?
>>>> Any help from Bill or anyone else would be appreciated.
>>>> Louis  

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