I'm not sure what procedure you are talking about with the 'historic' 

As far as the HP1000 driver is concerned, it looks at the last date in the 
weewx database and then queries the weather station for any records it has 
for after that date. Therefore it typically only downloads historic data 
since the last time the driver talked to the weather station (often hours 
or perhaps a day or two).

Even when I was testing it out (about a year ago), I managed to download 
all of the data from the weather station back to about September 2016. I 
know that this is the "my light bulb works; don't know why yours is broken" 
defence but I do know that it *can* work.

Also, does the weewx database hold the historic data for you? You might not 
be able to push that back to the weather station but does that really 


On Monday, December 3, 2018 at 9:54:07 PM UTC+11, Gary Hopkins wrote:
> OK Update.
> I did get the new Pi but I've not installed it with weewx.
> I was "fiddling" with the historic values on the WS and I went to delete 
> all the 2017 ones. Instead I accidentally deleted the 2018 ones so by then 
> it was too late.
> Once I'd gone back and deleted all the 2017 entries and there was no 
> longer any historical data to download everything is working fine and has 
> been since Saturday.
> I suspect that there is something "wrong" with pulling down the historical 
> data that was causing something to fail. Downloading "live" data and 
> running all the reporting scripts is working without a hitch. I'll just 
> live with the fact that I've lost all my historic data on the WS. 
> Thanks again for all your suggestions and help

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