pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
LOOP:   2019-01-26 11:35:35 NZDT (1548455735) appTemp: 61.9209615592, 
barometer: 29.7, cloudbase: 4921.41993274, consBatteryVoltage: 3.02, 
dateTime: 1548455735, dayET: 0.0, dayRain: 0.031496063, dewpoint: 
47.665752296, extraAlarm1: 0, extraAlarm2: 0, extraAlarm3: 0, extraAlarm4: 
0, extraAlarm5: 0, extraAlarm6: 0, extraAlarm7: 0, extraAlarm8: 0, 
forecastIcon: 3, forecastRule: 163, heatindex: 64.7, humidex: 
65.9643612986, inDewpoint: 47.0050615695, inHumidity: 43.0, insideAlarm: 0, 
inTemp: 70.6, leafWet4: 0.0, maxSolarRad: None, monthET: 0.0, monthRain: 
2.6929133865, outHumidity: 54.0, outsideAlarm1: 0, outsideAlarm2: 0, 
outTemp: 64.7, rain: None, rainAlarm: 0, rainRate: 0.0, soilLeafAlarm1: 0, 
soilLeafAlarm2: 0, soilLeafAlarm3: 0, soilLeafAlarm4: 0, stormRain: 
0.031496063, stormStart: 1548414000, sunrise: 1548432420, sunset: 
1548485400, trendIcon: -60, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, windchill: 
64.7, windDir: 139.0, windGust: 4.0, windGustDir: 139.0, windSpeed: 4.0, 
windSpeed10: 2.0, yearET: 0.0, yearRain: 35.4724409537
LOOP:   2019-01-26 11:

Well that appears to be working!

On Saturday, 26 January 2019 11:24:16 UTC+13, gjr80 wrote:
> You can run WeeWX directly (
> http://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#Running_directly) to see loop and 
> archive data on screen. The other thing to do is look at the logs over at 
> least a few archive periods, you will likely see reports being run but no 
> data being saved to archive. Quite possibly you have corrupt station 
> memory, especially if you have had a mains power outage, have a read 
> through this 
> http://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#html_generated_but_not_updated
> Gary

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