I have created an extension, FilePile <https://github.com/tkeffer/filepile>,
that automates a lot of this. You specify what unit system your incoming
data is in, and it will automatically convert it to the unit system used by
the incoming record.

Take a look at  the README and see if everything is clear.


On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 4:33 AM John Masters <jbertmast...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes Folks,
> @Gary, that's explained a likely cause, thanks for taking the time to
> investigate. Something like the Mars Climate Orbiter, but a lot less
> critical!
> @tk, Yes, but i want to put to bed the idea that my temperature sensor is
> randomly switching from degrees_F to degrees_C by itself.
> The sensor is a  DS18B20 1wire connected to a remote RPi. It outputs a
> number which can be interpreted by humans to be a temperature reading. It
> is just a number, with no units attached.
> A script reads this number and inserts it into a MySQL database, which is
> read by php into a graph (see attached pondgraph.jpg). As you can see, the
> temperature is natively and continuously in degrees_C.
> The script also writes the number to a plain file, pond.txt, which is
> scp'd every 5 mins to /var/tmp/pond.txt on the Rpi that hosts weewx. It is
> only a number, with no formatting.
> pondservice.py then does it's thing with the number in pond.txt.
> When i initially saw that something was going wrong with the resulting
> extraTemp1, and that degrees_C was being interpreted as degrees_F, i wrote
> a conversion into my script so that the number inserted into pond.txt could
> be sent as degrees_F. All that means is that pond.txt contains e.g. instead
> of the number 10 (degrees_C), the number 50 (its Fahrenheit equivalent).
> It is only I who makes that change, by commenting out the conversion in my
> script. See the attached daypond.jpg
> Daypond shows pond temperature being sent as a degrees_F number (just a
> plain text number) up until point 1, when i restarted weewx a few times to
> capture the logs that i attached to my post last night, as @Andrew
> suggested.
> Point 2 shows where i commented out the conversion part of my script and
> sent pond temperature as a degrees_C number (again, just a plain text
> number, no units attached), and restarted weewx a couple of times to
> capture more logs, and then let it run like that for a while.
> Point 3 shows where i uncommented the conversion part of my script, and
> continued sending as a degrees_F value, with no restart.
> At no time did i change any other values or settings.
> Every time the file is scp'd there is an entry in the syslog on the remote
> RPi, and the values sent do not change from Degree_C to degrees_F unless i
> comment or uncomment the conversion line in my script,
> If i send pond.txt as degrees_F, there is an initial high reading where
> the Fahrenheit number is interpreted as degrees_C, but subsequent readings
> are converted and shown as degrees_C. (e.g. the number 50 in pond.txt is
> initially interpreted as 50 degrees_C in the REC packet, but subsequently
> converted to 10 degrees_C)
> If i send pond.txt as degrees_C, the number is interpreted as its
> Fahrenheit equivalent. (so if pond.txt contains the number 10, it is
> interpreted as 10 degrees_F)
> If you follow the Wiki https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/add-sensor and
> install pondservice.py, and create /var/tmp/pond.txt and put any number in
> it, you should see the problem
> Phew, you'll all be sick of all this by now, but i hope i have made it
> more clear.
> Regards
> John
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