Updated here. 
Not using Standard Skin.

All fine except: It is not using correctly time format.
%H:%M is what i want to use and it is creating %H:%M:%S

It is all OK on skin.conf and weewx.conf


El martes, 5 de febrero de 2019, 20:22:13 (UTC+1), Thomas Keffer escribió:
> Find it in the usual place <http://weewx.com/downloads/>. 
> Be sure to read the Upgrading Guide <http://weewx.com/docs/upgrading.htm>.  
> If you chose the unit system your reports will be in by selecting US or 
> METRIC during installation of your old skin, you will have no problems. 
> This includes most users. OTOH, if you directly modified skin.conf, 
> specifying metric units, you may find that your report suddenly comes out 
> in US. The fix is easy and covered in the Upgrading Guide.
> Changes:
> 3.9.0 02/05/2019
> New skin called Seasons. For new users, it will be installed and enabled.
> For old users, it will be installed, but not enabled. Fixes issue #75.
> There are also two new skins for mobile phones: Mobile and Smartphone.
> These are installed, but not enabled, for all users.
> Reworked how options get applied for reports. Backstop default values
> are supplied by a new file weewx/defaults.py. These can get overridden
> by skin.conf, or in a new section [StdReports] / [[Defaults]] in weewx.conf.
> See the Customizing Guide, section "How options work", for details.
> Fixes issue #248.
> The skin.conf is optional.  It is possible to specify the entire skin
> configuration in the configuration file weewx.conf.
> Dropped support of Python 2.5. You must now use either Python 2.6 or 2.7. This
> is in anticipation of porting to Python 3.
> The image generator now supports the use of a 'stale_age' option. Thanks to
> user John Smith. Fixes issue #290.
> Rose line width can now be specified with option rose_line_width.
> The Felsius unit of temperature (see https://xkcd.com/1923/) is now supported.
> New tag $almanac.sidereal_time for calculating current sidereal time
> New tag $almanac.separation() for calculating planet separations.
> Can now use ephem.readdb() to load arbitrary bodies into the almanac.
> StdQC now includes an entry for rain again (inexplicably removed in v3.1.0).
> If software record generation is used, the archive interval is now what is
> specified in weewx.conf, even if the station supports hardware generation.
> Fixed problem where records were downloaded on startup, even if software
> record generation was specified.
> The tag formatting taxonomy has been simplified. Just use suffix ".format()"
> now. Documentation updated to reflect changes. Backwards compatibility with 
> old
> suffixes is supported. Fixes issue #328.
> Can now set Rapidfire parameter rtfreq. Thanks to user 'whorfin'. PR #304.
> Template names can now include the week number. Thanks to user 'stimpy23'.
> PR #319.
> New aggregation type for plots: 'cumulative'. Thanks to user 'henrikost'.
> PR #302.
> Fixed problem where MySQL error 2013 could crash WeeWX. Fixes issue #327.
> Posts to the Weather Underground will be skipped if an observation type that
> is listed in the [[[Essentials]]] subsection is missing. Fixes issue #329.
> Upgrade process now explicity upgrades version-to-version, instead of
> doing a merge to the new config file. Fixes issue #217.
> Example xstats now includes tags for last_year and last_year_todate.
> Thanks to user evilbunny2008. PR #325.
> Guard against a negative value for 'interval' in WMR200 stations.
> Check for missing or negative values for the record field 'interval'.
> Changed the formula used to calculate percentage illumination of the moon to
> something more accurate around 2018. This formula is only used if pyephem is
> not installed. Fixes issue #342.
> Fixed bug that caused older, "type A" Vantage Pro2, to crash. Fixes issue 
> #343.
> Fixed a bug that caused a divide-by-zero error if a plot range was the same as
> a specified min or max scale. Fixes issue #344.
> Fixed bug that prevented an optional data_binding from being used in tags
> when iterating over records. Fixes issue #345.
> Examples lowBattery and alarm now try SMTP_SSL connections, then degrade if
> that's not available. Fixes issue #351.
> Fixed problem with Brazilian locations at the start of DST. It manifested
> itself with the error "NoColumnError: no such column: wind". Fixes issue #356.
> Fixed problem that caused sunrise/sunset to be calculated improperly in 
> Sun.py.
> Improved coverage of test suites. Fixes issue #337.
> wee_device, when used with the Vantage series, now honors the "no prompt" (-y)
> option. Fixes issue #361.
> Log watch now correctly logs garbage collection events. Thanks to user 
> buster-one. PR #340.

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