Thanks @gary for the followup. I turned off stricthostkeychecking in the
.ssh/config file which resolved it. I don't know exactly this cloud server
does this, but it works and I am not going to dig too deep on it.

Thanks again.

On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 10:50 PM gjr80 <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Certainly seen the same message before but can't say it was under the same
> circumstances though. No ssh/rsync expert but just thinking aloud as to
> what you could do; have you tried running rsync (repeatedly) from the
> command line with the same credentials so you can see/deal with anything it
> throws up? Have you tried removing the cached key for with:
> $ ssh-keygen -R
> Gary
> On Sunday, 7 April 2019 06:26:33 UTC+10, Tom Mitchell wrote:
>> Hello,
>> weewx 3.8.2 running in a Docker container. Connecting the the database
>> just fine and using the Simulator. I have rsync configured to upload to a
>> cloud host.
>> First time through, the report upload works fine:
>> weewx[9]: reportengine: Running report RSYNC
>> weewx[9]: reportengine: Found configuration file
>> /home/weewx/skins/Rsync/skin.conf for report RSYNC
>> weewx[9]: manager: Added record 2019-04-06 16:05:17 EDT (1554581117) to
>> database 'weewx_local'
>> LOOP:   2019-04-06 16:05:17 EDT (1554581117) altimeter: 32.3940721833,
>> appTemp: 28.369127419, barometer: 32.3429914465, cloudbase: 1295.87222115,
>> dateTime: 1554581117, dewpoint: 27.1243263624, heatindex: 32.5973641355,
>> humidex: 32.5973641355, inDewpoint: 31.0794006064, inHumidity:
>> 29.999657861, inTemp: 63.0001710695, maxSolarRad: 495.258619499,
>> outHumidity: 79.9997433946, outTemp: 32.5973641355, pressure:
>> 32.3429914465, radiation: 230.36959363, rain: 0, rainRate: 0, usUnits: 1,
>> UV: 3.22517431082, windchill: 32.5973641355, windDir: 359.998460368,
>> windGust: 5.13210704991e-05, windGustDir: 359.998460368, windSpeed:
>> 4.27675587487e-05
>> weewx[9]: rsyncupload: rsync'd 160 files (271,814 bytes) in 2.10 seconds
>> But on the subsequent passes, it acts like it doesn't recognize the
>> upload host:
>> weewx[9]: reportengine: Running report RSYNC
>> weewx[9]: reportengine: Found configuration file
>> /home/weewx/skins/Rsync/skin.conf for report RSYNC
>> The authenticity of host ' (a.b.c.d)' can't be established.
>> ECDSA key fingerprint is a8:17:90:cd:08:5d:3f:84:8d:b3:9d:91:3d:e0:e2:68.
>> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? weewx[9]: manager:
>> Added record 2019-04-06 16:10:17 EDT (1554581417) to database 'weewx_local'
>> LOOP:   2019-04-06 16:10:17 EDT (1554581417) altimeter: 32.3939674154,
>> appTemp: 28.1327127704, barometer: 32.3428868355, cloudbase: 1294.87161178,
>> dateTime: 1554581417, dewpoint: 26.9178545608, heatindex: 32.3864896527,
>> humidex: 32.38648965
>> I do have a known_hosts file in /home/weewx/.ssh
>> I am able to ssh in as the username configured in weewx without being
>> prompted.
>> [[RSYNC]]
>> # rsync'ing to a webserver is treated as just another report
>> skin = Rsync
>> # If you wish to use rsync, you must configure passwordless ssh using
>> # public/private key authentication from the user account that weewx
>> # runs as to the user account on the remote machine where the files
>> # will be copied.
>> #
>> # The following three lines determine where files will be sent.
>> server =
>> path = /home/tom/html/local/
>> user = tom
>> # Rsync can be configured to remove files from the remote server if
>> # they don't exist under HTML_ROOT locally. USE WITH CAUTION: if you
>> # make a mistake in the remote path, you could could unintentionally
>> # cause unrelated files to be deleted. Set to 1 to enable remote file
>> # deletion, zero to allow files to accumulate remotely.
>> delete = 0
>> Curious of anyone has ever seen this before.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> --
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