Here is a bit more analysis on one record that has been found missing 
consistently / won't stick.   Seeking a second opinion on my analysis.  =D

The missing record has timestamp 1556719020 and has been found missing every 10 
minutes when wunderfixer runs against "today".
That record is from from 9:57 a.m. EDT (my local time).

Further down, I show the WU query via a similar method that wunderfixer uses.

There are no records from between ~9:54 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. EDT.
So I trust wunderfixer is correct, here.  =D

The WU record from 10:00 a.m. has values "close" to the missing 9:57 a..m 
record, but the values are just far enough off that I do not suspect the 120 
second "epsilon" is causing the "miss" on validation (the 9:57 record is not 
being mis-matched against 10:00 record).

Are we in agreement, that wunderfixer is correct and WU is simply failing to 
show the record even up multiple attempts to re-upload?

Here are the wunderfixer reported misses:

pi@nixie:/usr/share/weewx $ grep 1556719020 /var/log/weewx.log
Wed  1 May 10:05:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed  1 May 10:15:02 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed  1 May 10:55:02 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed  1 May 11:05:02 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed  1 May 11:15:02 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed  1 May 11:25:02 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed  1 May 11:35:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed  1 May 11:45:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed  1 May 11:55:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.

Here is what WU shows around that time...

pi@nixie:/usr/share/weewx $ curl -L 
 2>/dev/null | grep '^2019-05-01 09:'
09:20:00,48.9,47,29.25,ESE,102,2,0,93,0,,,0.91,weewx-3.9.1,2019-05-01 13:20:00,

pi@nixie:/usr/share/weewx $ curl -L 
 2>/dev/null | grep '^2019-05-01 10:'
2019-05-01 10:14:59,52,50,29.22,SE,136,2,4.3,93,0,,,0.91,weewx-3.9.1,2019-05-01 

Leon Shaner :: Dearborn, Michigan (iPad Pro)

> On May 1, 2019, at 11:07 AM, Leon Shaner <> wrote:
> Hey, WeeWX'ers,
> I wonder how many folks are experiencing issues with WU timing out / not 
> responding /  failing to accept station updates from weewx?
> I've resorted to running wunderfixer roughly every 10 minutes against "today" 
> and "yesterday" and it's almost always finding missing records throughout 
> "today" which after enough wunderfixer re-uploads, they do eventually "stick."
> I can see from my "weewx_watchdog" logs that wunderfixer was timing out 
> almost every attempt to run against the "yesterday" date, but was usually 
> fine when running against the "today" date.
> I'm guessing that WU may have some optimizations in place to respond quickly 
> to "current" day queries, and maybe they have intentionally allocated less 
> "capacity" to historical queries.   That might explain the timeouts I was 
> seeing mainly when querying the prior day.
> I found that increasing the wunderfixer timeout from 10 seconds to 20 seconds 
> was helpful in working around the WU connection issues.   There is an updated 
> wunderfixer in the that accepts a --timeout option, over here.  Thanks, Tom!  
> =D
> Now, because wunderfixer is pretty much always finding missing records, I am 
> wondering of weewx itself is falling victim to the WU "capacity issues" 
> during the normal uploading of records?
> As in could the records be missing on the WU side due to similar timeouts 
> that wunderfixer is experiencing?
> I have debug = 1, but there are no issues being reported, so do I need a 
> higher debug, such as debut = 3?
> Could it be that the connections are going through but WU is losing the data, 
> anyway?
> And/or could it be that running wunderfixer every 10 minutes isn't allowing 
> WU enough time to process the data, such that is is available by the next 
> query, 10 minutes later?
> Here are some logs of what I am seeing re: the trend of missing WU data.
> You can see the "overlap" in that multiple runs of wunderfixer 10 minutes 
> apart are finding and re-uploading the exact same missing records until 
> eventually they do "stick" in that they are not shown missing / not 
> re-uploaded.
> In the below, you can see that a record from 1556709420 did get posted 
> properly, because it was not mentioned again 10 minutes later.   However, 
> there are three other records in bold, which did not "stick" between those 
> wunderfixer runs, 10 minutes apart.  And then 10 minutes later, two more 
> overlapping re-uploads, which didn't "stick."
> Wed  1 May 10:15:11 EDT 2019 Weather Underground Station:   KMIDEARB5
> Wed  1 May 10:15:11 EDT 2019 Date to check:                 2019-04-30
> Wed  1 May 10:15:11 EDT 2019 Number of archive records:     1438
> Wed  1 May 10:15:11 EDT 2019 Number of WU records:          381
> Wed  1 May 10:15:11 EDT 2019 Number of missing records:     0
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf.
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is 
> bound to database 'archive_sqlite'
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 Weather Underground Station:   KMIDEARB5
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 Date to check:                 2019-05-01
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 Number of archive records:     624
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 Number of WU records:          144
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 Number of missing records:     5
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 Missing records:
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 07:17:00 EDT (1556709420); 29.297";  
> 47.7F;  93%; 4.7 mph;  98 deg; 7.6 mph gust;  45.7F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
> 50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:17:00 EDT (1556720220); 29.223";  
> 52.0F;  92%; 2.0 mph; 136 deg; 3.6 mph gust;  49.9F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:23:00 EDT (1556720580); 29.214";  
> 52.4F;  92%; 2.5 mph; 115 deg; 4.3 mph gust;  50.1F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:25:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:24:00 EDT (1556720640); 29.214";  
> 52.5F;  92%; 2.5 mph; 115 deg; 5.4 mph gust;  50.3F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:25:14 EDT 2019 Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf.
> Wed  1 May 10:25:14 EDT 2019 Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is 
> bound to database 'archive_sqlite'
> Wed  1 May 10:25:14 EDT 2019 Weather Underground Station:   KMIDEARB5
> Wed  1 May 10:25:14 EDT 2019 Date to check:                 2019-04-30
> Wed  1 May 10:25:14 EDT 2019 Number of archive records:     1438
> Wed  1 May 10:25:14 EDT 2019 Number of WU records:          381
> Wed  1 May 10:25:14 EDT 2019 Number of missing records:     0
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf.
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is 
> bound to database 'archive_sqlite'
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 Weather Underground Station:   KMIDEARB5
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 Date to check:                 2019-05-01
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 Number of archive records:     634
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 Number of WU records:          147
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 Number of missing records:     6
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 Missing records:
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
> 50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:17:00 EDT (1556720220); 29.223";  
> 52.0F;  92%; 2.0 mph; 136 deg; 3.6 mph gust;  49.9F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:27:00 EDT (1556720820); 29.214";  
> 52.9F;  92%; 2.5 mph; 115 deg; 6.5 mph gust;  50.6F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:32:00 EDT (1556721120); 29.214";  
> 53.2F;  91%; 2.5 mph; 113 deg; 2.5 mph gust;  50.7F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:33:00 EDT (1556721180); 29.214";  
> 53.2F;  91%; 2.5 mph; 113 deg; 4.3 mph gust;  50.7F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:35:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:34:00 EDT (1556721240); 29.207";  
> 53.4F;  91%; 2.5 mph; 113 deg; 3.6 mph gust;  50.9F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> And again 10 minutes later:
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 Weather Underground Station:   KMIDEARB5
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 Date to check:                 2019-05-01
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 Number of archive records:     644
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 Number of WU records:          149
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 Number of missing records:     6
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 Missing records:
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 09:57:00 EDT (1556719020); 29.226";  
> 50.4F;  93%; 2.9 mph; 111 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  48.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:17:00 EDT (1556720220); 29.223";  
> 52.0F;  92%; 2.0 mph; 136 deg; 3.6 mph gust;  49.9F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:27:00 EDT (1556720820); 29.214";  
> 52.9F;  92%; 2.5 mph; 115 deg; 6.5 mph gust;  50.6F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:32:00 EDT (1556721120); 29.214";  
> 53.2F;  91%; 2.5 mph; 113 deg; 2.5 mph gust;  50.7F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:43:00 EDT (1556721780); 29.202";  
> 54.1F;  91%; 2.0 mph; 111 deg; 6.5 mph gust;  51.4F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> Wed  1 May 10:45:01 EDT 2019 2019-05-01 10:44:00 EDT (1556721840); 29.202";  
> 54.1F;  90%; 2.0 mph; 111 deg; 2.9 mph gust;  51.3F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
> It's like a "rolling window" of missing records that eventually do catch up, 
> but seemingly that is only because I am being persistent about running 
> wunderfixer.
> I could try running it only every 20 minutes to see if results change.  Let 
> me think about that some more.  :-/
> Meanwhile, about the connection issues, from when wunderfixer timeout was 10 
> seconds, vs. after changing it to 20 seconds.
> The timeouts still occur, but less frequently
> ### timeouts almost every time I run wunderfixer 10 minutes apart, for prior 
> day
> Tue 30 Apr 09:55:01 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 10:45:02 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 10:55:02 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 11:05:01 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 11:15:02 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 12:05:01 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 12:35:02 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 12:45:01 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 12:55:02 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 13:05:01 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 13:15:15 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 13:35:01 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 13:55:01 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 13:55:15 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 14:35:12 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 14:45:01 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 14:55:02 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 15:15:01 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 15:55:19 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 16:05:13 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 16:15:19 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 16:25:14 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 16:35:19 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 16:45:02 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 16:45:15 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> ### timeout changed from 10 seconds to 20 seconds; far fewer timeouts 
> occurring
> Tue 30 Apr 21:55:23 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Tue 30 Apr 23:15:33 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Wed  1 May 01:15:20 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Wed  1 May 01:25:14 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> Wed  1 May 01:35:15 EDT 2019 Could not get Weather Underground data. Exiting.
> ### no timeouts seen since that time, so far, today
> Regards,
> \Leon
> --
> Leon Shaner :: Dearborn, Michigan (iPad Pro)
> -- 
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