Hmm, I notice that WXDailyHistory is working as usual now (well for me 
anyway) but wunderfixer still gives a 403 error.


On Wednesday, 22 May 2019 13:02:24 UTC+10, gjr80 wrote:
> Wunderfixer (as it stands now) relies on WUs WXDailyHistory.asp page. If 
> WXDailyHistory doesn't work then wunderfixer will not work. Period.
> I guess depending on where you sit on the conspiracy theory scale will 
> determine whether you believe the current issues with WXDailyHistory are 
> short term glitches or a silent closure of the service. There are a few 
> threads on that touch on this issue, and of course many 
> others that touch on the WU issues over the last not so long period. There 
> seems to have been a few posts from WU staff indicating that 'all the old 
> stuff is very fragile', so that could mean short term glitch, but on the 
> other hand WU has been pushing folks towards their 'new' API which could 
> mean the end for WXDailyHistory.
> The 'new' WU API that is available to PWS owners/uploaders does have a '1 
> day rapid history request' that provides what seems like the same sort of 
> info as WXDailyHistory, albeit in JSON format and with a whole pile more 
> cruft, well at least as far as wunderfixer is concerned. So in theory there 
> is no reason wunderfixer could not be reworked to utilise the '1 day rapid 
> history request' data. Of note to use the new API you need to have a (new) 
> API key, whereas WXDailyHistory/wunderfixer does not require an API key. 
> One shortcoming I did notice with the '1 day rapid history request' is 
> there appears to be no way to obtain a given days data; you get the current 
> day only, whereas with WXDailyHistory you can choose the date required, so 
> that would mean no more historical wunderfixing.
> In any case, those who may consider WU as a de facto backup may want to 
> start brushing up on their bash/MySQL skills and implement a robust local 
> backup arrangement (though on WUs form you should have done that ages ago).
> Gary

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