My apologies, committed the fix but never came back to issue the release. 
Fixed now in release 0.1.1 


On Monday, 27 May 2019 20:17:56 UTC+10, Rick Hewett wrote:
> I think I found what was missing. The release of the BloomSky driver I 
> was using came from: 
> However, the git repository contains a more up-to-date driver that 
> doesn't seem to have made it into the release yet. Getting the latest 
> copy of from and 
> installing it manually has cured the problem. 
> On Mon 27 May Rick M0LEP wrote: 
> > I've recently switched my system over to getting data from a BloomSky 
> > SKY2, and all seems to work fine except the pressure, which shows as N/A 
> > (or null) in all the readings I can see in weewx. Looking atthe raw data 
> > from the BloomSky, the pressure is being reported, so I'm guessing 
> > someting in the driver is somehow missing it. Any ideas? 
> -- 
> 73, Rick, M0LEP 

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