
Could you edit weewx.conf, set debug=2 and then restart WeeWX. There will 
be a lot of log entries but can you post a log extract from when WeeWX was 
restarted through until a couple of gauge-data.txt files have been 


On Tuesday, 11 June 2019 03:17:56 UTC+10, MikeQ wrote:
> I installed a SteelSeries page this weekend and installed RTGD to create 
> and upload gauge-data.txt.  All that is working fine.  I also have the 
> Forecast extension installed and that is working fine.  At this point, the 
> only forecast I am trying to use on the SteelSeries page is Zambretti.  I 
> have that configured in RTGD but when I look in gauge-data.txt it is blank 
> so I must be missing something.
> Here is the log info:
> At weewx service start:
> Jun 10 09:41:11 weatherpi weewx[973]: forecast: MainThread: Zambretti: 
> forecast version 3.3.2
> Jun 10 09:41:11 weatherpi weewx[973]: forecast: MainThread: Zambretti: 
> interval=600 max_age=604800 winddir_period=1800 pressure_period=10800 
> hemisphere=NORTH lower_pressure=950.0 upper_pressure=1050.0
> Jun 10 09:41:11 weatherpi weewx[973]: rtgd: RealTimeGaugeData scroller 
> text will use Zambretti forecast data
> Jun 10 09:41:11 weatherpi weewx[973]: rtgdthread: 
> '/home/weewx/public_html/gauge-data.txt' wil be generated. min_interval is 
> None
> At regular report interval:
> Jun 10 09:45:26 weatherpi weewx[973]: forecast: ZambrettiThread: 
> Zambretti: generated 1 forecast record
> Jun 10 09:45:28 weatherpi weewx[973]: forecast: ZambrettiThread: 
> Zambretti: saved 1 forecast records
> Jun 10 09:45:28 weatherpi weewx[973]: forecast: ZambrettiThread: 
> Zambretti: deleted forecasts prior to 1559580328
> From the forecast sample html page:
> Zambretti
> The forecast is Fairly fine, showers likely
> Issued at 10-Jun-2019 09:45
> And this is what I have in gauge-data.txt.  The ss page is reading this 
> properly because the forecast is blank and not forecast missing:
> "forecast":"",
> I searched the group messages and I don't see anyone else having this same 
> problem in the past. Thanks.

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