here it is.
Is this ok what I attach?

Dne petek, 14. junij 2019 12.45.41 UTC+2 je oseba Andrew Milner napisala:
> Keep running the simulator for a while, but can you now give us the log 
> from startup for at least two archive intervals FOR SIMULATOR so that we 
> can be SURE everything is working as it should be.  Then, if that looks ok, 
> can you stop weewx, set debug = 1, restart weewx and again attach the log 
> from startup until at least two archive intervals.  This should show that 
> all is ok with debug also!!
> On Friday, 14 June 2019 12:36:32 UTC+3, Damjan Hajsek wrote:
>>  this is what I have for interceptor in weewx.conf
>> [Interceptor]
>>     # This section is for the network traffic interceptor driver.
>>     # The driver to use:
>>     driver = user.interceptor
>>     # Specify the hardware device to capture.  Options include:
>>     #   acurite-bridge - acurite internet bridge, smarthub, or access
>>     #   observer - fine offset WH2600/HP1000/HP1003, ambient WS2902
>>     #   lw30x - oregon scientific LW301/LW302
>>     #   lacrosse-bridge - lacrosse GW1000U/C84612 internet bridge
>>     #   wu-client - any hardware that uses the weather underground 
>> protocol
>>     #device_type = acurite-bridge
>>         device_type = observer
>>     port = 990

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Jun 14 13:59:15 povej weewx[4536]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 13:59:00 
CEST (1560513540) to database 'weewx'
Jun 14 13:59:15 povej weewx[4536]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 13:59:00 
CEST (1560513540) to daily summary in 'weewx'
Jun 14 13:59:15 povej weewx[4536]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: Published record 
2019-06-14 13:59:00 CEST (1560513540)
Jun 14 13:59:16 povej weewx[4536]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 8 files for 
report SeasonsReport in 0.87 seconds
Jun 14 13:59:16 povej weewx[4536]: imagegenerator: Generated 14 images for 
SeasonsReport in 0.49 seconds
Jun 14 13:59:16 povej weewx[4536]: copygenerator: copied 0 files to 
Jun 14 14:00:15 povej weewx[4536]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:00:00 
CEST (1560513600) to database 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:00:15 povej weewx[4536]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:00:00 
CEST (1560513600) to daily summary in 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:00:15 povej weewx[4536]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: Published record 
2019-06-14 14:00:00 CEST (1560513600)
Jun 14 14:00:16 povej weewx[4536]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 8 files for 
report SeasonsReport in 1.17 seconds
Jun 14 14:00:18 povej weewx[4536]: imagegenerator: Generated 28 images for 
SeasonsReport in 2.32 seconds
Jun 14 14:00:18 povej weewx[4536]: copygenerator: copied 0 files to 

Jun 14 14:01:15 povej weewx[4536]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:01:00 
CEST (1560513660) to database 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:01:15 povej weewx[4536]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:01:00 
CEST (1560513660) to daily summary in 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:01:15 povej weewx[4536]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: Published record 
2019-06-14 14:01:00 CEST (1560513660)
Jun 14 14:01:16 povej weewx[4536]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 8 files for 
report SeasonsReport in 1.05 seconds
Jun 14 14:01:16 povej weewx[4536]: imagegenerator: Generated 14 images for 
SeasonsReport in 0.29 seconds
Jun 14 14:01:16 povej weewx[4536]: copygenerator: copied 0 files to 

Jun 14 14:02:15 povej weewx[4536]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:02:00 
CEST (1560513720) to database 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:02:15 povej weewx[4536]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:02:00 
CEST (1560513720) to daily summary in 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:02:15 povej weewx[4536]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: Published record 
2019-06-14 14:02:00 CEST (1560513720)
Jun 14 14:02:16 povej weewx[4536]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 8 files for 
report SeasonsReport in 1.11 seconds
Jun 14 14:02:16 povej weewx[4536]: imagegenerator: Generated 14 images for 
SeasonsReport in 0.45 seconds
Jun 14 14:02:16 povej weewx[4536]: copygenerator: copied 0 files to 

Log from manual starting

Jun 14 14:03:49 povej systemd: Stopped SYSV: start and stop the weewx weather 
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Initializing weewx version 3.9.1
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Using Python 2.7.5 (default, Apr  9 
2019, 14:30:50) #012[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36)]
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Platform 
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Locale is 'sl_SI.UTF-8'
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Using configuration file 
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Loading station type Simulator 
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 0x1
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: wxcalculate: The following values will be 
calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=prefer_hardware, 
dewpoint=prefer_hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, rainRate=prefer_hardware, 
windrun=prefer_hardware, heatindex=prefer_hardware, 
maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=prefer_hardware, 
inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter=prefer_hardware, 
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: wxcalculate: The following algorithms will 
be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Archive will use data binding 
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Record generation will be attempted 
in 'hardware'
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Using archive interval of 60 
seconds (specified in weewx configuration)
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' to 
database 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: manager: Starting backfill of daily 
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: restx: StationRegistry: Registration not 
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: Data for station 
IDO10 will be posted
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: restx: PWSweather: Posting not enabled.
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: restx: CWOP: Posting not enabled.
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: restx: WOW: Posting not enabled.
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: restx: AWEKAS: Posting not enabled.
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Starting up weewx version 3.9.1
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Clock error is -0.05 seconds 
(positive is fast)
Jun 14 14:04:00 povej weewx[25422]: engine: Starting main packet loop.

weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:03 CEST (1560513843) altimeter: 32.4356666723, 
appTemp: 28.4601091875, barometer: 31.099999999, cloudbase: 2428.7093223, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.3467557634, dateTime: 1560513843, dewpoint: 
27.2035609939, heatindex: 32.6785829702, heatingVoltage: 12.2484328247, 
humidex: 32.6785829702, inDewpoint: 31.079533828, inHumidity: 29.9999999587, 
inTemp: 63.0000000207, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.999999969, outTemp: 32.6785829702, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.099999999, radiation: 734.607351942, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 11.4199268111, rxCheckPercent: 78.4771528574, 
supplyVoltage: 10.9143486192, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2845029272, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6785829702, windDir: 
359.999999814, windGust: 6.19745677e-09, windGustDir: 359.999999814, windSpeed: 
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:06 CEST (1560513846) altimeter: 32.4356666638, 
appTemp: 28.4580736503, barometer: 31.0999999907, cloudbase: 2428.69885218, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.2478524074, dateTime: 1560513846, dewpoint: 
27.2017895837, heatindex: 32.6767654914, heatingVoltage: 10.8594746588, 
humidex: 32.6767654914, inDewpoint: 31.0795336993, inHumidity: 29.9999996282, 
inTemp: 63.0000001859, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999997211, outTemp: 32.6767654914, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999999907, radiation: 734.478902639, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.7854720071, rxCheckPercent: 86.1645660795, 
supplyVoltage: 12.5912321027, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2827046369, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6767654914, windDir: 
359.999998327, windGust: 5.57771153709e-08, windGustDir: 359.999998327, 
windSpeed: 4.64809293277e-08
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:08 CEST (1560513848) altimeter: 32.4356666467, 
appTemp: 28.456038736, barometer: 31.0999999742, cloudbase: 2428.68840247, 
consBatteryVoltage: 10.8464847484, dateTime: 1560513848, dewpoint: 
27.2000186562, heatindex: 32.6749485853, heatingVoltage: 10.9657981627, 
humidex: 32.6749485853, inDewpoint: 31.0795334419, inHumidity: 29.9999989671, 
inTemp: 63.0000005165, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999992253, outTemp: 32.6749485853, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999999742, radiation: 734.286191487, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.2892695383, rxCheckPercent: 94.6038569998, 
supplyVoltage: 11.0887231028, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2800066808, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6749485853, windDir: 
359.999995352, windGust: 1.54936430796e-07, windGustDir: 359.999995352, 
windSpeed: 1.29113692182e-07
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:11 CEST (1560513851) altimeter: 32.435666621, appTemp: 
28.4540044446, barometer: 31.0999999494, cloudbase: 2428.67797317, 
consBatteryVoltage: 13.1783205567, dateTime: 1560513851, dewpoint: 
27.1982482116, heatindex: 32.6731322517, heatingVoltage: 11.7919641871, 
humidex: 32.6731322517, inDewpoint: 31.0795330557, inHumidity: 29.9999979755, 
inTemp: 63.0000010123, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999984816, outTemp: 32.6731322517, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999999494, radiation: 734.157692603, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.8278795125, rxCheckPercent: 90.8286651218, 
supplyVoltage: 11.2639940249, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2782076964, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6731322517, windDir: 
359.99999089, windGust: 3.03675403046e-07, windGustDir: 359.99999089, 
windSpeed: 2.53062836464e-07
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:13 CEST (1560513853) altimeter: 32.4356665868, 
appTemp: 28.4519707761, barometer: 31.0999999163, cloudbase: 2428.66756427, 
consBatteryVoltage: 11.6429920742, dateTime: 1560513853, dewpoint: 
27.1964782499, heatindex: 32.6713164909, heatingVoltage: 11.6330717408, 
humidex: 32.6713164909, inDewpoint: 31.0795325409, inHumidity: 29.9999966534, 
inTemp: 63.0000016733, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.99999749, outTemp: 32.6713164909, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999999163, radiation: 733.96490713, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.0, rxCheckPercent: 90.8286651218, 
supplyVoltage: 10.9296501623, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2755086998, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6713164909, windDir: 
359.99998494, windGust: 5.0199403212e-07, windGustDir: 359.99998494, windSpeed: 
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:16 CEST (1560513856) altimeter: 32.435666544, appTemp: 
28.4499377306, barometer: 31.099999875, cloudbase: 2428.65717577, 
consBatteryVoltage: 13.1388355968, dateTime: 1560513856, dewpoint: 
27.1947087713, heatindex: 32.6695013028, heatingVoltage: 11.5871215961, 
humidex: 32.6695013028, inDewpoint: 31.0795318973, inHumidity: 29.9999950007, 
inTemp: 63.0000024996, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999962505, outTemp: 32.6695013028, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.099999875, radiation: 733.836358733, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 10.8270532309, rxCheckPercent: 98.063460877, 
supplyVoltage: 12.0, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 10.2737090223, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6695013028, windDir: 359.999977503, 
windGust: 7.49892314467e-07, windGustDir: 359.999977503, windSpeed: 
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:18 CEST (1560513858) altimeter: 32.4356664927, 
appTemp: 28.4479053083, barometer: 31.0999998254, cloudbase: 2428.64680768, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.0, dateTime: 1560513858, dewpoint: 27.1929397756, 
heatindex: 32.6676866876, heatingVoltage: 11.2159173594, humidex: 
32.6676866876, inDewpoint: 31.079531125, inHumidity: 29.9999930175, inTemp: 
63.0000034912, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999947631, outTemp: 32.6676866876, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999998254, radiation: 733.643499041, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.5571381663, rxCheckPercent: 91.424524025, 
supplyVoltage: 12.0, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 10.2710089866, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6676866876, windDir: 359.999968579, 
windGust: 1.04737024831e-06, windGustDir: 359.999968579, windSpeed: 
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:21 CEST (1560513861) altimeter: 32.4356664329, 
appTemp: 28.445873509, barometer: 31.0999997676, cloudbase: 2428.63646, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.0, dateTime: 1560513861, dewpoint: 27.1911712631, 
heatindex: 32.6658726452, heatingVoltage: 12.0813772543, humidex: 
32.6658726452, inDewpoint: 31.079530224, inHumidity: 29.9999907038, inTemp: 
63.0000046481, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999930279, outTemp: 32.6658726452, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999997676, radiation: 733.514901199, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.0, rxCheckPercent: 91.6515931483, 
supplyVoltage: 12.5290474886, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2692086168, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6658726452, windDir: 
359.999958167, windGust: 1.39442783187e-06, windGustDir: 359.999958167, 
windSpeed: 1.16202319322e-06
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:23 CEST (1560513863) altimeter: 32.4356663645, 
appTemp: 28.4438423329, barometer: 31.0999997015, cloudbase: 2428.62613272, 
consBatteryVoltage: 10.9487022194, dateTime: 1560513863, dewpoint: 
27.1894032337, heatindex: 32.6640591758, heatingVoltage: 11.3030628397, 
humidex: 32.6640591758, inDewpoint: 31.0795291942, inHumidity: 29.9999880596, 
inTemp: 63.0000059702, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999910447, outTemp: 32.6640591758, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999997015, radiation: 733.32196739, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.0, rxCheckPercent: 93.832828162, 
supplyVoltage: 12.0, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 10.2665075435, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6640591758, windDir: 359.999946268, 
windGust: 1.79106506248e-06, windGustDir: 359.999946268, windSpeed: 
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:26 CEST (1560513866) altimeter: 32.4356662875, 
appTemp: 28.4418117801, barometer: 31.0999996271, cloudbase: 2428.61582585, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.0316087609, dateTime: 1560513866, dewpoint: 
27.1876356875, heatindex: 32.6622462794, heatingVoltage: 11.1783566761, 
humidex: 32.6622462794, inDewpoint: 31.0795280358, inHumidity: 29.9999850848, 
inTemp: 63.0000074576, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999888136, outTemp: 32.6622462794, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999996271, radiation: 733.19332017, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.9216533773, rxCheckPercent: 93.832828162, 
supplyVoltage: 12.96531592, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 10.2647064824, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6622462794, windDir: 359.999932882, 
windGust: 2.23728193571e-06, windGustDir: 359.999932882, windSpeed: 
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:28 CEST (1560513868) altimeter: 32.435666202, appTemp: 
28.4397818506, barometer: 31.0999995445, cloudbase: 2428.60553938, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.0353413719, dateTime: 1560513868, dewpoint: 
27.1858686247, heatindex: 32.6604339561, heatingVoltage: 12.9011758178, 
humidex: 32.6604339561, inDewpoint: 31.0795267486, inHumidity: 29.9999817795, 
inTemp: 63.0000091103, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999863346, outTemp: 32.6604339561, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999995445, radiation: 733.000312346, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.4002898293, rxCheckPercent: 93.832828162, 
supplyVoltage: 11.0344697577, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2620043728, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6604339561, windDir: 
359.999918008, windGust: 2.73307844889e-06, windGustDir: 359.999918008, 
windSpeed: 2.27756537363e-06
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:31 CEST (1560513871) altimeter: 32.4356661079, 
appTemp: 28.4377525444, barometer: 31.0999994536, cloudbase: 2428.59527331, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.5797448406, dateTime: 1560513871, dewpoint: 
27.1841020451, heatindex: 32.6586222059, heatingVoltage: 12.7891324592, 
humidex: 32.6586222059, inDewpoint: 31.0795253328, inHumidity: 29.9999781436, 
inTemp: 63.0000109282, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999836077, outTemp: 32.6586222059, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999994536, radiation: 732.871615817, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 10.8918904831, rxCheckPercent: 87.1670753603, 
supplyVoltage: 11.0614950543, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2602026214, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6586222059, windDir: 
359.999901646, windGust: 3.27845459758e-06, windGustDir: 359.999901646, 
windSpeed: 2.73204549828e-06
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:33 CEST (1560513873) altimeter: 32.4356660053, 
appTemp: 28.4357238616, barometer: 31.0999993544, cloudbase: 2428.58502765, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.8933237667, dateTime: 1560513873, dewpoint: 
27.182335949, heatindex: 32.6568110288, heatingVoltage: 12.0, humidex: 
32.6568110288, inDewpoint: 31.0795237882, inHumidity: 29.9999741773, inTemp: 
63.0000129114, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999806329, outTemp: 32.6568110288, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999993544, radiation: 732.67853408, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.0, rxCheckPercent: 87.1670753603, 
supplyVoltage: 12.0, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 10.2574994771, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6568110288, windDir: 359.999883798, 
windGust: 3.87341037822e-06, windGustDir: 359.999883798, windSpeed: 
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:36 CEST (1560513876) altimeter: 32.4356658941, 
appTemp: 28.4336958023, barometer: 31.099999247, cloudbase: 2428.5748024, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.0, dateTime: 1560513876, dewpoint: 27.1805703364, 
heatindex: 32.6550004251, heatingVoltage: 11.1722746955, humidex: 
32.6550004251, inDewpoint: 31.0795221149, inHumidity: 29.9999698804, inTemp: 
63.0000150598, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999774103, outTemp: 32.6550004251, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.099999247, radiation: 732.54978831, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, rainRate: 
0, referenceVoltage: 11.2410289528, rxCheckPercent: 84.594209875, 
supplyVoltage: 11.3558062329, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2556970363, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6550004251, windDir: 
359.999864462, windGust: 4.51794578371e-06, windGustDir: 359.999864462, 
windSpeed: 3.76495481991e-06
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:38 CEST (1560513878) altimeter: 32.4356657744, 
appTemp: 28.4316683665, barometer: 31.0999991313, cloudbase: 2428.56459755, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.0, dateTime: 1560513878, dewpoint: 27.1788052072, 
heatindex: 32.6531903946, heatingVoltage: 11.2046340445, humidex: 
32.6531903946, inDewpoint: 31.0795203129, inHumidity: 29.9999652529, inTemp: 
63.0000173735, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999739397, outTemp: 32.6531903946, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999991313, radiation: 732.356632763, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 11.0021030815, rxCheckPercent: 82.7565504306, 
supplyVoltage: 12.0, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 10.2529928587, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6531903946, windDir: 359.999843638, 
windGust: 5.2120608105e-06, windGustDir: 359.999843638, windSpeed: 
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:41 CEST (1560513881) altimeter: 32.4356656461, 
appTemp: 28.4296415543, barometer: 31.0999990074, cloudbase: 2428.5544131, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.7167456595, dateTime: 1560513881, dewpoint: 
27.1770405617, heatindex: 32.6513809375, heatingVoltage: 11.5345352619, 
humidex: 32.6513809375, inDewpoint: 31.0795183821, inHumidity: 29.999960295, 
inTemp: 63.0000198525, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999702212, outTemp: 32.6513809375, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999990074, radiation: 732.227837819, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.0, rxCheckPercent: 82.7565504306, 
supplyVoltage: 12.0, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 10.2511897295, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6513809375, windDir: 359.999821327, 
windGust: 5.95575545237e-06, windGustDir: 359.999821327, windSpeed: 
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:43 CEST (1560513883) altimeter: 32.4356655093, 
appTemp: 28.4276153657, barometer: 31.0999988752, cloudbase: 2428.54424906, 
consBatteryVoltage: 11.4666233355, dateTime: 1560513883, dewpoint: 
27.1752763998, heatindex: 32.6495720538, heatingVoltage: 12.0, humidex: 
32.6495720538, inDewpoint: 31.0795163227, inHumidity: 29.9999550065, inTemp: 
63.0000224968, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999662549, outTemp: 32.6495720538, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999988752, radiation: 732.034608563, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.0, rxCheckPercent: 81.2376228603, 
supplyVoltage: 10.803825971, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 10.2484845199, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6495720538, windDir: 359.999797529, 
windGust: 6.7490297031e-06, windGustDir: 359.999797529, windSpeed: 
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:46 CEST (1560513886) altimeter: 32.4356653639, 
appTemp: 28.4255898008, barometer: 31.0999987347, cloudbase: 2428.53410542, 
consBatteryVoltage: 10.9626125323, dateTime: 1560513886, dewpoint: 
27.1735127216, heatindex: 32.6477637436, heatingVoltage: 10.8021737584, 
humidex: 32.6477637436, inDewpoint: 31.0795141345, inHumidity: 29.9999493875, 
inTemp: 63.0000253063, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999620406, outTemp: 32.6477637436, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999987347, radiation: 731.905764515, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.6224661482, rxCheckPercent: 78.995959119, 
supplyVoltage: 10.8277284054, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2466807032, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6477637436, windDir: 
359.999772243, windGust: 7.59188355559e-06, windGustDir: 359.999772243, 
windSpeed: 6.32656962996e-06
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:48 CEST (1560513888) altimeter: 32.43566521, appTemp: 
28.4235648596, barometer: 31.0999985859, cloudbase: 2428.52398218, 
consBatteryVoltage: 10.8529662581, dateTime: 1560513888, dewpoint: 
27.1717495272, heatindex: 32.645956007, heatingVoltage: 10.991261413, humidex: 
32.645956007, inDewpoint: 31.0795118176, inHumidity: 29.9999434379, inTemp: 
63.000028281, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999575784, outTemp: 32.645956007, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999985859, radiation: 731.712461652, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.0, rxCheckPercent: 87.8074352019, 
supplyVoltage: 11.0481193036, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2439744631, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.645956007, windDir: 
359.99974547, windGust: 8.48431700451e-06, windGustDir: 359.99974547, 
windSpeed: 7.07026417057e-06
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:51 CEST (1560513891) altimeter: 32.4356650475, 
appTemp: 28.4215405422, barometer: 31.0999984289, cloudbase: 2428.51387935, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.336239711, dateTime: 1560513891, dewpoint: 
27.1699868166, heatindex: 32.6441488439, heatingVoltage: 12.6358822473, 
humidex: 32.6441488439, inDewpoint: 31.079509372, inHumidity: 29.9999371578, 
inTemp: 63.0000314211, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999528683, outTemp: 32.6441488439, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999984289, radiation: 731.583568567, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.0, rxCheckPercent: 93.6317039427, 
supplyVoltage: 11.8518893123, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 
10.2421699599, windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6441488439, windDir: 
359.99971721, windGust: 9.42633004097e-06, windGustDir: 359.99971721, 
windSpeed: 7.855275034e-06
LOOP:   2019-06-14 14:04:53 CEST (1560513893) altimeter: 32.4356648765, 
appTemp: 28.4195168486, barometer: 31.0999982637, cloudbase: 2428.50379692, 
consBatteryVoltage: 12.2101729224, dateTime: 1560513893, dewpoint: 27.16822459, 
heatindex: 32.6423422546, heatingVoltage: 12.1769566377, humidex: 
32.6423422546, inDewpoint: 31.0795067977, inHumidity: 29.9999305472, inTemp: 
63.0000347264, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: None, outHumidity: 
79.9999479104, outTemp: 32.6423422546, outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 
31.0999982637, radiation: 731.390192201, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, 
rainRate: 0, referenceVoltage: 12.0, rxCheckPercent: 100.0, supplyVoltage: 
12.8609274193, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 10.2394626908, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.6423422546, windDir: 359.999687462, 
windGust: 1.04179226579e-05, windGustDir: 359.999687462, windSpeed: 
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/weewxd", line 64, in <module>
    weewx.engine.main(options, args)
  File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 890, in main
  File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 188, in run
    for packet in self.console.genLoopPackets():
  File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/drivers/", line 146, in 

log with Debug disabled

Jun 14 14:06:33 povej systemd: Starting SYSV: start and stop the weewx weather 
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26100]: engine: Initializing weewx version 3.9.1
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26100]: engine: Using Python 2.7.5 (default, Apr  9 
2019, 14:30:50) #012[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36)]
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26100]: engine: Platform 
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26100]: engine: Locale is 'sl_SI.UTF-8'
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26100]: engine: pid file is /var/run/
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx: Starting weewx: [  V redu  ]
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: engine: Using configuration file 
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: engine: Loading station type Simulator 
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 0x1
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: wxcalculate: The following values will be 
calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=prefer_hardware, 
dewpoint=prefer_hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, rainRate=prefer_hardware, 
windrun=prefer_hardware, heatindex=prefer_hardware, 
maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=prefer_hardware, 
inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter=prefer_hardware, 
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: wxcalculate: The following algorithms will 
be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: engine: Archive will use data binding 
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: engine: Record generation will be attempted 
in 'hardware'
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: engine: Using archive interval of 60 
seconds (specified in weewx configuration)
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej systemd: Started SYSV: start and stop the weewx weather 
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' to 
database 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: manager: Starting backfill of daily 
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: restx: StationRegistry: Registration not 
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: Data for station 
IDO10 will be posted
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: restx: PWSweather: Posting not enabled.
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: restx: CWOP: Posting not enabled.
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: restx: WOW: Posting not enabled.
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: restx: AWEKAS: Posting not enabled.
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: engine: Starting up weewx version 3.9.1
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: engine: Clock error is -0.06 seconds 
(positive is fast)
Jun 14 14:06:33 povej weewx[26104]: engine: Starting main packet loop.

Jun 14 14:07:16 povej weewx[26104]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:07:00 
CEST (1560514020) to database 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:07:16 povej weewx[26104]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:07:00 
CEST (1560514020) to daily summary in 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:07:16 povej weewx[26104]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: Published record 
2019-06-14 14:07:00 CEST (1560514020)
Jun 14 14:07:17 povej weewx[26104]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 8 files for 
report SeasonsReport in 1.19 seconds
Jun 14 14:07:18 povej weewx[26104]: imagegenerator: Generated 14 images for 
SeasonsReport in 0.25 seconds
Jun 14 14:07:18 povej weewx[26104]: copygenerator: copied 5 files to 

Jun 14 14:08:16 povej weewx[26104]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:08:00 
CEST (1560514080) to database 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:08:16 povej weewx[26104]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:08:00 
CEST (1560514080) to daily summary in 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:08:16 povej weewx[26104]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: Published record 
2019-06-14 14:08:00 CEST (1560514080)
Jun 14 14:08:17 povej weewx[26104]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 8 files for 
report SeasonsReport in 1.05 seconds
Jun 14 14:08:17 povej weewx[26104]: imagegenerator: Generated 14 images for 
SeasonsReport in 0.42 seconds
Jun 14 14:08:17 povej weewx[26104]: copygenerator: copied 0 files to 

Jun 14 14:10:16 povej weewx[26104]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:10:00 
CEST (1560514200) to database 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:10:16 povej weewx[26104]: manager: Added record 2019-06-14 14:10:00 
CEST (1560514200) to daily summary in 'weewx'
Jun 14 14:10:16 povej weewx[26104]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: Published record 
2019-06-14 14:10:00 CEST (1560514200)
Jun 14 14:10:17 povej weewx[26104]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 8 files for 
report SeasonsReport in 1.22 seconds
Jun 14 14:10:18 povej weewx[26104]: imagegenerator: Generated 14 images for 
SeasonsReport in 0.41 seconds
Jun 14 14:10:18 povej weewx[26104]: copygenerator: copied 0 files to 

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