OK ignore that sensor map I posted - my bad

weewx.conf section is

    # This section is for the Oregon Scientific WMR100
    # The station model, e.g., WMR100, WMR100N, WMRS200
    model = WMR100
    # How long a wind record can be used to calculate wind chill (in 
    stale_wind = 30
    # The driver to use:
    driver = weewx.drivers.wmr100

(there is no sensor map in the WMR100 section - note it does show Battery 
status of wind, rain, inside & outside sensors)

(also if there are # at the start doesnt it ignore that line??) 


On Saturday, 29 June 2019 12:12:22 UTC+1, Neil S wrote:
> So I have just upgraded to 3.9.1 (on Raspberry Pi).  Using the nice new 
> skin but cannot work out how to get the UV Sensor battery to show on the 
> web page. UV levels etc show OK but cant get battery status to show 
> (despite some config file fiddling)
> (WRM88 weather station) 
> Is it possible?
> Neil

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