seems a very strange thing to want to evaluate anyway - subtracting a 
humidity value from a temperature value!!

On Sunday, 7 July 2019 15:13:35 UTC+3, gjr80 wrote:
> Hi,
> What you saw in the template was not an evaluation (arithmetic) as such, 
> but simply showing two times in hour:minute format separated by a hyphen, 
> much like the result from your code. To do in-template arithmetic you need 
> to have some in-line python code to do the arithmetic and assign the result 
> to a variable then use the variable as a tag later in your template. 
> Something like (untested):
> #set $my_result = $current.extraTemp6.raw-$current.extraHumid6.raw
> <td class="stats_data">$my_result</td>
> The above is a very simplistic example (formatting will probably not be 
> what you want) but it gives you a start. You will find in-line python in a 
> number of the templates included with WeeWX.
> Gary

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