The following is a note response by Matthew in GitHub blog regarding 
Acurite Access:

*weewx does work with the access, but the access must send data in wu 
format. configure the access to send wu data. ideally you would configure 
it to send to the computer running weewx (use dns hijacking for this). then 
configure interceptor to listen (not sniff), and it will simply receive the 
wu data.*

*if you prefer to send to wu, then you must configure the interceptor to 
sniff the traffic (not listen).*

*please post on the weewx user group for further help on this.*

*i am sorry there is not yet a guide specifically for intercepter and 

*1) WU DNS forwarding by DD-WRT router*

Setup>Forced DNS Redirection [On]

Services>ServicesTab>DNSmasq>Additional DNSmasq Options
address=/ (where Y.Y.Y.Y is RaspberryPi IP)

*2) Directly test Interceptor* (should receive packages)

# PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python /usr/share/weewx/user/ 
--device=wu-client --mode=listen --port=80

*3) WeeWX Config*

    # This section is for the network traffic interceptor driver.
    driver = user.interceptor
    device_type = wu-client
    mode = listen
    port = 80

If all works, html file generated at /var/www/html/weewx/index.html

PS: repost, with minor tweek

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