Aug 18 20:27:52 norge systemd[1]: Starting SYSV: start and stop the weewx 
weather system...
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15908]: engine: Initializing weewx version 3.9.2
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15908]: engine: Using Python 2.7.5 (default, 
Jun 20 2019, 20:27:34) 
                                    [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36)]
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15908]: engine: Platform 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15908]: engine: Locale is 'en_CA.UTF-8'
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15908]: engine: pid file is /var/run/
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Using configuration file 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Debug is 1
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Initializing engine
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading station type Vantage 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Driver version is 3.1.1
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15900]: Starting weewx: [  OK  ]
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge systemd[1]: Started SYSV: start and stop the weewx 
weather system.
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge polkitd[3433]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for 
unix-process:15894:634733 (system bus name :1.242, object path 
/org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_CA.UTF-8) 
(disconnected from bus)
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge sudo[15887]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed 
for user root
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Opened up serial port 
/dev/ttyUSB0; baud 19200; timeout 5.00
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Gentle wake up of console 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Hardware type is 17
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: ISS ID is 1
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Hardware name: Vantage Vue
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 0x10
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: wxcalculate: The following values will 
be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=software, 
dewpoint=prefer_hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, 
rainRate=prefer_hardware, windrun=prefer_hardware, 
heatindex=prefer_hardware, maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, 
humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=prefer_hardware, 
inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter=prefer_hardware, 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: wxcalculate: The following algorithms 
will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Archive will use data binding 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Record generation will be 
attempted in 'hardware'
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Using archive interval of 300 
seconds (specified by hardware)
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Use LOOP data in hi/low 
calculations: 1
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: manager: Daily summary version is 2.0
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' to 
database 'weewx.sdb'
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: manager: Starting backfill of daily 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: restx: StationRegistry: Station will be 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: restx: Wunderground: No config info. 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: restx: PWSWeather: Data for station 
LakeEcho01 will be posted
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: restx: CWOP: Data for station VE1DX 
will be posted
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: restx: WOW: Data for station 953456001 
will be posted
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: restx: AWEKAS: Data will be uploaded 
for user VE1DX
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: restx: WeatherCloud: service version is 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: restx: WeatherCloud: Data will be 
uploaded for id=3563c30a5fb9c1d6
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: restx: Weather365: service version is 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: restx: Weather365: Data will be 
uploaded for station id RN5CDP36Y3
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Finished loading service 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Starting up weewx version 3.9.2
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: manager: Daily summary version is 2.0
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: manager: Daily summary version is 2.0
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: manager: Daily summary version is 2.0
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Gentle wake up of console 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: manager: Daily summary version is 2.0
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: manager: Daily summary version is 2.0
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: manager: Daily summary version is 2.0
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Clock error is 0.59 seconds 
(positive is fast)
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Getting archive packets since 
2019-08-26 19:12:00 ADT (1566857520)
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Gentle wake up of console 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Retrieving 2 page(s); starting 
index= 0
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: DMPAFT complete: page 
timestamp 2019-08-18 20:00:00 ADT (1566169200) less than final timestamp 
2019-08-26 19:12:00 ADT (1566857520)
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Catch up complete.
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: engine: Starting main packet loop.
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Gentle wake up of console 
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Requesting 200 LOOP packets.
Aug 18 20:27:52 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Gentle wake up of console 
Aug 18 20:30:01 norge systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of root.
Aug 18 20:30:01 norge systemd[1]: Started Session 55 of user root.
Aug 18 20:30:01 norge CROND[16127]: (root) CMD (/usr/lib64/sa/sa1 1 1)
Aug 18 20:30:01 norge systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of root.
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Getting archive packets since 
2019-08-26 19:12:00 ADT (1566857520)
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Gentle wake up of console 
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Retrieving 2 page(s); starting 
index= 0
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: DMPAFT complete: page 
timestamp 2019-08-18 20:00:00 ADT (1566169200) less than final timestamp 
2019-08-26 19:12:00 ADT (1566857520)
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Catch up complete.
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Running reports for 
latest time in the database.
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Requesting 200 LOOP packets.
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Running report 
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Found configuration file 
/home/weewx/skins/Standard/skin.conf for report 'StandardReport'
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: vantage: Gentle wake up of console 
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: cheetahgenerator: using search list 
['weewx.cheetahgenerator.Almanac', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Station', 
'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Current', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Stats', 
'weewx.cheetahgenerator.UnitInfo', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Extras']
Aug 18 20:30:16 norge weewx[15916]: manager: Daily summary version is 2.0
Aug 18 20:30:17 norge weewx[15916]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 14 files 
for report StandardReport in 0.50 seconds
Aug 18 20:30:17 norge weewx[15916]: manager: Daily summary version is 2.0
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: imagegenerator: Generated 53 images for 
StandardReport in 1.76 seconds
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: copygenerator: copied 14 files to 
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Report 'SeasonsReport' 
not enabled. Skipping.
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Report 'SmartphoneReport' 
not enabled. Skipping.
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Report 'MobileReport' not 
enabled. Skipping.
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Running report 'sftp'
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Found configuration file 
/home/weewx/skins/sftp/skin.conf for report 'sftp'
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: running SFTPGenerator 0.4
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: local_root=/home/weewx/public_html
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: remote_root=public_html
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: server=XXXXXX port=9999 
Aug 18 20:30:18 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: connecting to
Aug 18 20:30:19 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: create remote directory 
Aug 18 20:30:20 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:20 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:20 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:20 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:20 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:21 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:21 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:21 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:21 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:21 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:21 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:22 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:22 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:22 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:22 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:22 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:23 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:23 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:23 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:23 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:23 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:24 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:24 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:24 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:24 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:24 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:24 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:25 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:25 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:25 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:25 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:25 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:25 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:26 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:26 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:26 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:26 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:26 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:26 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:27 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:27 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:27 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:27 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:27 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:28 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:28 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:28 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:28 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:28 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:28 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:29 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:29 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:29 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:29 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:29 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:29 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:30 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:30 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:30 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:30 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:30 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:30 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:31 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:31 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: create remote directory 
Aug 18 20:30:31 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:31 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:31 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: create remote directory 
Aug 18 20:30:31 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:31 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:32 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:32 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:32 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:32 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:32 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:32 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: create remote directory 
Aug 18 20:30:33 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:33 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:33 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:33 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:33 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: create remote directory 
Aug 18 20:30:33 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:33 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: create remote directory 
Aug 18 20:30:33 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: uploaded file 
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: sftp: create remote directory 
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: sftpgenerator: transferred 83 files in 
16.07 seconds
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Running report 'FTP'
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Found configuration file 
/home/weewx/skins/Ftp/skin.conf for report 'FTP'
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: ftpgenerator: FTP upload not requested. 
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Running report 'RSYNC'
Aug 18 20:30:34 norge weewx[15916]: reportengine: Found configuration file 
/home/weewx/skins/Rsync/skin.conf for report 'RSYNC'
Aug 18 20:30:35 norge weewx[15916]: rsyncupload: rsync'd 84 files (415,682 
bytes) in 1.01 seconds

See anything amiss there, Tom or Gary (or anyone?)  Usually it always notes 
it's adding the records to the database (2 lines), but they are not there 
and haven't been since earlier today.  I XXXXX'ed out ther server and user 
on the FTP side.  But other than that, the log is as the CentOS system 
generated it with Debug = 1 enabled.  Seems to be waking up the Console.  
Checks the time, etc.  What did I inadvertantely change or miss

- Paul VE1DX

On Sunday, August 18, 2019 at 8:22:54 PM UTC-3, Thomas Keffer wrote:
> Paul, can you run with debug=1? It will give details in the log about 
> attempts to contact the logger.
> -tk
> On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 4:18 PM WindnFog < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 18:45:00 ADT (1566164700) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 18:45:00 ADT (1566164700) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 18:50:00 ADT (1566165000) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 18:50:00 ADT (1566165000) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 18:55:00 ADT (1566165300) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 18:55:00 ADT (1566165300) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:00:00 ADT (1566165600) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:00:00 ADT (1566165600) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:05:00 ADT (1566165900) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:05:00 ADT (1566165900) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:10:00 ADT (1566166200) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:10:00 ADT (1566166200) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:15:00 ADT (1566166500) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:15:00 ADT (1566166500) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:20:00 ADT (1566166800) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:20:00 ADT (1566166800) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:25:00 ADT (1566167100) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:25:00 ADT (1566167100) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:30:00 ADT (1566167400) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:30:00 ADT (1566167400) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:35:00 ADT (1566167700) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:35:00 ADT (1566167700) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:40:00 ADT (1566168000) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:40:00 ADT (1566168000) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:45:00 ADT (1566168300) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:45:00 ADT (1566168300) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:50:00 ADT (1566168600) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:50:00 ADT (1566168600) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:55:00 ADT (1566168900) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:56:19 norge wee_device[12532]: manager: Added record 2019-08-18 
>> 19:55:00 ADT (1566168900) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:57:55 norge wee_device[12612]: vantage: Archive memory cleared.
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge sudo[12620]:     root : TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/root ; 
>> USER=root ; COMMAND=/etc/init.d/weewx start
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge polkitd[3433]: Registered Authentication Agent for 
>> unix-process:12627:455583 (system bus name :1.207 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent 
>> --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path 
>> /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_CA.UTF-8)
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge systemd[1]: Starting SYSV: start and stop the weewx 
>> weather system...
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12641]: engine: Initializing weewx version 
>> 3.9.2
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12641]: engine: Using Python 2.7.5 (default, 
>> Jun 20 2019, 20:27:34) 
>>                                     [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 
>> 4.8.5-36)]
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12641]: engine: Platform 
>> Linux-3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-centos-7.6.1810-Core
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12641]: engine: Locale is 'en_CA.UTF-8'
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12641]: engine: pid file is /var/run/
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: engine: Using configuration file 
>> /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: engine: Loading station type Vantage 
>> (weewx.drivers.vantage)
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12633]: Starting weewx: [  OK  ]
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge systemd[1]: Started SYSV: start and stop the weewx 
>> weather system.
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge polkitd[3433]: Unregistered Authentication Agent 
>> for unix-process:12627:455583 (system bus name :1.207, object path 
>> /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_CA.UTF-8) 
>> (disconnected from bus)
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge sudo[12620]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed 
>> for user root
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 0x10
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: wxcalculate: The following values 
>> will be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=software, 
>> dewpoint=prefer_hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, 
>> rainRate=prefer_hardware, windrun=prefer_hardware, 
>> heatindex=prefer_hardware, maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, 
>> humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=prefer_hardware, 
>> inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter=prefer_hardware, 
>> cloudbase=prefer_hardware
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: wxcalculate: The following algorithms 
>> will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: engine: Archive will use data binding 
>> wx_binding
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: engine: Record generation will be 
>> attempted in 'hardware'
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: engine: Using archive interval of 300 
>> seconds (specified by hardware)
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: engine: Using binding 'wx_binding' to 
>> database 'weewx.sdb'
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: manager: Starting backfill of daily 
>> summaries
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: manager: Processed 223 records to 
>> backfill 2 day summaries in 0.04 seconds
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: restx: StationRegistry: Station will 
>> be registered.
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: restx: Wunderground: No config info. 
>> Skipped.
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: restx: PWSWeather: Data for station 
>> LakeEcho01 will be posted
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: restx: CWOP: Data for station VE1DX 
>> will be posted
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: restx: WOW: Data for station 
>> 953456001 will be posted
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: restx: AWEKAS: Data will be uploaded 
>> for user VE1DX
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: restx: WeatherCloud: service version 
>> is 0.10
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: restx: WeatherCloud: Data will be 
>> uploaded for id=3563c30a5fb9c1d6
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: restx: Weather365: service version is 
>> 1.1
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: restx: Weather365: Data will be 
>> uploaded for station id RN5CDP36Y3
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: engine: Starting up weewx version 
>> 3.9.2
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: engine: Clock error is 0.05 seconds 
>> (positive is fast)
>> Aug 18 19:58:00 norge weewx[12649]: engine: Starting main packet loop.
>> Aug 18 20:00:01 norge systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of root.
>> Aug 18 20:00:01 norge systemd[1]: Started Session 42 of user root.
>> Aug 18 20:00:01 norge CROND[12905]: (root) CMD (/usr/lib64/sa/sa1 1 1)
>> Aug 18 20:00:01 norge systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of root.
>> Aug 18 20:00:17 norge weewx[12649]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 14 files 
>> for report StandardReport in 0.49 seconds
>> Aug 18 20:00:18 norge weewx[12649]: imagegenerator: Generated 53 images 
>> for StandardReport in 1.75 seconds
>> Aug 18 20:00:18 norge weewx[12649]: copygenerator: copied 14 files to 
>> /home/weewx/public_html
>> Aug 18 20:00:36 norge weewx[12649]: sftpgenerator: transferred 83 files 
>> in 17.38 seconds
>> Aug 18 20:00:38 norge weewx[12649]: rsyncupload: rsync'd 84 files 
>> (1,435,923 bytes) in 1.88 seconds
>> Aug 18 20:01:01 norge systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of root.
>> Aug 18 20:01:01 norge systemd[1]: Started Session 43 of user root.
>> Aug 18 20:01:01 norge CROND[12990]: (root) CMD (run-parts 
>> /etc/cron.hourly)
>> Aug 18 20:01:01 norge run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[12994]: starting 
>> 0anacron
>> Aug 18 20:01:01 norge run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[13002]: finished 
>> 0anacron
>> Aug 18 20:01:01 norge systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of root.
>> Curious-er and curious-er, Gary.  The dump worked fine, and so did the 
>> clear.  But, no data is being retrieved by /usr/bin/weewxd . . . I'm 
>> getting suspicious it might be the interface.  I rebooted the server 
>> (powered it off to be sure) and reset the Console (unplugged and removed 
>> batteries to be sure as well.)  The logger is then "empty" and starts to 
>> fill up as it's talking to the remote ISS fine.  
>> I just can't get data from the console to the database with the weewxd 
>> daemon.  This worked for years!  I did unplug the logger from the console 
>> and tried a different console (I have a second one in the living room I 
>> just look at and don't acquire data from.)  Unless you can think of a 
>> software issue we haven't tried, or some sort of master reset, then I guess 
>> I'll have to replace the logger module.  Which, as you know, means buying a 
>> useless piece of expensive software to get it.  Sigh!  
>> Any more thoughts on the weewx side before I order a logger?  I could 
>> flash up an old Windows-10 system tomorrow and see if the Davis Software 
>> will talk to it.  There has to be something else I'm missing.  Had I fooled 
>> with the config files or the html template in the past little while, I'd 
>> blame that, bu talas, I have been leaving it alone and this afternoon if 
>> decided it was tired working . . . 
>> - Paul VEDX
>> On Sunday, August 18, 2019 at 7:10:30 PM UTC-3, gjr80 wrote:
>>> Apologies, I missed the ‘not downloading data’ part of the issue and 
>>> focussed on the template error. The lack of data from the station will be 
>>> the root cause of the template error. You are correct that the dump will 
>>> dump archive records from logger to archive but that won’t fix the problem. 
>>> Do another —dump (to pick up any records since the last —dump) then clear 
>>> the logger memory with —clear-memory. The restart and monitor the log to 
>>> see if data is downloaded from the station. 
>>> Gary
>> -- 
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