Hi everyone,

i'm new into the world weewx. Looking for some help....

My setup is:
- ambient ws2902 CLONE
- interceptor driver in listen mode, port 8000
- weather station is set to send data to my server, on port 8000

My first step looked good! The command:
python interceptor.py --mode=listen --port=8000 --debug

worked excellent, although it did report in the logs that 4 parameters were 
not being recognized (no big deal).
Here is the output
identifiers: {'bridge_id': None, 'sensor_type': None, 'sensor_id': None} 
raw data: 
raw packet: {'temperature_in..': 77.4, 'winddir..': 138.0, 'dateTime': 
1566745024, 'usUnits..': 1, 'pressure..': 30.071, 'humidity_in..': 58.0, 
'temperature..': 88.9, 'dateTime..': 1566745024, 'windspeed..': 0.9, 
'rainfall..': None, 'usUnits': 1, 'humidity..': 37.0} mapped packet: 
{'pressure': 30.071, 'inHumidity': 58.0, 'inTemp': 77.4, 'usUnits': 1, 
'dateTime': 1566745024}

Then.. i tried to run weewx (from commandline) with the interceptor-driver. 
My config for the interceptor is like this:
[Interceptor] # This section is for the network traffic interceptor driver. 
# The driver to use: driver = user.interceptor # Specify the hardware 
device to capture. Options include: # acurite-bridge - acurite internet 
bridge, smarthub, or access # observer - fine offset WH2600/HP1000/HP1003, 
ambient WS2902 # lw30x - oregon scientific LW301/LW302 # lacrosse-bridge - 
lacrosse GW1000U/C84612 internet bridge # wu-client - any hardware that 
uses the weather underground protocol device_type = wu-client port = 8000 

It looks like weeewx starts the Interceptor listening server on 8000 but 
within the same second it shuts the serverport again. Weewx keeps doing 
this every 300 seconds (probably since that is the archive interval). 

Here's my output from the log (debug set to 1):

Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: engine: Using configuration file 
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: engine: Loading station type 
Interceptor (user.interceptor)
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: interceptor: MainThread: driver 
version is 0.46
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: interceptor: MainThread: device 
type: wu-client
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: interceptor: MainThread: sensor 
map: None
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: interceptor: MainThread: mode is 
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: interceptor: MainThread: listen on 
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: engine: StdConvert target unit is 
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: wxcalculate: The following values 
will be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, windchill=prefer_hardware, 
dewpoint=prefer_hardware, appTemp=prefer_hardware, 
rainRate=prefer_hardware, windrun=prefer_hardware, 
heatindex=prefer_hardware, maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, 
humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=prefer_hardware, 
inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter=prefer_hardware, 
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: wxcalculate: The following 
algorithms will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: engine: Archive will use data 
binding wx_binding
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: engine: Record generation will be 
attempted in 'software'
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: engine: Using archive interval of 
300 seconds (software record generation)
Aug 25 16:48:54 weerstation weewx[9422]: interceptor: MainThread: shutting 
down server thread

Is there something (simple) i've been missing? The server should keep 
listening on port 8000 all the time not just a the every 3 minutes for just 
a second....

My database is on a different server. So far there is no data at all pushed 
into the db.... 

I've read the documentation on both weewx and the interceptor driver, but i 
can't find anything wrong....

Any hints/tips?


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