I would like to use the WeeWx Smartphone skin as my SmartHome page, too. No 
automation, just manual switches. Whoever is using Tasmota firmware may 
actually get their SmartHome this way both quicker and simpler. I plan to 
avoid additional home automation programs and OS-es. What I need, I will 
program myself, it is both easy and simple.

My problem is: I do not work with HTML programming and I am unable to solve 
likely very basic stuff on my own. So, I am wondering: is there an existing 
template with Tasmota http link "buttons" I can use? It is impossible 
nobody else wanted to do the same as I do. But, I can not find anything. 
Usability of Google groups is quite terrible and it did not help me.

Alternativelly, if someone is willing to help me with some basic html 
stuff, we can make this new template very quickly. Just excuse my "hybrid" 
code formatting.

Currenly, I have added links to the Smartphone page:

# open balcony shutter completely
<a href="";>Open balcony</a>

# set it to 35% open so cats can get in and out if the door is open
<a href="";>Close to cats</a>

Works, but is not elegant - I do not need it to open page with reply, just 
to execute that link! So, if someone with HTML knowledge could help, I 
would be gratefull. How to NOT open the new page when I execute above links!

I need to open the link only when I am asking a status of a switch. 

Now for the real deal. Ideally, three functions should be done. My link 
method does only #3. and not elegantly.

1. Read data on startup and assign to variable(s). Say: read balcony 
shutter and keep info how much percent it is open. In case of a switch: it 
would say if a switch is On or Off.

2. Present read data on the button: the description of the function 
(switch) and the current state (from 1). This should look like current 
buttons in Smartskin to keep the apperance. Say: "Balcony shutter open - 
35%". Or Lamp Switch 1 - On.

3. When this "button" is pressed, execute html link under that "button" 
without opening a new window (just leave the screen as it was). As per #2. 
- it would open shutter fully (to 100%). Or toggle lamp to Off. Page can be 
reread at that time (when the answer arrives), and due to steps 1. and 2. 
new data will be presented.

Tasmota communicates simply by http requests: IP address of the switch and 
a command after =

# execute command "Power1 1" - or turn the switch 1 On

# execute command "Power1 0" - or turn the switch 1 Off

# get current status of the switch 1

#To each command, reply shows current state
# or

For shutters, it is best to use modified Tasmota.
# in case of Shutters: open Shutters 100% - command "ShutterPosition 100"

# in case of Shutters: open Shutters to 35% - command "ShutterPosition 35"

# ask how much % shutters are open: command "ShutterPosition"

will return, depending on the current state:
# and if fully closed, answer is 0

So, the system is always the same. Commands may change. But, once we have 
HTML template for just one Tasmota command, it can be modified in seconds 
for any other command. All 3 things from the above list should be done for 
a complete system.

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