I use an RPi Zero W for Weewx and Nginx as well.
I use systemd to manage it and have pre-requisites that the 'ntp.service' 
and 'time-sync.service' have completed before it will start.

On Monday, November 18, 2019 at 11:52:38 PM UTC+11, David VE3STI wrote:
> The problems occur during the startup, before the RPi sets its clock from 
> the Internet, and appear to be issues with the RPi and the Davis equipment 
> disagreeing on the time and getting muddled. It has been the topic of much 
> discussion and you can read the gory details in the wiki. I won't go into 
> the details here. If you have a UPS and rarely reboot, it becomes almost a 
> non-issue.
> David

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