Good evening to all
I'm a beginner and it's the first time j write here
Someone could help me solve a problem with rain and wind hideki sensors
my weewx through nesdr can take all the hideki sensors
example giving the command
sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog

Nov 24 19:42:18 raspberrypi weewx[919]: sdr: MainThread: lines=[]
Nov 24 19:42:24 raspberrypi weewx[919]: sdr: MainThread: lines=['{"time" : 
"2019-11-24 18:42:18", "model" : "HIDEKI TS04 sensor", "rc" : 1, "channel" 
: 5, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 11.300, "humidity" : 84, "mic" : 
"CRC"}\n', '{"time" : "2019-11-24 18:42:18", "model" : "HIDEKI TS04 
sensor", "rc" : 1, "channel" : 5, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 
11.300, "humidity" : 84, "mic" : "CRC"}\n', '{"time" : "2019-11-24 
18:42:18", "model" : "HIDEKI TS04 sensor", "rc" : 1, "channel" : 5, 
"battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 11.300, "humidity" : 84, "mic" : 
"CRC"}\n', '{"time" : "2019-11-24 18:42:20", "model" : "HIDEKI Wind 
sensor", "rc" : 3, "channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 
11.200, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.800, "gust_speed_mph" : 0.000, "wind_approach" 
: -1, "wind_direction" : 225.000, "mic" : "CRC"}\n', '{"time" : "2019-11-24 
18:42:20", "model" : "HIDEKI Wind sensor", "rc" : 3, "channel" : 4, 
"battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 11.200, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.800, 
"gust_speed_mph" : 0.000, "wind_approach" : -1, "wind_direction" : 225.000, 
"mic" : "CRC"}\n', '{"time" : "2019-11-24 18:42:20", "model" : "HIDEKI Wind 
sensor", "rc" : 3, "channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 
11.200, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.800, "gust_speed_mph" : 0.000, "wind_approach" 
: -1, "wind_direction" : 225.000, "mic" : "CRC"}\n']

but the data of the two wind and rain sensors at the start of the weeewx 
command are

REC: 2019-11-24 19:45:00 CET (1574621100) altimeter: 29.6391463737, 
appTemp: None, barometer: 29.6550231288, cloudbase: 1485.29012332, 
dateTime: 1574621100.0, dewpoint: 50.7616999571, ET: None, heatindex: 
53.024, humidex: 55.6811825747, inDewpoint: 47.6495854633, inHumidity: 
84.0, inTemp: 52.34, inTempBatteryStatus: 0.0, interval: 5, maxSolarRad: 
0.0, outHumidity: 92.0, outTemp: 53.024, outTempBatteryStatus: 0.0, 
pressure: 28.6202807991, rain: 0.0, rain_total: None, rainRate: 0.0, 
usUnits: 1, windBatteryStatus: 0.0, windchill: None, windDir: None, 
windGust: None, windGustDir: None, windrun: None, windSpeed: None
LOOP: 2019-11-24 19:45:42 CET (1574621142) altimeter: 29.6387270474, 
dateTime: 1574621142, inDewpoint: 47.6495854633, inHumidity: 84.0, inTemp: 
52.34, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: 0.0, pressure: 28.6198732852, 
rainRate: 0, usUnits: 1
purtroppo non ho dati vento e dai pioggia

my sensor map is right

This section is for the software-defined radio driver.
The driver to use
driver = user.sdr
cmd = rtl_433 -M utc -F json -R 42
outTempBatteryStatus = battery.1:5.HidekiTS04Packet
outHumidity = humidity.1:5.HidekiTS04Packet
outTemp = temperature.1:5.HidekiTS04Packet
inTempBatteryStatus = battery.5:1.HidekiTS04Packet
inHumidity = humidity.5:1.HidekiTS04Packet
inTemp = temperature.5:1.HidekiTS04Packet
windDir = wind_dir.4:3.HidekiWindPacket
windSpeed = wind_speed.4:3.HidekiWindPacket
windGust = wind_gust.4:3.HidekiWindPacket
windBatteryStatus = battery.4:3.HidekiWindPacket
rainBatteryStatus = battery.4.HidekiRainPacket
rain_total = rain_total.4:0.HidekiRainPacket

giving the direct command
rtl_433 -M utc -F json -R 42
"time" : "2019-11-24 19:13:41", "model" : "HIDEKI Wind sensor", "rc" : 3, 
"channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 11.000, "wind_speed_mph" 
: 1.300, "gust_speed_mph" : 0.100, "wind_approach" : 1, "wind_direction" : 
270.000, "mic" : "CRC"}
{"time" : "2019-11-24 19:13:41", "model" : "HIDEKI Wind sensor", "rc" : 3, 
"channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 11.000, "wind_speed_mph" 
: 1.300, "gust_speed_mph" : 0.100, "wind_approach" : 1, "wind_direction" : 
270.000, "mic" : "CRC"}
{"time" : "2019-11-24 19:13:41", "model" : "HIDEKI Wind sensor", "rc" : 3, 
"channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 11.000, "wind_speed_mph" 
: 1.300, "gust_speed_mph" : 0.100, "wind_approach" : 1, "wind_direction" : 
270.000, "mic" : "CRC"}
{"time" : "2019-11-24 19:13:45", "model" : "HIDEKI TS04 sensor", "rc" : 1, 
"channel" : 5, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 11.100, "humidity" : 84, 
"mic" : "CRC"}
{"time" : "2019-11-24 19:13:45", "model" : "HIDEKI TS04 sensor", "rc" : 1, 
"channel" : 5, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 11.100, "humidity" : 84, 
"mic" : "CRC"}
{"time" : "2019-11-24 19:13:45", "model" : "HIDEKI TS04 sensor", "rc" : 1, 
"channel" : 5, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 11.100, "humidity" : 84, 
"mic" : "CRC"}
{"time" : "2019-11-24 19:13:52", "model" : "HIDEKI Rain sensor", "rc" : 0, 
"channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "rain_mm" : 274.400, "mic" : "CRC"}
{"time" : "2019-11-24 19:13:52", "model" : "HIDEKI Rain sensor", "rc" : 0, 
"channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "rain_mm" : 274.400, "mic" : "CRC"}
{"time" : "2019-11-24 19:13:52", "model" : "HIDEKI Rain sensor", "rc" : 0, 
"channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "rain_mm" : 274.400, "mic" : "CRC"}

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