here is my bootstrap skin which generates temperature and rain tables 
correctly but fails to create the NOAA button select table and instead 
gives a spurious error saying min values, max values and colours must have 
same number of elements. Whilst this is correct for normal history tables 
it does not apply to the NOAA table.  I assume that the NOAA section is not 
being identified as a NOAA table - why not??

On Monday, 9 December 2019 18:08:46 UTC+2, Michi Kaa wrote:
> I think I was the one who gave the answer on github. Did you post how you 
> solved it?
> Am Sonntag, 8. Dezember 2019 08:59:18 UTC+1 schrieb Mikael Fredriksson:
>> Andrew,
>> Finally got it to work
>> !
>> Got an answer on my comment on github, and followed the proceduer. 
>> I must have made some misstake before because it looks like this was what 
>> you told me to do.
>> My NOAA works also but I haven't made any changes on that.
>> Hope you get some answer to your issue with this now!
>> And thanks for your answers on this!
>> /Mikael
>> Den söndag 8 december 2019 kl. 00:49:39 UTC+1 skrev Andrew Milner:
>>> does the log offer any clues??  worked for me just changing history 
>>> and the skin.conf.  I suspect noaa does not work for me 
>>> because i have changed my noaa files to html instead of txt and also 
>>> altered the header lines so suspect i have upset something!!  I've also 
>>> emailed him and also not heard anything back (yet).
>>> On Sunday, 8 December 2019 00:26:31 UTC+2, Mikael Fredriksson wrote:
>>>> Andrew,
>>>> I've tried to copy these files and even changed them line by line in 
>>>> place, but the summary columns just won't apear. 
>>>> Don't know what to try more, I left a comment on his github. Hope to 
>>>> get some answer to this.
>>>> /Micael
>>>> Den måndag 2 december 2019 kl. 04:17:46 UTC+1 skrev Andrew Milner:
>>>>> i only copied the files a week or so ago.  The only problem I am 
>>>>> having is with the noaa table which is giving me an error - i have got 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> summary columns for the min, max, rain tables working as expected.
>>>>> On Sunday, 1 December 2019 23:43:50 UTC+2, Mikael Fredriksson wrote:
>>>>>> Ok, thanks Andrew!
>>>>>> I did also try to update and use the new files but nothing changed so 
>>>>>> I guess this has been removed in the latest update.
>>>>>> Mikael

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#                          STANDARD SKIN CONFIGURATION FILE                     
#                    Copyright (c) 2010 Tom Keffer <>          
#                      See the file LICENSE.txt for your full rights.           
#    $Revision: 737 $
#    $Author: tkeffer $
#    $Date: 2012-11-04 09:05:51 -0800 (Sun, 04 Nov 2012) $


    # Put any extra tags here that you want to be available in the templates
    # Here's an example. 
    # This radar image would be available as $Extras.radar_img
    # (Comment the line out if you don't want to include the radar image)
    radar_img =
    # This URL will be used as the image hyperlink:
    radar_url =
    # Here's another. If you have a Google Analytics ID, uncomment and edit 
    # the next line, and the analytics code will automatically be included
    # in your generated HTML files:
    #googleAnalyticsId = UA-12345678-1


    # This section is for managing the selection and formatting of units.
        # For each group of measurements, this section sets what units to use 
for it.
        # NB: The unit is always in the singular. I.e., 'mile_per_hour', NOT 
        group_altitude     = meter                 # Options are 'foot' or 
        group_degree_day   = degree_C_day         # Options are 'degree_F_day' 
or 'degree_C_day'
        group_direction    = degree_compass
        group_moisture     = centibar
        group_percent      = percent
        group_pressure     = mbar                 # Options are 'inHg', 'mmHg', 
'mbar', or 'hPa'
        group_radiation    = watt_per_meter_squared
        group_rain         = mm                   # Options are 'inch', 'cm', 
or 'mm'
        group_rainrate     = mm_per_hour          # Options are 
'inch_per_hour', 'cm_per_hour', or 'mm_per_hour'
        group_speed        = knot                 # Options are 
'mile_per_hour', 'km_per_hour', 'knot', or 'meter_per_second'
        group_speed2       = knot2                # Options are 
'mile_per_hour2', 'km_per_hour2', 'knot2', or 'meter_per_second2'
        group_temperature  = degree_C             # Options are 'degree_F' or 
        group_uv           = uv_index
        group_volt         = volt

        # The following unit groups are used internally and should not be 
        group_count        = count
        group_interval     = minute
        group_time         = unix_epoch

        # This section sets the string formatting for each type of unit.
        centibar           = %.0f
        cm                 = %.2f
        cm_per_hour        = %.2f
        count              = %.0f
        degree_C           = %.1f
        degree_F           = %.1f
        degree_compass     = %.0f
        foot               = %.0f
        hPa                = %.1f
        inHg               = %.3f
        inch               = %.2f
        inch_per_hour      = %.2f
        km_per_hour        = %.0f
        km_per_hour2       = %.1f
        knot               = %.0f
        knot2              = %.1f
        mbar               = %.1f
        meter              = %.0f
        meter_per_second   = %.1f
        meter_per_second2  = %.1f
        mile_per_hour      = %.0f
        mile_per_hour2     = %.1f
        mm                 = %.1f
        mmHg               = %.1f
        mm_per_hour        = %.1f
        percent            = %.0f
        uv_index           = %.1f
        volt               = %.1f
        watt_per_meter_squared = %.0f
        NONE               = "   N/A"

        # This section sets a label to be used for each type of unit.
        centibar          = " cb"
        cm                = " cm"
        cm_per_hour       = " cm/hr"
        degree_C          =   °C
        degree_F          =   °F
        degree_compass    =   °
        foot              = " feet"
        hPa               = " hPa"
        inHg              = " inHg"
        inch              = " in"
        inch_per_hour     = " in/hr"
        km_per_hour       = " kph"
        km_per_hour2      = " kph"
        knot              = " knots"
        knot2             = " knots"
        mbar              = " mbar"
        meter             = " meters"
        meter_per_second  = " m/s"
        meter_per_second2 = " m/s"
        mile_per_hour     = " mph"
        mile_per_hour2    = " mph"
        mm                = " mm"
        mmHg              = " mmHg"
        mm_per_hour       = " mm/hr"
        percent           =   %
        volt              = " V"
        watt_per_meter_squared = " W/m²"
        NONE              = ""
        # This section sets the string format to be used
        # each time scale.
        day        = %H:%M
        week       = %H:%M on %A
        month      = %d %b %Y %H:%M
        year       = %d %b %Y %H:%M
        rainyear   = %d %b %Y %H:%M
        current    = %d %b %Y %H:%M
        ephem_day  = %H:%M
        ephem_year = %d-%b-%Y %H:%M

          # This section sets the base temperatures used for the calculation
          # of heating and cooling degree-days.
          # Base temperature for heating days, with unit:
          heating_base = 65, degree_F
          # Base temperature for cooling days, with unit:
          cooling_base = 65, degree_F

        time_delta = 10800  # 3 hours
        time_grace = 300    # 5 minutes 



    # Generic labels
    # Set to hemisphere abbreviations suitable for your location: 
    hemispheres = N, S, E, W

        # Generic labels, keyed by an observation type.
        barometer      = Barometer
        dewpoint       = Dew Point
        heatindex      = Heat Index
        inHumidity     = In Humid
        inTemp         = In Temp
        outHumidity    = Out Humid
        outTemp        = Out Temp
        radiation      = Radiation
        rain           = Rain
        rainRate       = Rain Rate
        rxCheckPercent = ISS Signal Quality
        windDir        = Wind Dir
        windGust       = Gust Speed
        windGustDir    = Gust Dir
        windSpeed      = Wind Speed
        windchill      = Wind Chill
        windgustvec    = Gust Vector
        windvec        = Wind Vector
        # This one is probably specific to my station!
        extraTemp1     = Pond Temperature



    # Set a language below and labels will be overridden with any that are 
specified in
    # skins/languages/[language].conf
    # Choices are: espanol, francais, italian, german

    # language = espanol


    # The labels to be used for the phases of the moon:
    moon_phases = New, Waxing crescent, First quarter, Waxing gibbous, Full, 
Waning gibbous, Last quarter, Waning crescent



    # This section is used by the generator CheetahGenerator, and specifies
    # which files are to be generated from which template.

    encoding = utf8    # Possible encodings are 'html_entities', 'utf8', or 

    search_list_extensions = user.historygenerator.MyXSearch, 

        # Reports that summarize "by month"
#        [[[NOAA_month]]]
#            encoding = strict_ascii
#            template = NOAA/NOAA-YYYY-MM.txt.tmpl

            template = NOAA/NOAA-YYYY-MM.html.tmpl

        # Reports that summarize "by year"
#        [[[NOAA_year]]]
#            encoding = strict_ascii
#            template = NOAA/NOAA-YYYY.txt.tmpl

            template = NOAA/NOAA-YYYY.html.tmpl

        # Reports that show statistics "to date", such as day-to-date,
        # week-to-date, month-to-date, etc.
            template = history.html.tmpl

        # Pages that do not require time interval specific tags
            template = about.html.tmpl
#        [[[news]]]
#            template = news.html.tmpl            
            template = stats.html.tmpl

            template = index.html.tmpl

            template = indextxt.html.tmpl
            template = week.html.tmpl
            template = month.html.tmpl
            template = year.html.tmpl

            template = forecast.html.tmpl

            template = dam_levels.html.tmpl

            template = plants.html.tmpl

#        [[[plantsdash]]]
#            template = plantlinkdash.html.tmpl


    # This section is used by the generator CopyGenerator

    # List of files that are to be copied at the first invocation of the 
generator only
    copy_once = css/*, js/*, assets/*, meso/*, style/*, favicon.ico
    # List of files to be copied every time:
    # copy_always = 



    # Labels specific to the Bootstrap template

    title = "The weather, in Moni, Limassol, Cyprus"
    location_href = ",_Cyprus";
    footer = "&copy; Milner 2015"

        front_page  = The Weather
        forecast    = Forecast
        dams        = Dam levels
        stats       = Stats
        history     = History
        graphs      = Graphs
        news        = News
        about       = About
        plants      = Plants
        last_update = Last updated

        day      = Last 24 hours
        today    = Since midnight            # today = any time since midnight
        week     = Past 7 days
        month    = Past 30 days
        year     = Past year
        ever     = Since 

        latitude       = Latitude:
        longitude      = Longitude:
        altitude       = Altitude:
        station_uptime = Station uptime:
        server_uptime  = Server uptime:

        min_temp = Minimum Temperature
        max_temp = Maximum Temperature
        avg_temp = Average Temperature
        rain     = Rainfall (mm)
        rain_days= Days when rain fell
        NOAA     = Monthly summaries
        NOAA1     = Monthly summaries (
        NOAA2     = select by year 
        NOAA3     = ) & Daily summaries ( 
        NOAA4     = select by month/year
        NOAA5     = )

        min = Low
        max = High

        readings = Readings
        dash = Dashboard



    # Settings for the HTML month/year colour coded summary table generator

    # minvalues, maxvalues and colours should contain the same number of 
    # For example,  the [min_temp] example below, if the minimum temperature 
measured in
    # a month is between -50 and -10 (degC) then the cell will be shaded in 
html colour code #0029E5.

    # Default is temperature scale
    minvalues = -50, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35
    maxvalues =  -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 60
    colours =   "#0029E5", "#0186E7", "#02E3EA", "#04EC97", "#05EF3D2, 
"#2BF207", "#8AF408", "#E9F70A", "#F9A90B", "#FC4D0D", "#FF0F2D"
    fontColours = "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", 
"#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF"
    monthnames = Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec

    # The Raspberry Pi typically takes 15+ seconds to calculate all the 
summaries with a few years of weather date.
    # refresh_interval is how often in minutes the tables are calculated.
    refresh_interval = 60

        obs_type = outTemp                 # obs_type can be any weewx reading
        aggregate_type = min               # Any of these: 'sum', 'count', 
'avg', 'max', 'min'
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = Min

        minvalues = -50, -11, 0, 5, 10, 15, 17, 20, 23, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40
        maxvalues = -11, 0, 5, 10, 15, 17, 20, 23, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 100
        colours =   "#2584BC", "#25BCA8", "#25BC66", "#25BC2C", "#52BC25", 
"#50ED0D", "#97ED0D", "#C8ED0D", "#EDDE0D", "#EDA60D", "#ED760D", "#CC6633", 
"#FF0066", "#FF0000"
        fontColours = "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", 
"#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", 
"#000000", "#000000"

        obs_type = outTemp
        aggregate_type = max
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = Max

        minvalues = -50, -11, 0, 5, 10, 15, 17, 20, 23, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40
        maxvalues = -11, 0, 5, 10, 15, 17, 20, 23, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 100
        colours =   "#2584BC", "#25BCA8", "#25BC66", "#25BC2C", "#52BC25", 
"#50ED0D", "#97ED0D", "#C8ED0D", "#EDDE0D", "#EDA60D", "#ED760D", "#CC6633", 
"#FF0066", "#FF0000"
        fontColours = "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", 
"#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", 
"#000000", "#000000"

        obs_type = outTemp
        aggregate_type = avg
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = Avg

        minvalues = -50, -11, 0, 5, 10, 15, 17, 20, 23, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40
        maxvalues = -11, 0, 5, 10, 15, 17, 20, 23, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 100
        colours =   "#2584BC", "#25BCA8", "#25BC66", "#25BC2C", "#52BC25", 
"#50ED0D", "#97ED0D", "#C8ED0D", "#EDDE0D", "#EDA60D", "#ED760D", "#CC6633", 
"#FF0066", "#FF0000"
        fontColours = "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", 
"#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", 
"#000000", "#000000"

        obs_type = rain
        aggregate_type = sum
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = Total

        minvalues = 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100, 150
        maxvalues = 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100, 150, 300
        colours =   "#FFFFFF", "#CCFFFF", "#99FFFF", "#33FFFF", "#99FFCC", 
"#00FFCC", "#00FF99", "#66CCFF", "#00CCFF", "#6699FF", "#3399FF", "#0066FF", 
        fontColours = "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", 
"#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", 

        obs_type = rain
        aggregate_type = sum_ge
        aggregate_threshold = 0.01, mm
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = Total

        minvalues = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15
        maxvalues = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 32
        colours =   "#FFFFFF", "#CCFFFF", "#99FFFF", "#33FFFF", "#99FFCC", 
"#00FFCC", "#00FF99", "#66CCFF", "#00CCFF", "#6699FF", "#3399FF"
        fontColours = "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", 
"#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000"

        # Creates a table of links to NOAA reports with the tag $NOAA_table
        # Comment out [[NOAATable]] if you do not need this.

        # Where to find the NOAA files and how they are named
        # Uses Python datetime convention 
        # %Y = YYYY, %y = YY, %m = MM, etc.

#        year_filename = NOAA/NOAA-%Y.txt
        year_filename = NOAA/NOAA-%Y.html
#        month_filename = NOAA/NOAA-%Y-%m.txt
        month_filename = NOAA/NOAA-%Y-%m.html



    # Settings for the Gauge Generator

    image_width = 160
    image_height = 160

    # Anti aliasing makes nicer looking gauges.
    # 2 = generate a gauge image twice the final size and shrink it back down 
using anti aliasing. 
    anti_alias = 3
    line_thickness = 1.4

    #test_none_readings = true

    # Colors...
    # Format is 0xBBGGRR, so a pinky-purple color (r=FF, g=00, B=99) which 
would have
    # an HTML tag of #FF0099 is expressed as 0x9900FF
    #fill_color = 0x4242b4
    #background_color = 0xffffff
    #label_color = 0x000000
    #dial_color = 0x707070
    #needle_outline_color = 0xb48242
    #needle_fill_color = 0xb48242   # Leave option out for a transparent needle
    #text_color = 0xb48242
    fill_color = 0x58fa82
    background_color = 0xf2f2f2
    label_color = 0x000000
    dial_color = 0x000033
#    needle_outline_color = 0xb48242
    needle_outline_color = 0xff4000
#    needle_fill_color = 0xb48242   # Leave option out for a transparent needle
    text_color = 0x000000
    needle_fill_color = 0xff4000

    # How far the gauge extends, e.g. 180 is half a full dial, 270 is three 
    # This is ignored when plotting wind direction which always uses 360.
    # Must be an integer
    dial_arc = 270

    # Most options can be omitted, however majorstep is mandatory. minvalue and 
maxvalue are required for all
    # gauges except wind direction.

    digitfontsize = 14
    labelfontsize = 16
#        minvalue = -20
#        maxvalue = 40
        minvalue = -10
        maxvalue = 50
        majorstep = 10
        minorstep = 2
        digitformat = %d
#        history = 24
        history = 3
#        bins = 90
        bins = 60
        gaugetitle = "Temperature"

        minvalue = 970
        maxvalue = 1050
        majorstep = 20
        minorstep = 5
        digitformat = %d
#        history = 24
        history = 3
#        bins = 80
        bins = 40
        gaugetitle = "Barometer"

        minvalue = 0
        maxvalue = 100
        majorstep = 20
        minorstep = 5
#        history = 24
#        bins = 50
        history = 3
        bins = 20
        gaugetitle = "Humidity"

        minvalue = 0
#        maxvalue = 40
        maxvalue = 50
        majorstep = 10
        minorstep = 2
#        history = 24
#        bins = 40
        history = 3
        bins = 25
        gaugetitle = "Wind speed"

        # Weewx returns None if no reading is returned from the weather 
station. Set none_value if you still want
        # the gauge to be drawn with a needle and a value. Otherwise the needle 
is omitted and "N/A" is displayed
        # on the gauge.
        none_value = 0

        minvalue = 0
#        maxvalue = 40
        maxvalue = 50
        majorstep = 10
        minorstep = 2
#        history = 24
#        bins = 40
        history = 3
        bins = 25
        none_value = 0
        gaugetitle = "Gust speed"

        majorstep = 90
        minorstep = 30
        digitformat = %03d
        invert = false
#        history = 24
#        bins = 16
        aggregate_type = None
#        compass_labels = 1
        history = 3
        bins = 16
        compass_labels = 1
        gaugetitle = "Wind"

        image_width = 360
        image_height = 360
        majorstep = 45
        minorstep = 22.5
        invert = false
        history = 24
        bins = 16
        digitformat = None
        compass_labels = 1

        # Place rings at beaufort scale in knots
        rings = 1,4,7,11,17,22,28,34,41,48,56,64,200

        # Color rings from green to red
        ring_colors = 0xbbffdd, 0x55aa00, 0x00ff00, 0x00ffaa, 0xffff00, 
0x00ffff, 0x00ccff, 0x0077dd, 0x0000ff, 0x8800ff, 0xff55ff, 0x8800bb, 0xff0000

        needle_fill_color = None    # transparent
        aggregate_type = None       # much quicker db query without aggregation

# The list of generators that are to be run:
        generator_list = user.gaugeengine.GaugeGenerator, 

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