On Thursday, December 26, 2019 at 9:06:36 PM UTC-8, Ben Cotton wrote:
> But in my ideal scenario, I'd like to see something like the way 
> Apache httpd and other daemons parse configs. So there would be 
> /etc/weewx/weewx.conf that would have the default settings and then I 
> could overwrite things as needed in /etc/weewx/weewx.local and/or 
> /etc/weewx/conf.d/*. 
Yup - there have been multiple discussions along those lines over the 
years, but there were as many 'cons' as there were 'pros' and there was a 
many-thousand-sites pre-existing condition already out there in the field, 
so it was basically decided to stay the course.

Perhaps you might itemize exactly which tasks you are trying to automate 
specifically and maybe we can collectively get you there within the current 

For my raspi (not my main site), I settled on:

   - be able to get a working Simulator setup in one step via a bash 
   script, with 'some' of my edits to weewx.conf where sed does the job easily.
   - install all skins with the wee_extension utility
   - install all extensions with the wee_extension utility
   - keep all 'my' skins+extensions+scripts in GitHub since I'd never 
   find's otherwise :-)

At that point, all I'd need to do would be to add in my edits to 
weewx.conf, which admittedly is still to-do:

   - ansible lineinfile is very weak and doesn't work too well with 
   weewx.conf's configobj format
   - ansible blockinfile 'probably' could handle editing skin blocks 
   (example - I have a zillion lines to tweak Belchertown) but I haven't 
   tested it

And of course I'd need to switch from Simulator to my real Driver (could 
have been done in the first step above probably).

But it's not generally a big deal to automate enough.....not 100%....but 
good enough for my needs.

Some repos you might surf:

   - this is a one-step script to install via setup.py that lets you pick your 
   version and git branch 'or' alternately use the dpkg versions.   Edit a 
   couple variables at the top and run on a clean raspi or equivalent 
   Debian(ish) system.
   - I have lots of other repos there for Dockerizing, using Vagrant, etc.
   - Many of them have snippets for using sed to edit in lat/lon and other 
   variables many people edit that are unique enough that it's doable without 
   breaking weewx.conf

Regardless - suggest you start with "I need to automate doing this" and ask 
away.  Somebody's likely already figured out how to do it.  Then you'd just 
need to connect the Legos into a whole that works for you.

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