as gábor pointed out, you do not need to specify the address parameter.  
that parameter is only necessary if you want to force the interceptor to 
listen on a specific network interface, and in that case the address must 
be a valid address for the computer on which weewx-interceptor is running.  
this is useful if the computer on which weewx-interceptor is running has 
multiple interfaces, for example wired and wireless, and you are using it 
as a network bridge.

in your case, the pi is  so when you specify 
"address=" the driver will fail, because that address is not 
available on the pi - only .119 is available.

for the froggit WH2600 (a fine offset device) there are two different 
drivers you could use:  the weewx-interceptor, or the observer driver by 
aussie susan.

they use two very different mechanisms to get data from the station.  the 
interceptor receives data transmitted by the observer - the observer thinks 
that the computer running weewx is a 'cloud' service.  the driver by susan 
uses the API of the observer itself, so that weewx can query the station 
for data.

here is some history about how these devices were reverse engineered:


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