I thought I would follow up on my question below in the event any newbies 
like me search for this in the future.

So the answer to my question is, yes I need to create my own driver. There 
are two guides I am going to use.....


and......an existing bluetooth driver that was referenced above (same link 
is here for convenience: https://github.com/daduke/ventusw820)

I'll play around with the directions for creating my own and follow up on 
the post if I find success.

On Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 6:29:51 PM UTC-8, Scott Irwin wrote:
> I wanted to follow up on this thead to see if anyone could help point me 
> in the right direction.
> I figured out how to interface with the Kestrel meter via bluetooth on my 
> raspberry pi4. I ended up configuring a bluetooth serial port and using an 
> app called minicom. See here for directions:
> https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=262406&p=1599144#p1599144
> Using the communication protocols provided by the Kestrel Weather Meter 
> manufacture....see here: 
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzTEsrIDO36ua3ZMWGx4a09mV3ptNE5oT2RsNW9maDU3aFFn/view?usp=sharing
> .....I was able to communicate with the device and return data sets. For 
> example, I can return the following ASCII dataset:
> s,Mag,True,mph,mph,mph,▒F,▒F,%,▒F,▒F,▒F,mb,ft,ft
> 631207800,---,---,0.0,0.0,0.0,70.4,70.3,62.8,70.3,57.1,61.9,1017.7,-133,822
> 631209600,---,---,0.0,0.0,0.0,70.6,70.7,62.8,70.9,57.3,62.2,1017.4,-128,848
> 631211400,---,---,0.0,0.0,0.0,70.6,70.5,62.9,70.5,57.3,62.2,1017.7,-135,831
> 631213200,---,---,0.0,0.0,0.0,70.0,70.0,63.4,70.0,57.0,61.9,1017.9,-138,792
> 631215000,---,---,0.0,0.0,0.0,69.4,69.4,59.3,68.9,54.6,60.3,1018.0,-141,730
> 631216800,---,---,0.0,0.0,0.0,71.1,71.1,67.1,71.6,59.6,63.7,1018.1,-143,875
> The first column is a time stamp, the other columns are wind speed, wind 
> direction, temp. etc......
> I can obtain this info by sending the Kestrel device a command.
> QUESTION: What do I need to do to get weewx to send the command and 
> collect/record the data it receives?
> Do I need to build some sort of interface or driver? Is that what the link 
> above to the ventus weather station is doing? Do I need to learn python? 
> I'm OK with a conceptual answer and I'm willing to google and learn.
> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> Scott
> On Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 9:31:18 AM UTC-8, rich T wrote:
>> Here is a link for a Bluetooth enabled WX station.  It might provide some 
>> insight. https://github.com/daduke/ventusw820
>> On Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 10:58:05 AM UTC-5, Scott Irwin wrote:
>>> I am a weather fanatic and new to the raspberry pi world. I recently 
>>> figured out how to create a weather fax receiver out of a pi4 and a 
>>> software defined radio. It works great. 
>>> https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=260690&p=1594172&hilit=weather+fax#p1594172
>>> Now I want to use the raspberry pi as a weather station. 
>>> A quick google shows there are tons of examples of how to do this. Some 
>>> options involving connecting to an external arduino weather station you 
>>> build yourself with sensors. Other examples include installing sensors to 
>>> the pi board itself.
>>> I want to connect my Kestrel 4500 NV Pocket Weather Tracker to my 
>>> Raspberry Pi using the bluetooth interface. There is software that exists 
>>> in the Windows world that allows me to do this. I cannot find any reference 
>>> to being able to pull this off through my Raspberry Pi.
>>> I don't need to post information to Weather Underground or other 3rd 
>>> party apps. I would like to record data collected on kestrel as well as 
>>> view real-time data being collected through some type of GUI on the Pi. 
>>> I don't know much about weewx other than the Kestrel device is not 
>>> listed as a supported device. Is there an easy hack that would allow me to 
>>> pull data from the Kestrel onto the Raspberry Pi?
>>> Any ideas? Thanks for any help you can provide.
>>> Scott

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