Hey, WeeWx'ers.

Even my workaround of setting pws_url to the value of the rf_url is still getting 404's, even if I explicitly set a Host header. :-(((((

This is what I have tried...  I guess WU is just a steaming pile as per usual.  :-/

Here is my attempted fix, which is part hack.
The "fix" is adding the header.   The "hack" is forcing the code to use the rtupdate URL (because I couldn't spot why the PWS URL was being used for RF).

   $ diff restx.py restx.py_getting404
   < from urllib.parse import urlparse
   <         _parseduri = urlparse(url)
   <         _parsedhost = '{uri.netloc}'.format(uri=_parseduri)
   <         _request.add_header("Host", "%s" % _parsedhost)
   < #        log.debug("%s: Added Header: 'Host: %s'"
   < #                  % (self.protocol_name, _parsedhost))
    >         _request.add_header("User-Agent", "weewx/%s" %
   <     #pws_url =
   <     pws_url =
    >     pws_url =

Or in case your line numbers don't match mine (likely), here it is in context:

   # Python 2/3 compatiblity shims
   import six
   from six.moves import http_client
   from six.moves import queue
   from six.moves import urllib
   from urllib.parse import urlparse


        def get_request(self, url):
            """Get a request object. This can be overridden to add any
   special headers."""
            _request = urllib.request.Request(url)
            _parseduri = urlparse(url)
            _parsedhost = '{uri.netloc}'.format(uri=_parseduri)
            _request.add_header("Host", "%s" % _parsedhost)
   #        log.debug("%s: Added Header: 'Host: %s'"
   #                  % (self.protocol_name, _parsedhost))
            _request.add_header("User-Agent", "weewx/%s" %
            return _request


        # the rapidfire URL:
        rf_url =
        # the personal weather station URL:
        #pws_url =
        pws_url =

l...@isylum.org - Dearborn, Michigan

On 2/3/20 2:43 PM, Leon Shaner wrote:

Looking at the code, under the do_rapidfire_post, we clearly see it uses rf_url.  In my debug output I referenced protocol_name and it's showing Wunderground-RF as the protocol, but the hostname is from pws_url. I have temporarily set pws_url to the rtupdate URL and my 404's have stopped. Looks like the rtupdate URL will take regular posts, but the weatherstation URL won't take rf posts.  :-/

My debug with pws_url replaced with the rf_url value now shows:

    Feb  3 14:36:30 nixie weewx[8747] DEBUG weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Added Header: 'Host: rtupdate.wunderground.com'

That's what it should have shown if rf_url was getting used for do_rapidfire_post.
I'm stumped.  :-(

l...@isylum.org  - Dearborn, Michigan
On 2/3/20 2:23 PM, Leon Shaner wrote:

Thanks!  That's interesting...  I just added an explicit Host header to the rtupdate request and put debug output there.
This was unexpected:

    Feb  3 14:16:34 nixie weewx[8584] DEBUG weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Added Header: 'Host:

That isn't the host that should be used for rapidfire, but it's taken from the URL being used.  :-(
We have:

    $ grep wunderground.com restx.py
        rf_url =
        pws_url =

It will take me some time to figure out why restx.py is using the wrong URL. Must have been doing this for a long time, but seems that due to changes on the WU side, they no longer accept rapidfire updates to the weatherstation.wunderground.com host.

l...@isylum.org  - Dearborn, Michigan
On 2/3/20 12:59 PM, Brice Ruth wrote:
header would be something like `Host: rtupdate.wunderground.com <http://rtupdate.wunderground.com>` ... basically, whatever you're using as the hostname in the URL, needs to be sent as the `Host` header ... that allows load-balancers to route the request to the correct backend.

Brice Ruth, FCD
Software Engineer, Madison WI

On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 11:44 AM Leon Shaner <l...@isylum.org <mailto:l...@isylum.org>> wrote:

    Hey, WeeWx'ers,

    I am still getting 404 errors from the rtupdate URL site.
    There is a reply over here about it.
    I'm now looking into what the headers need to be.
    Does anyone know?


    For requests to route properly, the
    host header must be set correctly
    path must be correct

    Leon Shaner :: Dearborn, Michigan (iPad)

    On Feb 1, 2020, at 12:39 PM, Leon Shaner <l...@isylum.org
    <mailto:l...@isylum.org>> wrote:

    Hey, WeeWx'ers.

    I took a different approach to working around the WU
    certificate issue -- keep SSL but don't verify the CERT. 
    Scroll for that "solution."

    But meanwhile, using Wunderground-RF (rapid fire) I am getting
    an HTTP Error 404:  Not Found.
    Any ideas on that?   Did they change the URL, or is it just down?

    I noticed that even their own WunderStation App on iOS/iPadOS
    is subject to the certificate issue and reports all stations as
    "not reporting" -- even ones that are, like mine, which I can
    verify via the WU website has the data and has reported within
    minutes ago.

    From the logs, re: RapidFire HTTP 404:

    Feb  1 12:31:51 nixie weewx[13184] DEBUG weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Failed upload attempt 1: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
    Feb  1 12:31:51 nixie weewx[13184] ERROR weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Failed to publish record 2020-02-01 12:31:51
    EST (1580578311): Failed upload after 1 tries
    Feb  1 12:31:56 nixie weewx[13184] DEBUG weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Failed upload attempt 1: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
    Feb  1 12:31:56 nixie weewx[13184] ERROR weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Failed to publish record 2020-02-01 12:31:56
    EST (1580578316): Failed upload after 1 tries
    Feb  1 12:32:04 nixie weewx[13184] DEBUG weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Failed upload attempt 1: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
    Feb  1 12:32:04 nixie weewx[13184] ERROR weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Failed to publish record 2020-02-01 12:32:04
    EST (1580578324): Failed upload after 1 tries
    Feb  1 12:32:05 nixie weewx[13184] DEBUG weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Failed upload attempt 1: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
    Feb  1 12:32:05 nixie weewx[13184] ERROR weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Failed to publish record 2020-02-01 12:32:05
    EST (1580578325): Failed upload after 1 tries
    Feb  1 12:32:06 nixie weewx[13184] DEBUG weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Failed upload attempt 1: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
    Feb  1 12:32:06 nixie weewx[13184] ERROR weewx.restx:
    Wunderground-RF: Failed to publish record 2020-02-01 12:32:05
    EST (1580578325): Failed upload after 1 tries

    Here is the diff for my SSL CERT workaround:

    $ diff restx.py restx.py.20200201.1
    < # SSL certificate hack
    < global WUssl
    < WUssl = ssl.create_default_context();
    < WUssl.check_hostname=False
    < WUssl.verify_mode=ssl.CERT_NONE
    < _request.add_header("User-Agent", "weewx/%s" % weewx.__version__)
    < #        _response = urllib.request.urlopen(request,
    data=data_bytes, timeout=self.timeout)
    <         _response = urllib.request.urlopen(request,
    data=data_bytes, timeout=self.timeout, context=WUssl)
    >         _response = urllib.request.urlopen(request,
    data=data_bytes, timeout=self.timeout)
    < #            _response = urllib.request.urlopen(request,
    <             _response = urllib.request.urlopen(request,
    timeout=self.timeout, context=WUssl)
    >             _response = urllib.request.urlopen(request,

    Leon Shaner :: Dearborn, Michigan (iPad)

    On Jan 31, 2020, at 4:16 PM, Thomas Keffer <tkef...@gmail.com
    <mailto:tkef...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Travis: what is the error? If it's a certificate error,
    Version 4 will do a retry after an hour. Unfortunately,
    Version 3 does not.

    On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 1:04 PM Travis Bully <tbu...@gmail.com
    <mailto:tbu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Not here yet.  It'll work for awhile and then will get the
        random cert error I sent earlier.  A restart of weewx will
        get it going again.  I wish restx would just try again
        after xx seconds.

        On Friday, January 31, 2020 at 2:48:50 PM UTC-5, J B wrote:

            Working here too. I had to restart Weewx.

            On Friday, January 31, 2020 at 11:34:19 AM UTC-8,
            Brice Ruth wrote:

                Looking like it's working to me, too.

                Brice Ruth, FCD
                Software Engineer, Madison WI

                On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 1:31 PM Travis Bully
                <tbu...@gmail.com> wrote:

                    Agreed. Seems like I still get one cert error
                    every now and then. Likely
                    still propagating changes through their

                    Jan 31 14:29:25 homeauto03 weewx[3784]: restx:
                    Wunderground-RF: Published record 2020-01-31
                    14:29:24 EST (1580498964)
                    Jan 31 14:29:26 homeauto03 weewx[3784]: restx:
                    Wunderground-RF: Failed upload attempt 1:
                    <urlopen error [SSL:
                    CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify
                    failed (_ssl.c:727)>
                    Jan 31 14:29:31 homeauto03 weewx[3784]: restx:
                    Wunderground-RF: Failed to publish record
                    2020-01-31 14:29:26 EST (1580498966): Failed
                    upload after 1 tries
                    Jan 31 14:29:31 homeauto03 weewx[3784]: restx:
                    Wunderground-RF: Published record 2020-01-31
                    14:29:30 EST (1580498970)

                    On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 2:30 PM Denny Page
                    <splo...@gmail.com> wrote:

                        It's fixed now.

                        On Friday, January 31, 2020 at 8:54:02 AM
                        UTC-8, Denny Page wrote:

                            Wunderground just posted a note about
                            the intermediate certificate issue.
                            Hopefully they will fix it shortly.

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