I noticed during testing that the process would occasionally abort when 
running from the command line. I assumed this wa an anomaly caused by the 
code I was testing, but after letting it run overnight via the daemon I 
noticed that the program had aborted at 05:00, although there were no 
errors in the logs and running status showed it was still running, albeit 
that it hadn't done anything since 05:00.

Not much to go on I know, but has anyone seen anything like this before

LOOP:   2020-02-21 12:16:15 GMT (1582287375) altimeter: 32.111403714246805, 
appTemp: 28.155946425775532, barometer: 31.099902650887795, beaufort: 0, 
cloudbase: 2135.3491279752097, consBatteryVoltage: 12.0, dateTime: 
1582287375, dewpoint: 26.938184269981704, heatindex: 32.407201487417886, 
heatingVoltage: 12.0, humidex: 32.407201487417886, inDewpoint: 
31.078017317553677, inHumidity: 29.996106225048702, inTemp: 
63.00194688747565, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: 369.59913772897255, 
outHumidity: 79.99707952663378, outTemp: 32.407201487417886, 
outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 31.099902650887795, radiation: 
995.0015769958387, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, rainRate: 0.0, 
referenceVoltage: 11.091977524138764, rxCheckPercent: 100.0, supplyVoltage: 
13.118247792200869, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 13.930022077941741, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.407201487417886, windDir: 
359.98247715980267, windGust: 0.0005840946732433849, windGustDir: 
359.98247715980267, windSpeed: 0.00048674556103645017
REC:    2020-02-21 12:16:00 GMT (1582287360) altimeter: 32.11142499287143, 
appTemp: 28.190006795312396, barometer: 31.09992338423432, beaufort: 0.0, 
cloudbase: 2135.4815309509877, consBatteryVoltage: 11.97617943176771, 
dateTime: 1582287360, dewpoint: 26.967970435171253, ET: 
0.00014704938118382589, heatindex: 32.43757022570086, heatingVoltage: 
12.00489017166663, humidex: 32.43757022570086, inDewpoint: 
31.07834032821555, inHumidity: 29.996935487983222, inTemp: 
63.00153225600838, inTempBatteryStatus: 0.0, interval: 1.0, maxSolarRad: 
369.54167921193766, outHumidity: 79.99770152702962, outTemp: 
32.43757022570086, outTempBatteryStatus: 0.0, pressure: 31.09992338423432, 
radiation: 995.4362843070768, rain: 0.0, rainBatteryStatus: 0.0, rainRate: 
0.0, referenceVoltage: 11.984927620990662, rxCheckPercent: 
97.38748205996815, supplyVoltage: 12.024656048374316, txBatteryStatus: 0.0, 
usUnits: 1, UV: 13.93610798029907, windBatteryStatus: 0.0, windchill: 
32.43757022570086, windDir: 359.9860669211545, windGust: 
0.000539325639037358, windGustDir: 359.9838202308289, windrun: 
6.384647139934869e-06, windSpeed: 0.00038307882839609214
LOOP:   2020-02-21 12:16:17 GMT (1582287377) altimeter: 32.111402408277506, 
appTemp: 28.15400681592731, barometer: 31.0999013783848, beaufort: 0, 
cloudbase: 2135.3417786105874, consBatteryVoltage: 12.0, dateTime: 
1582287377, dewpoint: 26.936487421366756, heatindex: 32.4054723015986, 
heatingVoltage: 13.065377483686172, humidex: 32.4054723015986, inDewpoint: 
31.07799749241574, inHumidity: 29.996055329916338, inTemp: 
63.001972335041835, inTempBatteryStatus: 0, maxSolarRad: 369.6015573968204, 
outHumidity: 79.99704135154391, outTemp: 32.4054723015986, 
outTempBatteryStatus: 0, pressure: 31.0999013783848, radiation: 
994.9707585818439, rain: 0, rainBatteryStatus: 0, rainRate: 0.0, 
referenceVoltage: 12.28533719774586, rxCheckPercent: 100.0, supplyVoltage: 
12.836100130204875, txBatteryStatus: 0, usUnits: 1, UV: 13.929590620145815, 
windBatteryStatus: 0, windchill: 32.4054723015986, windDir: 
359.9822481092634, windGust: 0.0005917296912185677, windGustDir: 
359.9822481092634, windSpeed: 0.000493108076015325
*** Error in `/usr/bin/python': double free or corruption (out): 0x72622178 
pi@Rasberry:/home/weewx $ bin/weewxd weewx.conf 

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