I'd like to help answer some of your questions.

Here's a little back story: I moved to a rural county and decided to build 
my own mesonet. I wish I could afford six Davis stations but I can't. I 
found the WS-2902 to be what I needed. Originally no display console was 
used, just array, ObserverIP and Meteobridge. (I've since added a WS-1900 
display in my home)
The 2902 array is not Davis quality, but is the best available under $250. 
It is well made and spare parts are available.  I now use the Gw1000 
instead of the ObserverIP, it pushes the data to WeeWx

I mount them low to the ground, 5' to 6'. I've had bird problems at one 
site, even with bird spikes. Cleaning bird poo atop a ladder is no fun. The 
rain funnel is twist-lock so it's easy to do on ground level.


On Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 10:12:37 AM UTC-6, Your Name Here wrote:
> So sorry if this should have been found via searches (I tried, for 
> hours!), but I'm exhausted trying to collate these answers into a simple 
> form I can comprehend.
> *Questions that relate to WeeWX usage*
> Do these models allow for completely offline (no Internet, just intranet 
> (home) access) data extraction for processing by weewx? I have read about 
> the weewx-interceptor <https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-interceptor> 
> and the listen mode. These two units are not explicitly mentioned 
> (including on the hardware guide <http://weewx.com/docs/hardware.htm> or 
> supported 
> hardware <http://weewx.com/hardware.html> pages).
> Does the SD card for the WS-2000 do any continuous collection? 
> If my computer is down, is any data maintained in the console that can be 
> retrieved later? 
> Is it "automatic" the way the Davis data logger would have the last 44 
> hours of data (every minute collection) and my computer would get 
> everything missed to catch up and resume regular collection?
> Or do I have to be aware of it, trigger the export on the console, and 
> move the SD card elsewhere to import it?
> I see it has an archive mode, but I don't understand if that is merely for 
> console display or if it helps achieve what I'm asking.
> I have years of data in an MySQL database from a Davis 6152. How cleanly 
> does the data from these go into that database or should I start a new one?
> Does the low battery information get exported with the weather data?
> *Questions that are not related to WeeWX*
> My mount is a 10' mast and my current station is mid-pole. These seem only 
> designed to go on top of a pole (what about something higher than the 
> station for lightning strikes?), do I need to get some side mount extension 
> for these?
> The Davis has the u-bolts opposing each other for a stable mounting and 
> these are oriented facing the same direction. Does that affect the quality 
> of attachment?
> How easy is it to clean out the rain gauge?
> Is the bird spike worth getting?
> Why not position/bend the spikes prior to installation?
> Side question: how much of an "issue" is it that the integrated 
> temperature sensor is 5' above the apex of a two story house instead of 5' 
> above ground?
> *Background*
> I moved into a new house and the wind was significantly more than I was 
> used to. That made me curious about its speed and I bought a cheap LaCrosse 
> WeatherChannel unit from Best Buy. 
> That interested me enough to look into getting something better and I got 
> a Davis 6152C for $333 from Ambient Weather (.com) plus the 6510SER for 
> another $139 (+tax + shipping $488). That was May 2007.
> The mount is a 10' pole on the apex of a two story house with the station 
> about 5' up so I can reach it and lightning strikes would be several feet 
> above. It was (unfortunately, not currently) grounded to a 6' ground spike 
> put in by the installer to protect his equipment on it (long-range radio 
> for Internet access which has been gone for a decade or so).
> In January 2008, a winter electrical storm strike took out the station all 
> the way to the console (but thankfully not the COM port on the WinXP box). 
> Nearly $500 taken out, what would reduce that happening again?
> In March 2008 I spent more money to get a 6152 ($400), a new 6510SER 
> ($139), and a 6316 ($139). That's $700 spent just to get conditions at my 
> house versus a web page (or app) showing me a 15+ minutes old, 10ยบ off 
> reading from elsewhere.
> That's a lot of money, but I liked it and have been proud of it. Other 
> than a repair to the rain gauge (soldering a complimentary new resistor for 
> the reed switch), it's been working pretty well. Although, the solar panel 
> is rather clouded over and new batteries only last one year (remember to 
> put a fresh one in by mid-December!).
> Now the anemometer isn't working. I've been wishing for a new station, so 
> I checked out the prices. Same site I bought the first two (and the maker 
> of the models I'm asking about) is now selling the 6152 for 32% more than 
> before at $527. Most electronics have dropped in price and increased in 
> functionality and features, this is the same old model for 32% more?! No 
> thanks. (Yes, there are alternative sellers, but I am soured on the 
> increase which is also reflected on the Davis website.) I think that if the 
> price was at least the same as before or less, I wouldn't have shopped 
> around much. Oh well.
> I am impressed that there are so many less expensive alternatives now that 
> seem to do a decent job. That really wasn't the case back in 2007/2008. The 
> cheap ones were cheap in every sense of it. So, in searching I have 
> narrowed it down to these two models. I am very interested if someone has 
> another recommendation, though.

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