> Mar  5 17:11:06 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Found 
> configuration file /home/weewx/skins/WH1080/skin.conf for report 
> 'StandardReport'
> Mar  5 17:11:06 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: cheetahgenerator: using 
> search list ['weewx.cheetahgenerator.Almanac', 
> 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Station', 
> 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Cu                                                    
> rrent', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Stats', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.UnitInfo', 
> 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Extras', 'user.forecast.ForecastVariables']
> Mar  5 17:11:06 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: manager: Daily summary 
> version is 2.0
> Mar  5 17:11:09 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: manager: Daily summary 
> version is 2.0
> Mar  5 17:11:12 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 3 
> files for report StandardReport in 5.46 seconds
> Mar  5 17:11:12 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: manager: Daily summary 
> version is 2.0
> Mar  5 17:11:15 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: imagegenerator: Generated 7 
> images for StandardReport in 3.40 seconds
> Mar  5 17:11:15 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Running report 
> 'FTP'
> Mar  5 17:11:15 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Found 
> configuration file /home/weewx/skins/Ftp/skin.conf for report 'FTP'
> Mar  5 17:11:15 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempting 
> connection to www.lockter.de
> Mar  5 17:11:16 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Connected to 
> www.lockter.de
> Mar  5 17:11:16 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/daybarometer.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 
> 111] Verbindungsaufbau 
> ab                                                             gelehnt
> Mar  5 17:11:16 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daybarometer.png
> Mar  5 17:11:16 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/dayenergybarmax.png
> Mar  5 17:11:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/dayinouthum.png
> Mar  5 17:11:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/dayouttempchill.png
> Mar  5 17:11:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/dayrain.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau 
> abgeleh                                                             nt
> Mar  5 17:11:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #2. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/dayrain.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau 
> abgeleh                                                             nt
> Mar  5 17:11:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/dayrain.png
> Mar  5 17:11:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/daywind.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau 
> abgeleh                                                             nt
> Mar  5 17:11:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daywind.png
> Mar  5 17:11:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daywinddir.png
> Mar  5 17:11:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/daywindvec.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 
> 111] Verbindungsaufbau 
> abge                                                             lehnt
> Mar  5 17:11:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daywindvec.png
> Mar  5 17:11:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/tempsday.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 
> 111] Verbindungsaufbau 
> abgele                                                             hnt
> Mar  5 17:11:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #2. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/tempsday.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 
> 111] Verbindungsaufbau 
> abgele                                                             hnt
> Mar  5 17:11:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/tempsday.png
> Mar  5 17:11:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/tempsmonth.png
> Mar  5 17:11:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/tempsweek.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 
> 111] Verbindungsaufbau 
> abgel                                                             ehnt
> Mar  5 17:11:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/tempsweek.png
> Mar  5 17:11:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/tempsyears.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 
> 111] Verbindungsaufbau 
> abge                                                             lehnt
> Mar  5 17:11:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/tempsyears.png
> Mar  5 17:11:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/weekenergybarmax.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: 
> [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufba                                                             
> u abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:11:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/weekenergybarmax.png
> Mar  5 17:11:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/temps6month.png
> Mar  5 17:11:22 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/SMA.html
> Mar  5 17:11:22 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/index.html to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau 
> abgelehn                                                             t
> Mar  5 17:11:22 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/index.html
> Mar  5 17:11:23 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/NOAA/NOAA-2020.txt
> Mar  5 17:11:23 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/NOAA/NOAA-2020-03.txt to www.lockter.de. Reason: 
> [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufb                                                             
> au abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:11:23 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/NOAA/NOAA-2020-03.txt
> Mar  5 17:11:28 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpgenerator: ftp'd 18 files 
> in 12.60 seconds
> Mar  5 17:12:28 WeeWxPi kernel: [1224497.187709] CIFS VFS: Server 
> has not responded in 180 seconds. Reconnecting...
> Mar  5 17:12:32 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: manager: Added record 2020-03-05 
> 17:12:00 CET (1583424720) to database 'SMA.sdb'
> Mar  5 17:12:32 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: manager: Added record 2020-03-05 
> 17:12:00 CET (1583424720) to daily summary in 'SMA.sdb'
> Mar  5 17:12:32 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 1 
> files for report StandardReport in 0.31 seconds
> Mar  5 17:12:33 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: imagegenerator: Generated 2 images 
> for StandardReport in 0.85 seconds
> Mar  5 17:14:36 WeeWxPi avahi-daemon[366]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on 
> interface eth0.IPv6 with address 2001:16b8:650:8e00:ba27:ebff:fe46:35eb.
> Mar  5 17:14:36 WeeWxPi avahi-daemon[366]: Joining mDNS multicast group on 
> interface eth0.IPv6 with address 2001:16b8:66f:1f00:ba27:ebff:fe46:35eb.
> Mar  5 17:14:37 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: manager: Added record 2020-03-05 
> 17:14:00 CET (1583424840) to database 'SMA.sdb'
> Mar  5 17:14:37 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: manager: Added record 2020-03-05 
> 17:14:00 CET (1583424840) to daily summary in 'SMA.sdb'
> Mar  5 17:14:37 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 1 
> files for report StandardReport in 0.30 seconds
> Mar  5 17:14:38 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: imagegenerator: Generated 2 images 
> for StandardReport in 0.84 seconds
> Mar  5 17:15:31 WeeWxPi kernel: [1224680.229300] CIFS VFS: Server 
> has not responded in 180 seconds. Reconnecting...
> Mar  5 17:16:08 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: manager: Added record 
> 2020-03-05 17:15:00 CET (1583424900) to database 'WH1080.sdb'
> Mar  5 17:16:08 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: manager: Added record 
> 2020-03-05 17:15:00 CET (1583424900) to daily summary in 'WH1080.sdb'
> Mar  5 17:16:10 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Running reports 
> for latest time in the database.
> Mar  5 17:16:10 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Running report 
> 'StandardReport'
> Mar  5 17:16:10 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Found 
> configuration file /home/weewx/skins/WH1080/skin.conf for report 
> 'StandardReport'
> Mar  5 17:16:10 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: cheetahgenerator: using 
> search list ['weewx.cheetahgenerator.Almanac', 
> 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Station', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Current', 
> 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Stats', 'weewx.cheetahgen    erator.UnitInfo', 
> 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Extras', 'user.forecast.ForecastVariables']
> Mar  5 17:16:10 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: manager: Daily summary 
> version is 2.0
> Mar  5 17:16:12 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: manager: Daily summary 
> version is 2.0
> Mar  5 17:16:14 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 3 
> files for report StandardReport in 3.26 seconds
> Mar  5 17:16:14 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: manager: Daily summary 
> version is 2.0
> Mar  5 17:16:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: imagegenerator: Generated 7 
> images for StandardReport in 3.40 seconds
> Mar  5 17:16:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Running report 
> 'FTP'
> Mar  5 17:16:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Found 
> configuration file /home/weewx/skins/Ftp/skin.conf for report 'FTP'
> Mar  5 17:16:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempting 
> connection to www.lockter.de
> Mar  5 17:16:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Connected to 
> www.lockter.de
> Mar  5 17:16:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daybarometer.png
> Mar  5 17:16:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/dayenergybarmax.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: 
> [Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/dayenergybarmax.png
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/dayinouthum.png
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/dayouttempchill.png
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/dayrain.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #2. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/dayrain.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #3. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/dayrain.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Failed to upload 
> file /wsb4344958101/dayrain.png
> Mar  5 17:16:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daywind.png
> Mar  5 17:16:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daywinddir.png
> Mar  5 17:16:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daywindvec.png
> Mar  5 17:16:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/tempsday.png
> Mar  5 17:16:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/tempsmonth.png
> Mar  5 17:16:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/tempsweek.png
> Mar  5 17:16:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/weekenergybarmax.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: 
> [Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/weekenergybarmax.png
> Mar  5 17:16:22 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/pressure24h.png
> Mar  5 17:16:22 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/SMA.html
> Mar  5 17:16:22 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/index.html to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:22 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #2. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/index.html to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:23 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/index.html
> Mar  5 17:16:23 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/NOAA/NOAA-2020.txt to www.lockter.de. Reason: 
> [Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:23 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/NOAA/NOAA-2020.txt
> Mar  5 17:16:23 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/NOAA/NOAA-2020-03.txt to www.lockter.de. Reason: 
> [Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:24 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #2. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/NOAA/NOAA-2020-03.txt to www.lockter.de. Reason: 
> [Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:24 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #3. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/NOAA/NOAA-2020-03.txt to www.lockter.de. Reason: 
> [Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:24 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Failed to upload 
> file /wsb4344958101/NOAA/NOAA-2020-03.txt
> Mar  5 17:16:28 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpgenerator: ftp'd 15 files 
> in 11.16 seconds
> Mar  5 17:16:42 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: manager: Added record 2020-03-05 
> 17:16:00 CET (1583424960) to database 'SMA.sdb'
> Mar  5 17:16:42 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: manager: Added record 2020-03-05 
> 17:16:00 CET (1583424960) to daily summary in 'SMA.sdb'
> Mar  5 17:16:42 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 1 
> files for report StandardReport in 0.26 seconds
> Mar  5 17:16:43 WeeWxPi weewx-SMA[751]: imagegenerator: Generated 2 images 
> for StandardReport in 0.73 seconds
> Mar  5 17:17:01 WeeWxPi CRON[13945]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts 
> --report /etc/cron.hourly)
> Mar  5 17:16:10 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Running reports 
> for latest time in the database.
> Mar  5 17:16:10 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Running report 
> 'StandardReport'
> Mar  5 17:16:10 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Found 
> configuration file /home/weewx/skins/WH1080/skin.conf for report 
> 'StandardReport'
> Mar  5 17:16:10 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: cheetahgenerator: using 
> search list ['weewx.cheetahgenerator.Almanac', 
> 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Station', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Current', 
> 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Stats', 'weewx.cheetahgen    erator.UnitInfo', 
> 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Extras', 'user.forecast.ForecastVariables']
> Mar  5 17:16:10 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: manager: Daily summary 
> version is 2.0
> Mar  5 17:16:12 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: manager: Daily summary 
> version is 2.0
> Mar  5 17:16:14 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 3 
> files for report StandardReport in 3.26 seconds
> Mar  5 17:16:14 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: manager: Daily summary 
> version is 2.0
> Mar  5 17:16:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: imagegenerator: Generated 7 
> images for StandardReport in 3.40 seconds
> Mar  5 17:16:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Running report 
> 'FTP'
> Mar  5 17:16:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: reportengine: Found 
> configuration file /home/weewx/skins/Ftp/skin.conf for report 'FTP'
> Mar  5 17:16:17 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempting 
> connection to www.lockter.de
> Mar  5 17:16:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Connected to 
> www.lockter.de
> Mar  5 17:16:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daybarometer.png
> Mar  5 17:16:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/dayenergybarmax.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: 
> [Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:18 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/dayenergybarmax.png
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/dayinouthum.png
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/dayouttempchill.png
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/dayrain.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #2. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/dayrain.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #3. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/dayrain.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:19 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Failed to upload 
> file /wsb4344958101/dayrain.png
> Mar  5 17:16:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daywind.png
> Mar  5 17:16:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daywinddir.png
> Mar  5 17:16:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/daywindvec.png
> Mar  5 17:16:20 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/tempsday.png
> Mar  5 17:16:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/tempsmonth.png
> Mar  5 17:16:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/tempsweek.png
> Mar  5 17:16:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/weekenergybarmax.png to www.lockter.de. Reason: 
> [Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:21 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/weekenergybarmax.png
> Mar  5 17:16:22 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/pressure24h.png
> Mar  5 17:16:22 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Uploaded file 
> /wsb4344958101/SMA.html
> Mar  5 17:16:22 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed 
> uploading /wsb4344958101/index.html to www.lockter.de. Reason: [Errno 111] 
> Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> Mar  5 17:16:22 WeeWxPi weewx-WH1080[13835]
Let me know if you need anything else. 


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