Good stuff! So far I've been upgrading through the beta steps and b14 is 
working great. I haven't extended the schema yet. If I run wee_database 
--rebuld-daily will I lose the exact timestamps in my existing archive_day_* 
tables? I'm thinking not since it's not dropping daily, but I wanted to ask.

On Saturday, March 7, 2020 at 12:37:05 PM UTC-5, vince wrote:
> I switched my weewx box running the beta over to the new extended schema. 
>  This is great stuff.
> Here's an example of what you can do with it.   This is a grafana 
> dashboard overlaying maxSolarRad as calculated by weewx with sensor 
> readings from three different WeatherFlow stations.  It's more data for the 
> vendor to help tweak their sensors 'continuous learning' tunings.   (I'm a 
> beta tester)
> New weewx systems running v4 will get the new extended schema by default.
> Existing weewx systems have a few steps to update to the new schema, if 
> you choose to do so:
>    - stop weewx
>    - wee_database --reconfigure
>    - wee_database --rebuld-daily
>    - copy the modified db into place
>    - start weewx
> The two wee_database commands take quite some time depending on your 
> hardware and amount of data.  On my Seagate Dockstar (super old pogoplug 
> clone basically with all ram used) it took over 90 minutes to reconfigure 
> the db.   I have 11 years of data however, so it's a lot of records.
> When I did the same thing in a VM running on my i3 NUC and it took only 3 
> minutes.  The rebuild_daily also took 3 minutes there.   I then copied the 
> file back to my wimpy weewx system and it ran just fine.
> Bottom line, throw hardware at the conversion if you can, if you have lots 
> of old data.

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