
I am using weewx 3.9.2 and set
it up a few weeks ago.
Now all is working very well, but some
strugling in between.

So I now want to fill some missing values
in the weewx-db with getting it from a csv-file.

This are the first lines of /var/tmp/data.csv

mydateTime, myoutTemp, myoutHumidity, mydewpoint, mybarometer, mywindSpeed, 
mywindGust, mywindDir, myheatindex
1585692060, 33.08, 65, 22.64, 30.330773774365, 4.60312, 4.60312, 315, 33.08
1585692120, 33.08, 65, 22.64, 30.330773774365, 4.60312, 4.60312, 315, 33.08
1585692180, 33.08, 65, 22.64, 30.330773774365, 4.60312, 4.60312, 315, 33.08
1585692240, 33.08, 65, 22.64, 30.330773774365, 4.60312, 4.60312, 315, 33.08

I stop weewx-daemon and then:

wee_import --import-config=mycsv.conf --dry-run --log=-

But it does not work and I do not know, why? :(

This appears for all fields:

wee_import --import-config=mycsv.conf --dry-run --log=-
Starting wee_import...
A CSV import from source file '/var/tmp/data.csv' has been requested.
Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 'weewx.sdb'
Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
Missing derived observations will be calculated.
All WeeWX UV fields will be set to None.
All WeeWX radiation fields will be set to None.
This is a dry run, imported data will not be saved to archive.
Warning: Import field 'myheatindex' is mapped to WeeWX field 'heatindex'
         but the import field could not be found.
         WeeWX field 'heatindex' will be set to 'None'.
Warning: Import field 'mybarometer' is mapped to WeeWX field 'barometer'
         but the import field could not be found.
         WeeWX field 'barometer' will be set to 'None'.
Warning: Import field 'mydewPoint' is mapped to WeeWX field 'dewpoint'
         but the import field could not be found.

In my conf I give such line as:

        dateTime    = mydateTime, unix_epoch
        usUnits     =
        interval    =
        barometer   = mybarometer, inHg
        pressure    =
        altimeter   =
        inTemp      =
        outTemp     = myoutTemp, degree_F
        inHumidity  =
        outHumidity = myoutHumidity, percent
        windSpeed   = mywindSpeed, mile_per_hour
        windDir     = mywindDir, degree_compass
        windGust    = mywindGust, mile_per_hour
        windGustDir = 
        rainRate    = 
        rain        = 
        dewpoint    = mydewPoint, degree_F
        windchill   =
        heatindex   = myheatindex, degree_F
        ET          =
        radiation   =
        UV          =

How I can get it work?

Regards, Astrid

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