Well looking into the rainrate/rainRate issue has been most interesting. 
First up rainrate has been used in skin.conf for the rain rate plot as 
follows since the SteelSeries Weather Gauges first directly supported WeeWX:

       x_label_format = %H:%M
       show_daynight = true 
           yscale = None, None, 0.02 
           plot_type = bar 
               aggregate_type = sum 
               aggregate_interval = 3600 
               label = Rain (hourly total) 

But why has this never caused a problem or been noticed before? I think the 
way in which plot data is obtained and the introduction of xtypes holds the 
answer. Before WeeWX v4 plot data was obtained via a call to 
manager.getSqlVectors() which itself is encapsulated in a try...finally 
statement. The result being that any error (for example a non-existant obs 
type) was effectively swallowed and no data returned by 
manager.getSqlVectors(). The image generator would then plot this non-data 
which resulted in a plot devoid of data. Given that rain rate plots are 
seldom looked at, quite often show no data, and also as this plot was only 
used as a mouseover on the SteelSeries rain rate gauge, it is not 
surprising it's lack of data was never noticed. Now consider the new xtypes 
regime, plot data now comes from xtypes and if my xtypes understanding is 
correct, the xtypes are searched until one is found that can return the 
required data. In this case no xtype can return data for field rainrate 
which results in a weewx.UnknownType error which is highlighted in the log 
and painfully obvious to the user.

Of course the fix is simple, replace rainrate with the correct field 
rainRate. This then got me wondering about the $hour.rain.sum.raw issue. I 
am still convinced this is tied to an underlying lack of rain data for at 
least one full hour in the day. My testing yesterday showed the 
gauge-data.txt template would handle such a lack of rain data without 
problem, which is counter to Phil's experience. But I was running under 
WeeWX 3.9.2 which does not use xtypes, I am now thinking there is a subtle 
difference in the data returned by xtypes in some corner cases. So far my 
understanding of xtypes has been fairly limited to just what I have needed 
to bget by in working on WeeWX 4.0 (which has not been much). Clearly I 
have a bit more reading to do (@tkeffer - warning there will be some xtypes 
questions inbound) and I will spend some time today seeing if I can 
replicate the issue.


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