It’s probably not remembered, but some while ago I posted about a problem I was 
having with my (many years old) fousb station.

Basically, it was reporting ludicrously high rainfall and wind speeds. These 
"readings" happening even when the relevant sensors were unplugged.

So, I concluded that the unit’s electronics were, to use an Engineering term, 

Being unwilling to spend money on a new station, I explored the possibility of 
making a "homebrew" station and went out and bought a BBC Micro:bit and a 
Sparkfun Weather:bit.

The Sparkfun product comes with software written in Microsoft’s Typescript. 
This actually ran too slowly for my purposes, as did Micropython, so I ended up 
using C++ with the compiler on which loops round the monitoring tasks 
needed in about 1mS ( I wanted to avoid interrupts ).

I also wrote a (crude) driver for weewx, which pulls loop data off the 
Micro:bit, so all in all I’m feeling quite smug!

My next step is to have a go at writing code, running on the Micro:bit, which 
can read the BME280 as currently I’m doing that with the attached RPi.

I’m old enough btw to be able to say "I can write FORTRAN in any language", so 
please don’t ask to see the code!

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