Thanks, that is bizarre, I expectedt to see something in the log about 
record timestamps being less than the last, but no everything is normal. 
Archive records are bing generated with the correct timestamps, reports are 
being generated without issue. I can't see it being a browser cache issue, 
it would be stuck in the past not the future. A few (random) things to 

1. does the time change or is it always 22 May 00:00 (guessing it stays 
2. is the Seasons skin index.html file being generated every 5 minutes (ie 
does its timestamp change) (again guessing it does as Seasons should 
generate eight report files each report cycle and that is what it is doing)
3. do the current observations on the Seasons page change and are they 
4. do the timestamps below the plots on the Seasons 'Day' tab show the 
correct current time.


On Thursday, 21 May 2020 15:44:02 UTC+10, Zsolt Máté wrote:
> Thanks for the fast reply Gary.
> Here's the log ->
> On Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 5:07:37 PM UTC+12, gjr80 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Could be any one of a number of causes, should be easily diagnosed with a 
>> debug 
>> log extract 
>> <!-Posting-to-weewx-user> from 
>> WeeWX startup.
>> Gary
>> On Thursday, 21 May 2020 14:53:35 UTC+10, Zsolt Máté wrote:
>>> My current conditions are "frozen".
>>> Date is waaay in the future. I'm located in NZ, local time/date is 
>>> 4:47PM, the 21st of May.
>>> Since we're UTC-12, nobody passed the dateline yet.
>>> I've checkt the date/time and timezone and these are correct on my 
>>> server.
>>> The graphs are correct.
>>> What could cause this?
>>> [image: 2020-05-21 16_50_44 chrome_4YMd0jl6nZ.png]
>>> I'm running weewx 4.0.0 and capturing my data using interceptor.

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