Hello all, 

Almost same error message too.
I used with Weewx 3.9.1(Python2) for a long time and it worked well with no 
I have just updated to version Weewx 4.1.1 (python3), and this error occurs 
several time a day.
This is the only change I have done



2854 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] INFO weewx.drivers.wmr200: 
sensor map is {'altimeter': 'altimeter', 'pressure': 'pressure', 
'windSpeed': 'wind_speed', 'windDir': 'wind_dir', 'windGust': 
'wind_gust$2855 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL 
weewx.drivers.wmr200: open_device() Unable to claim USB interface. Reason: 
[Errno 16] Resource busy
2856 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] ERROR weewx.engine: Import of 
driver failed: [Errno 16] Resource busy (<class '   '>)
2857 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****  Traceback (most recent call last):
2858 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****    File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/drivers/wmr200.py", line 193, in 
2859 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****      self.handle.claimInterface(self.interface)
2860 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/usb/legacy.py", line 
230, in claimInterface
2861 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****      util.claim_interface(self.dev, interface)
2862 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/usb/util.py", line 
205, in claim_interface
2863 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****      device._ctx.managed_claim_interface(device, interface)
2864 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/usb/core.py", line 
102, in wrapper
2865 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****      return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
2866 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/usb/core.py", line 
167, in managed_claim_interface
2867 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****      self.backend.claim_interface(self.handle, i)
2868 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****    File 
"/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/usb/backend/libusb1.py", line 811, 
in claim_interface
2869 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****      _check(self.lib.libusb_claim_interface(dev_handle.handle, intf))
2870 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****    File 
"/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/usb/backend/libusb1.py", line 595, 
in _check
2871 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****      raise USBError(_strerror(ret), ret, _libusb_errno[ret])
2872 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****  usb.core.USBError: [Errno 16] Resource busy
2873 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
2874 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    
 ****  During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
2875 Jun 10 11:02:01 raspberrypi weewx[21331] CRITICAL weewx.engine:    

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