
It's worth noting the bme280wx service is not marked as WeeWX 4/python 3 
compatible but that should not matter since it is a very simple service and 
you are running python2 .

Can you try running WeeWX directly 
<http://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#Running_directly>. This will cause 
WeeWX to display the contents of the loop packets (lines starting with 
Loop:) and archive records (lines starting with REC:) to the console. Could 
you post the output back here making sure you capture at least one archive 
record (REC:). Would also help to see a copy of your [Engine] stanza from 


On Thursday, 25 June 2020 01:31:53 UTC+10, Troy Roberts wrote:
> So I am currently running weewx version 4.1.1 and collecting data via SDR 
> from an Acurite 5n1, three Acurite Temp/Humidity sensors, and a BME280 
> sensor for pressure. All data is populating the fields as I would expect 
> them to. I am currently using one of the acurite temp/humidity sensors to 
> populate the "inTemp" and "inHumidity" data fields however, I would like to 
> change those "inTemp" and "inHumidity" data fields to be populated by the 
> BME280 sensor and change the acurite temp/humidity sensor over to 
> "extraTemp3". However, when I edited the weewx.conf file, no data from the 
> BME280 sensor was being uploaded but I was now populating extraTemp3 data. 
> I'm not seeing any errors in the syslog. Below is my weewx.config sensor 
> mapping [SDR] and [BME280] that works and what I edited to switch sensors.
> This config sensor map works as I expect it to:
> [SDR]
>     # This section is for the software-defined radio driver.
>     # The driver to use
>     driver = user.sdr
>     # cmd = rtl_433 -M utc -F json -R 17 -R 44 -R 50
>     # cmd = rtl_433 -M utc -F json -G  # you can uncomment this if you have
>     # issues - check your logs! 
>     path = /usr/local/bin
>     ld_library_path = /usr/local/lib
>     [[sensor_map]]
>         windDir = wind_dir.098A.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>         windSpeed = wind_speed.098A.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>         outTemp = temperature.098A.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>         outHumidity = humidity.098A.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>         rain_total = rain_total.098A.Acurite5n1PacketV2 
>         inTemp = temperature.258E.AcuriteTowerPacketV2   #Nursery
>         inHumidity = humidity.258E.AcuriteTowerPacketV2  #Nursery
>         # I have more sensors, so I added them below, you may not.
>         #extraTemp1 = temperature_probe.0BF1.Acurite00275MPacket
>         #extraTemp2 = temperature.0BF1.Acurite00275MPacket
>         extraTemp1 = temperature.169B.AcuriteTowerPacketV2    #Beer Fridge
>         extraHumidity1 = humidity.169B.AcuriteTowerPacketV2   #Beer Fridge
>         extraTemp2 = temperature.2CE5.AcuriteTowerPacketV2    #Garage
>         extraHumidity2 = humidity.2CE5.AcuriteTowerPacketV2   #Garage
>         #extraTemp3 = temperature.258E.AcuriteTowerPacketV2    #Nursery
>         #extraHumidity3 = humidity.258E.AcuriteTowerPacketV2   #Nursery
>     [[deltas]]
>         rain = rain_total
> ##############################################################################
> # Options for extension 'bme280wx'
> [Bme280wx]
>     temperature_must_have = ""
>     humidityKeys = ""
>     pressureKeys = pressure
>     pressure_must_have = inTemp
>     i2c_port = 1
>     humidity_must_have = ""
>     i2c_address = 0x76
>     usUnits = US
>     temperatureKeys = ""
> This is config sensor map does not work (no BME280 data is populated):
> [SDR]
>     # This section is for the software-defined radio driver.
>     # The driver to use
>     driver = user.sdr
>     # cmd = rtl_433 -M utc -F json -R 17 -R 44 -R 50
>     # cmd = rtl_433 -M utc -F json -G  # you can uncomment this if you have
>     # issues - check your logs! 
>     path = /usr/local/bin
>     ld_library_path = /usr/local/lib
>     [[sensor_map]]
>         windDir = wind_dir.098A.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>         windSpeed = wind_speed.098A.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>         outTemp = temperature.098A.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>         outHumidity = humidity.098A.Acurite5n1PacketV2
>         rain_total = rain_total.098A.Acurite5n1PacketV2 
>         # inTemp = temperature.258E.AcuriteTowerPacketV2   #Nursery
>         # inHumidity = humidity.258E.AcuriteTowerPacketV2  #Nursery
>         # I have more sensors, so I added them below, you may not.
>         #extraTemp1 = temperature_probe.0BF1.Acurite00275MPacket
>         #extraTemp2 = temperature.0BF1.Acurite00275MPacket
>         extraTemp1 = temperature.169B.AcuriteTowerPacketV2    #Beer Fridge
>         extraHumidity1 = humidity.169B.AcuriteTowerPacketV2   #Beer Fridge
>         extraTemp2 = temperature.2CE5.AcuriteTowerPacketV2    #Garage
>         extraHumidity2 = humidity.2CE5.AcuriteTowerPacketV2   #Garage
>         extraTemp3 = temperature.258E.AcuriteTowerPacketV2    #Nursery
>         extraHumidity3 = humidity.258E.AcuriteTowerPacketV2   #Nursery
>     [[deltas]]
>         rain = rain_total
> ##############################################################################
> # Options for extension 'bme280wx'
> [Bme280wx]
>     temperature_must_have = ""
>     humidityKeys = inHumidity
>     pressureKeys = pressure
>     pressure_must_have = inTemp
>     i2c_port = 1
>     humidity_must_have = ""
>     i2c_address = 0x76
>     usUnits = US
>     temperatureKeys = inTemp
> So I'm trying to figure out why it won't populate the BME280 
> pressure/temp/humidity. Any ideas?
> I'll also attach the syslog.

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