Ok, here is the clue:

Jun 29 17:53:49 raspberrypi weewx[25051] INFO weewx.wxservices: The following 
values will be calculated: pressure=prefer_hardware, barometer=prefer_hardware, 
altimeter=prefer_hardware, windchill=prefer_hardware, 
heatindex=prefer_hardware, dewpoint=prefer_hardware, 
inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, rainRate=prefer_hardware

StdWXCalculate is not set to calculate cloudbase for some reason (cloudbase is 
usually calculated by WeeWX not the station/driver). Have a look at 
[StdWXCalculate] [[Calculations]] in weewx.conf, is there any entry for 
cloudbase? If not add one, something like:

        cloudbase = prefer_hardware

Save weewx.conf and restart WeeWX (probably easiest to check at first by 
running WeeWX directly). If a cloudbase entry does exist please post a copy of 
your [Calculations] stanza.


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