On Monday, August 3, 2020 at 11:58:11 AM UTC-7, brisguy foo wrote:
> My original complaint was that I could not get the daemon to START without 
> rebooting the system. I never mentioned problems with shutting it down. If 
> you look at the log starting around 10:47, you'll see messages indicating 
> that weewx has started, but it should have posted a new record at 11:50 
> (and every five minutes thereafter), but did not. Same thing starting at 
> 11:27. At that point, I reboot so I can mount a USB drive onto the system, 
> which involves disconnecting the weather-station since I only have one USB 
> port I can use! After that reboot, the system ran normally.
I have no idea what a USB drive has to do with anything you're mentioning.

10:54:27 your clock synched so after that we should be able to trust the 
timestamps in the syslog

11:17:25 weewx start
11:18:24 weewx stop

11:18:35 weewx start
(no visible weewx stop)

11:27:40 weewx start
(no visible weewx stop)

11:41:01 looks like you rebooted
11:41:37 system coming back up after reboot

11:41:48 weewx start

I'd suggest a couple things....

   - if you have to do things with USB, you likely don't have enough power 
   being supplied to the pi.  See if you have a stronger power supply to use.
   - set debug=1 in weewx.conf so it logs more verbosely, at least until 
   things stabilize
   - you're not showing us any weewx activity re: archiving, running skins, 
   etc.  Check if it's going to a different file in /var/log on your pi.

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