Sorry if you think I am harping on the [[field_map]] issue but I need to 
understand if we are trying to track down a field map issue or something 
else. Is the log extract you just posted with [[field map]] or 
[[field_map]]? because again it shows the setting was ignored.

The reason that [[field map]] partially works is that it is completely 
ignored and the default map used, this results in GW1000 fields intemp and 
in humid being discarded because their mapped locations (WeeWX fields 
inTemp and inHumidity) are already populated. The GW1000 driver is coded to 
use two field map type stanzas; [[field_map]] and [[field_map_extensions]]. 
As far as the field map is concerned anything else is ignored.


On Saturday, 22 August 2020 at 02:59:26 UTC+10 wrote:

> Yes, the GW1000 disconnected and I moved it close to the router for 
> testing, where I can see it. the router reserves an ip for it. I decided to 
> start over. I uninstalled the extension, went back to an earlier weewx.conf 
> then reinstalled the extension. I modified weewx.conf as shown in the 
> github page, and placed this in weewx.conf:
> # Options for extension 'GW1000'
> [GW1000]
>     driver = user.gw1000
> [[field map]]
> extraTemp2  = intemp
> extraHumid2  = inhumid
> extraTemp1 = temp1
> extraHumid1 = humid1
> soilMoist1 = soilmoist1
> I've attached a syslog extract. I tried using [[field_map]], and that made 
> all values null. Using [[field map]] gives the last three values. Maybe you 
> could post a working GW Options field, and I will paste that into my 
> weewx.conf and see what happens.
> On Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 8:37:57 PM UTC-6 gjr80 wrote:
>> The highlighted line tells me the default field map is being used and not 
>> [[field_map]]:
>> Aug 20 20:01:29 raspberrypi weewx[31556] DEBUG weewx.engine: Loading 
>> service user.gw1000.Gw1000Service
>> Aug 20 20:01:32 raspberrypi weewx[31556] INFO gw1000: user.gw1000: 
>> GW1000 was found at
>> Aug 20 20:01:32 raspberrypi weewx[31556] INFO gw1000: user.gw1000: field 
>> map is {'UV': 'uvi', 'dateTime': 'datetime', 'dayRain': 'rainday', 
>> 'daymaxwind': 'daymaxwind', 'dewpoint': 'dewpoint', 'extraHumid1': 
>> 'humid1', 'extraHumid2': 'humid2', 'extraHumid3': 'humid3', 'extraHumid4'
>> : 'humid4', 'extraHumid5': 'humid5', 'extraHumid6': 'humid6', 
>> 'extraHumid7': 'humid7', 'extraHumid8': 'humid8', 'extraTemp1': 'temp1', 
>> 'extraTemp2': 'temp2', 'extraTemp3': 'temp3', 'extraTemp4': 'temp4', 
>> 'extraTemp5': 'temp5', 'extraTemp6': 'temp6', 'extraTemp7': 'temp7', 
>> 'extraTemp8': 'temp8', 'heatindex': 'heatindex', 'hourRain': 'rainhour', 
>> 'inHumidity': 'inhumid', 'inTemp': 'intemp', 'leak1': 'leak1', 'leak2': 
>> 'leak2', 'leak3': 'leak3', 'leak4': 'leak4', 'lightning_distance': 
>> 'lightningdist', 'lightning_last_det_time': 'lightningdettime', 
>> 'lightning_strike_count': 'lightning_strike_count', 'luminosity': 'light'
>> , 'monthRain': 'rainmonth', 'outHumidity': 'outhumid', 'outTemp': 
>> 'outtemp', 'pm2_5': 'pm251', 'pm2_51_24hav': 'pm251_24hav', 'pm2_52': 
>> 'pm252', 'pm2_52_24hav': 'pm252_24hav', 'pm2_53': 'pm253', 'pm2_53_24hav'
>> : 'pm253_24hav', 'pm2_54': 'pm254', 'pm2_54_24hav': 'pm254_24hav', 
>> 'pressure': 'absbarometer', 'rain': 'rain', 'rainRate': 'rainrate', 
>> 'relbarometer': 'relbarometer', 'soilMoist1': 'soilmoist1', 'soilMoist2': 
>> 'soilmoist2', 'soilMoist3': 'soilmoist3', 'soilMoist4': 'soilmoist4', 
>> 'soilMoist5': 'soilmoist5', 'soilMoist6': 'soilmoist6', 'soilMoist7': 
>> 'soilmoist7', 'soilMoist8': 'soilmoist8', 'soilMoist9': 'soilmoist9', 
>> 'soilMoist10': 'soilmoist10', 'soilMoist11': 'soilmoist11', 'soilMoist12'
>> : 'soilmoist12', 'soilMoist13': 'soilmoist13', 'soilMoist14': 
>> 'soilmoist14', 'soilMoist15': 'soilmoist15', 'soilMoist16': 'soilmoist16'
>> , 'soilTemp1': 'soiltemp1', 'soilTemp2': 'soiltemp2', 'soilTemp3': 
>> 'soiltemp3', 'soilTemp4': 'soiltemp4', 'soilTemp5': 'soiltemp5', 
>> 'soilTemp6': 'soiltemp6', 'soilTemp7': 'soiltemp7', 'soilTemp8': 
>> 'soiltemp8', 'soilTemp9': 'soiltemp9', 'soilTemp10': 'soiltemp10', 
>> 'soilTemp11': 'soiltemp11', 'soilTemp12': 'soiltemp12', 'soilTemp13': 
>> 'soiltemp13', 'soilTemp14': 'soiltemp14', 'soilTemp15': 'soiltemp15', 
>> 'soilTemp16': 'soiltemp16', 'stormRain': 'rainevent', 'totalRain': 
>> 'raintotals', 'uvradiation': 'uv', 'weekRain': 'rainweek', 'wh25_batt': 
>> 'wh25_batt', 'wh26_batt': 'wh26_batt', 'wh31_ch1_batt': 'wh31_ch1_batt', 
>> 'wh31_ch2_batt': 'wh31_ch2_batt', 'wh31_ch3_batt': 'wh31_ch3_batt', 
>> 'wh31_ch4_batt': 'wh31_ch4_batt', 'wh31_ch5_batt': 'wh31_ch5_batt', 
>> 'wh31_ch6_batt': 'wh31_ch6_batt', 'wh31_ch7_batt': 'wh31_ch7_batt', 
>> 'wh31_ch8_batt': 'wh31_ch8_batt', 'wh40_batt': 'wh40_batt', 
>> 'wh41_ch1_batt': 'wh41_ch1_batt', 'wh41_ch2_batt': 'wh41_ch2_batt', 
>> 'wh41_ch3_batt': 'wh41_ch3_batt', 'wh41_ch4_batt': 'wh41_ch4_batt', 
>> 'wh51_ch1_batt': 'wh51_ch1_batt', 'wh51_ch2_batt': 'wh51_ch2_batt', 
>> 'wh51_ch3_batt': 'wh51_ch3_batt', 'wh51_ch4_batt': 'wh51_ch4_batt', 
>> 'wh51_ch5_batt': 'wh51_ch5_batt', 'wh51_ch6_batt': 'wh51_ch6_batt', 
>> 'wh51_ch7_batt': 'wh51_ch7_batt', 'wh51_ch8_batt': 'wh51_ch8_batt', 
>> 'wh51_ch9_batt': 'wh51_ch9_batt', 'wh51_ch10_batt': 'wh51_ch10_batt', 
>> 'wh51_ch11_batt': 'wh51_ch11_batt', 'wh51_ch12_batt': 'wh51_ch12_batt', 
>> 'wh51_ch13_batt': 'wh51_ch13_batt', 'wh51_ch14_batt': 'wh51_ch14_batt', 
>> 'wh51_ch15_batt': 'wh51_ch15_batt', 'wh51_ch16_batt': 'wh51_ch16_batt', 
>> 'wh55_ch1_batt': 'wh55_ch1_batt', 'wh55_ch2_batt': 'wh55_ch2_batt', 
>> 'wh55_ch3_batt': 'wh55_ch3_batt', 'wh55_ch4_batt': 'wh55_ch4_batt', 
>> 'wh57_batt': 'wh57_batt', 'wh65_batt': 'wh65_batt', 'wh68_batt': 
>> 'wh68_batt', 'windDir': 'winddir', 'windGust': 'gustspeed', 'windSpeed': 
>> 'windspeed', 'windchill': 'windchill', 'ws80_batt': 'ws80_batt', 
>> 'yearRain': 'rainyear'}
>> Aug 20 20:01:32 raspberrypi weewx[31556] INFO gw1000: user.gw1000: 
>> version is 0.1.0b11
>> Aug 20 20:01:32 raspberrypi weewx[31556] INFO gw1000: user.gw1000: 
>> GW1000 IP address not specified, attempting to discover GW1000...
>> Aug 20 20:01:32 raspberrypi weewx[31556] INFO gw1000: user.gw1000: 
>> GW1000 address is
>> Aug 20 20:01:32 raspberrypi weewx[31556] INFO gw1000: user.gw1000: poll 
>> interval is 60 seconds
>> Aug 20 20:01:32 raspberrypi weewx[31556] DEBUG gw1000: user.gw1000: max 
>> tries is 3, retry wait time is 10 seconds
>> Aug 20 20:01:32 raspberrypi weewx[31556] DEBUG gw1000: user.gw1000: 
>> broadcast address, socket timeout is 2 seconds
>> Aug 20 20:01:32 raspberrypi weewx[31556] INFO gw1000: user.gw1000: max 
>> age of API data to be used is 60 seconds
>> Aug 20 20:01:32 raspberrypi weewx[31556] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished 
>> loading service user.gw1000.Gw1000Service
>> What was your [GW1000] stanza when this was log was taken, if you did 
>> not have [[field_map]] then we need to see the log extract with 
>> [[field_map]].
>> This also tells me that whilst the GW1000 was found twice at startup 
>> contact was subsequently lost with the GW1000 and it looks like contact was 
>> not re-established:
>> Aug 20 20:02:58 raspberrypi weewx[31556] DEBUG gw1000: user.gw1000: 
>> Failed attempt 3 to send command 'CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA': timed out
>> Aug 20 20:02:58 raspberrypi weewx[31556] ERROR gw1000: user.gw1000: 
>> Failed to send command 'CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA' after 3 attempts
>> Aug 20 20:02:58 raspberrypi weewx[31556] INFO gw1000: user.gw1000: 
>> Attempting to re-discover GW1000...
>> Would certainly explain the lack of GW1000 data. Have you noticed these 
>> type of entries before? Is your GW1000 being allocated a fixed/static IP?
>> Gary
>> On Friday, 21 August 2020 12:20:03 UTC+10, Timothy Buchanan wrote:
>>> [[field_map]] makes all values null, including the ones that worked 
>>> before. Syslog follows

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