I'm setting up remote weather sites so this is an essential for me. 
Unfortunately I can't get it to work yet.
But I believe I've found an error:
In the lines below, the sixth line should say weewx_status rather than 

# weewx stop, start commands -- these depend on your setup
weewx_stop="/etc/init.d/weewx stop"
#weewx_stop="sudo systemctl stop weewx"
weewx_start="/etc/init.d/weewx start"
#weewx_start="sudo systemctl start weewx"
weewx_start="/etc/init.d/weewx status"
#weewx_status="systemctl status weewx"
#host restart command
host_restart="shutdown -r now"
#host_restart="sudo shutdown -r now"  

I'm going to start a fresh install tonight. In all my troubleshooting I've 
probably honked up something. I went from it having no response to now 
rebooting every 20 minutes.

On Monday, May 6, 2019 at 6:02:57 PM UTC-5 le...@isylum.org wrote:

> Hey, WeeWX'ers!  =D
> Lots of improvements made to my watchdog script(s).
> 1)   wunderfixer is now decoupled, except in conjunction with an outage.
> It means that even if dowufixer=1 (enabled), it will only run if it is 
> within a certain time-frame after an outage (watchdogsecs * repeatwufixer).
> With the defaults, wunderfixer runs every 10 minutes, six times, i.e. 
> spread over an hour after an outage.
> 2)  A separate weewx_wunderfixer wrapper is provided to run separately 
> twice a day.
> See readme for recommendations.  This change and #1 above is in the spirit 
> of lowering the amount of "gratuitous" calls to WU infrastructure, while 
> still attempting to keep WU up-to-date a soon as possible after an outage. 
>  The main purpose of the weewx_wunderfixer is to compute today's and 
> yesterday's dates and run against both, just to be extra sure that there 
> are no gaps on the WU side.  Decoupling now means those actions only occur 
> twice a day, instead of every watchdogsecs (e.g. every 10 minutes by 
> default), plus a default of 6 more times after an outage.
> 3)  The running status of weewx is now explicitly checked, which is in 
> part to catch an outage sooner, in case weewx crashed very recently after a 
> cron interval.
> A similar check is now added after a weewx restart attempt, which avoids a 
> double watchdogsecs wait (allows back to back weewx restart and host reboot 
> remediations, which is especially nice in the case of a USB / firmware 
> hang).
> 4)  Improved and more consistent logging with a running history of status 
> and remediation steps the beginning of the current pass of weewx_watchdog.
> That one proved more challenging than expected due to a 1024 line-length 
> limitation somewhere in the middle between the host and my inbox.  A simple 
> "fmt -s -w 1024" did the trick.  I woulda had this update out sooner, were 
> it not for that one!  LOL
> The latest 1.1.0 version is over here:
> https://github.com/UberEclectic/weewx/tree/watchdog/examples/watchdog
> Regards,
> \Leon
> --
> Leon Shaner :: Dearborn, Michigan (iPad Pro)

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