Sunray <> writes:

> Sorry if this has been brought up already. I plan to install a Raspberry Pi 
> running Weewx at a remote cold cabin, where the time and conditions for 
> local configuration and troubleshooting are limited. So ideally I'd like to 
> bring a pre-configured RPi to the cabin and just plug it into the existing 
> LAN router where the weather station (Davis Vantage Vue with Weatherlink 
> IP) is already running. 
> Then, ideally, using a remote desktop running e.g. VNC Viewer, do as much 
> as possible of the setup remotely from the warmth of my home. 

My version of ideal is ssh access only to the command line and no GUI
involved.  I have a RPI3 running weewx, and it has no keyboard and no
display.  I log into it over ssh and have done everything from the
command line.  (The only trouble has been from SD card flakiness and
then I need to pull the card and repair it from another system.)

If you are going to have a remote system learning to use the command
line is worth it.

> A question to you experts: is this feasible at all ? What are the minimum 
> setup steps that must be done locally at the cabin?  I guess the key steps  
> are 1) to find out the local IP addresses of the weather station and the 
> RPi, and then 2) get the weather station to talk to the RPi and then 3) to  
> get the virtual desktop of the RPi to become accessible on the internet. 
> Then I could control Weewx from home. 

My advice is:

  wire the RPI3 to the router

  wire the weatherlink IP to the router if you possibly can

  Either install a big solar/battery system or get a good UPS.  Test the
  UPS as well as reading the manual to make sure it will power up again
  after a long outage, if you lose power and get it back.

  put the weatherlink IP and the RPI3 on static addresses on your lan.

  set up port forwarding for something (port 22 maybe) to port 22 on the
  RPI3.  Do not open up other ports.

  Set up dynamic DNS on the router so you can find the public IP address.

  set up something on the RPI3 to at least once a day do something like
  "wget"; so you can
  find the IP address when the dynamic DNS breaks

  Set up tor on your RPI3 to offer ssh as a hidden service, and test
  connecting to it from your machine at home.

  Get a USB SSD and configure the Pi to boot from the uSD and mostly use
  the SSD.   If you don't do this configure weewx to generate html into
  a /tmp ramdisk so it isn't needlessly churning the uSD card

brief tor hints (may need adjusting from NetBSD to GNU/Linux) -- further
tor is off topic here and there are lots of docs on the net

in .ssh/config, and nc is openbsd's netcat which has support for socks5

--------------------Host *.onion
    ProxyCommand nc -xlocalhost:9050 -X5 %h %p
    # Use %n, to name control sockets foo.onion, so they aren't too big.
    ControlPath ~/.ssh/controlmasters/%r@%n:%p

Host rpi3.onion
    Hostname abcdefg.onion  # copy from the address in hidden_service dir

in torrc:

HiddenServiceDir /var/chroot/tor/hidden_service/
HiddenServicePort 22

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