I did some more troubleshooting this morning. I looked at the weewx-mqtt 
code and saw if debug = 2, it would log the messages to the broker queue. 
What I see are only F values being sent to the MQTT broker such as:

Jan  2 17:30:36 raspberrypi weewx[14221] DEBUG user.mqtt: data: 
{'dateTime': '1609608633.0', 'usUnits': '1.0', 'rainRate_inch_per_hour': 
'0.0041459842519685035', 'hourRain_in': '0.0010364960629921259', 
'rain24_in': '0.7630002755905513', 'dayRain_in': '0.015043897637795279', 
'outTemp_F': '48.704', 'outHumidity': '65.82', 'pressure_inHg': 
'29.569262383375', 'outTempBatteryStatus': '2.58', 'UV': '1.13', 'rain_in': 
'0.0', 'windBatteryStatus': '2.58', 'radiation_Wpm2': '195.0', 
'altimeter_inHg': '29.8730484820492', 'barometer_inHg': 
'29.87618364623033', 'cloudbase_foot': '2760.0530237211146', 'dewpoint_F': 
'37.791766695627096', 'heatindex_F': '46.367940000000004', 'humidex_F': 

I am still seeing C units coming back while debugging the dev tools console 
when the Belchertown skin is receiving/logging the message like in my 
original post. Scanning the belcherown.js, with debug it is logging the 
incoming message so it is a head scratcher to me how one component is 
logging the outgoing message in F (US) while a different component is 
logging the incoming message in C (Metric)


On Friday, January 1, 2021 at 3:28:51 PM UTC-5 David Levine wrote:

> I have a new setup and working on adding MQTT to the mix. I went with 
> hivemq to start. What is occurring is the MQTT realtime refreshes appear to 
> be a celcius value and not my expected/configured fahrenheit value. Am I 
> missing a config setting/section?
> Below is a snippet of debug console output and what I notice is the first 
> message in the snippet shows temp in F which is what is expected. The 3rd 
> message shows everything in C which is unexpected. When I first load my web 
> page, it shows the temp, etc in F but after the first MQTT adjustment, a 
> couple of the values switch to C, though the label stays F. 
> belchertown.js?1609531535:37 MQTT: {"dateTime": "1609532099.0", "usUnits": 
> "1.0", "rainRate_inch_per_hour": "0.0", "hourRain_in": "0.0", "rain24_in": 
> "0.0", "dayRain_in": "0.0", "outTemp_F": "36.248", "outHumidity": "63.68", 
> "pressure_inHg": "30.143325340375", "outTempBatteryStatus": "2.559", "UV": 
> "0.15", "rain_in": "0.0", "windBatteryStatus": "2.559", "radiation_Wpm2": 
> "27.0", "altimeter_inHg": "30.451898910400498", "barometer_inHg": 
> "30.46410551847069", "cloudbase_foot": "2805.165679377027", "dewpoint_F": 
> "25.137271010741078", "heatindex_F": "36.248", "humidex_F": "36.248"}
> belchertown.js?1609531535:37 MQTT: {"dateTime": "1609532102.0", 
> "windSpeed_mph": "0.0", "usUnits": "1.0", "rainRate_inch_per_hour": "0.0", 
> "hourRain_in": "0.0", "rain24_in": "0.0", "dayRain_in": "0.0"}
> belchertown.js?1609531535:37 MQTT: {"dateTime": "1609532103.0", 
> "pressure_mbar": "1013.7152953417267", "outHumidity": "85.0", "inHumidity": 
> "97.0", "outTemp_C": "2.7777777777777777", "inTemp_C": "5.222222222222221", 
> "windSpeed_kph": "1.8024652800000003", "windGust_kph": 
> "1.8024652800000003", "windDir": "227.0", "radiation_Wpm2": "0.0", 
> "rain_cm": "0.0", "rainRate_mm_per_hour": "0.0", "UV": "0.0", 
> "extraTemp1_C": "7.8999999999999995", "extraTemp2_C": "6.900000000000001", 
> "extraHumid1": "85.0", "extraHumid2": "85.0", "rainBatteryStatus": "1.6", 
> "windBatteryStatus": "1.66", "barometer_mbar": "1013.7152953417267", 
> "altimeter_mbar": "1021.4013952324038", "windchill_C": 
> "2.7777777777777777", "heatindex_C": "2.7777777777777777", "dewpoint_C": 
> "0.5099126991358697", "inDewpoint_C": "4.785153750721902", 
> "maxSolarRad_Wpm2": "0.0", "cloudbase_meter": "345.781455500638", 
> "beaufort_count": "0.0", "appTemp_C": "0.5178210591074577", "humidex_C": 
> "2.7777777777777777", "hourRain_cm": "0.0", "rain24_cm": "0.02032", 
> "dayRain_mm": "0.20320000000000002", "usUnits": "16.0"}
> The first message looks correct and the 3rd message not so much. 
> Here's my MQTT config and what I added to the Belchertown/Extras section 
> of weewx.conf:
>     [[MQTT]]
>         server_url = mqtt://broker.hivemq.com:1883/
>         topic = weather
>         unit_system = US
>         binding = archive, loop
>         aggregation = aggregate
>         log_success = False
>         log_failure = True
>     [[Belchertown]]    
>          [[[Extras]]]    
>             # MQTT Websockets defaults
>             mqtt_websockets_enabled = 1
>             mqtt_websockets_host = broker.hivemq.com
>             mqtt_websockets_port = 8000
>             mqtt_websockets_ssl = 0
>             mqtt_websockets_topic = weather/loop
> Thanks!
> David

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