Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for. I know it is too late for 
you, but I thought other people might need to add units, unit groups, and 
observations. So, I was looking for a real world example. I’ve opened issue 
118 <> to work 
on this in MQTTSubscribe.

On Thursday, 28 January 2021 at 15:03:22 UTC-5 wrote:

> I am not sure that I understood what I am expected to post. The units and 
> unit group definition file I created is this:
> schrieb am Montag, 25. Januar 2021 um 01:09:55 UTC+1:
>> Karen, 
>> If you pst what you have done, I’d be willing to look at updating 
>> MQTTSubscribe to have a configuration option. If we get something working, 
>> perhaps a pull request to WeeWX might result.
>> rich
>> On Sunday, 24 January 2021 at 05:57:47 UTC-5 wrote:
>>> @Rich: Yes, I was afraid that that is the only way to do it. So I guess, 
>>> I will do it the same way
>>> @Weatherl: Oh, I did not install devices of my own. Instead I got 
>>> permission to read the readings of the official level and flow meters from 
>>> the government. They provide an API in the Internet here. If you register 
>>> with them you can get the data live.
>>> schrieb am Samstag, 23. Januar 2021 um 22:48:32 UTC+1:
>>>> I'll be interested in hearing if there is a better way, but here is 
>>>> what I did to add a new observation.
>>>> 1. Wrote this service.
>>>> import weewx
>>>> import weewx.units
>>>> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['honeywell01'] = 'group_temperature'
>>>> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['honeywell02'] = 'group_temperature'
>>>> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['honeywell03'] = 'group_temperature'
>>>> class Noop(weewx.engine.StdService):
>>>>     pass
>>>> 2. Updated weewx.conf
>>>>         prep_services = weewx.engine.StdTimeSynch , user.bellrichm.Noop
>>>> rich
>>>> On Saturday, 23 January 2021 at 16:18:28 UTC-5 wrote:
>>>>> I installed MQTTSubscribe service. In this case it provides data about 
>>>>> water level (unit cm) and water flow (unit cubic meter per second) of the 
>>>>> near river.
>>>>> As those units and unit group are not included in the standard weewx I 
>>>>> have to assign them elsewhere.
>>>>> Because I use the MQTTSubscribe service, there is no need to write an 
>>>>> extension. On the other hand, no extension file means no place to put the 
>>>>> assignment of the additional units and unit groups.
>>>>> Could I declare those units and unit groups somewhere in weewx.conf?
>>>>> Is there any other possibility?

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