good evening michael, sorry if I answer you just now. in the meantime, 
thank you very much for your suggestion.
when i use the suggested option -M oldmodel i don't recognize hidekiTS04 
and acurite 6045M sensors
this is because I have replaced the file created by andy to 
recognize the two sensors mentioned above.
could you please work if you can on the file that I attach for the 
hideki wind and hideki rain sensors?

Il giorno domenica 7 febbraio 2021 alle 15:54:31 UTC+1 Michael ha scritto:

> Hi Giuseppe,
> which cmd are you using in your weewx.config?
> In my case 
> cmd = /usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -f 433.92M -M utc -F json -G -M oldmodel
> works fine. 
> Michael
>> thank you all

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016-2020 Matthew Wall
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPLv3)
Collect data from stl-sdr.  Run rtl_433 on a thread and push the output onto
a queue.

The SDR detects many different sensors and sensor types, so this driver
includes a mechanism to filter the incoming data, and to map the filtered
data onto the weewx database schema and identify the type of data from each

Sensors are filtered based on a tuple that identifies uniquely each sensor.
A tuple consists of the observation name, a unique identifier for the hardware,
and the packet type, separated by periods:


The filter and data types are specified in a sensor_map stanza in the driver
stanza.  For example:

    driver = user.sdr
        inTemp = temperature.25A6.AcuriteTowerPacket
        outTemp = temperature.24A4.AcuriteTowerPacket
        rain_total = rain_total.A52B.Acurite5n1Packet

If no sensor_map is specified, no data will be collected.

The deltas stanza indicates which observations are cumulative measures and
how they should be split into delta measures.

        rain = rain_total

In this case, the value for rain will be a delta calculated from sequential
rain_total observations.

To identify sensors, run the driver directly.  Alternatively, use the options
log_unknown_sensors and log_unmapped_sensors to see data from the SDR that are
not yet recognized by your configuration.

    driver = user.sdr
    log_unknown_sensors = True
    log_unmapped_sensors = True

The default for each of these is False.

Eventually we would prefer to have all rtl_433 output as json.  Unfortunately,
many of the rtl_433 decoders do not emit this format yet (as of January 2017).
So this driver is designed to look for json first, then fall back to single-
or multi-line plain text format.

WARNING: Handling of units and unit systems in rtl_433 is a mess, but it is
getting better.  Although there is an option to request SI units, there is no
indicate in the decoder output whether that option is respected, nor does
rtl_433 specify exactly which SI units are used for various types of measure.
There seems to be a pattern of appending a unit label to the observation name
in the JSON data, for example 'wind_speed_mph' instead of just 'wind_speed'.

from __future__ import with_statement
from calendar import timegm
    # Python 3
    import queue
except ImportError:
    # Python 2:
    import Queue as queue
import fnmatch
import os
import re
import subprocess
import threading
import time

    import cjson as json
    setattr(json, 'dumps', json.encode)
    setattr(json, 'loads', json.decode)
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
        import simplejson as json
    except ImportError:
        import json

import weewx.drivers
import weewx.units
from weeutil.weeutil import tobool

    # New-style weewx logging
    import weeutil.logger
    import logging
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def logdbg(msg):

    def loginf(msg):

    def logerr(msg):

except ImportError:
    # Old-style weewx logging
    import syslog

    def logmsg(level, msg):
        syslog.syslog(level, 'sdr: %s: %s' %
                      (threading.currentThread().getName(), msg))

    def logdbg(msg):
        logmsg(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, msg)

    def loginf(msg):
        logmsg(syslog.LOG_INFO, msg)

    def logerr(msg):
        logmsg(syslog.LOG_ERR, msg)


# The default command requests json output from every decoder
# Use the -R option to indicate specific decoders

# -q      - suppress non-data messages (for older versions of rtl_433)
# -M utc  - print timestamps in UTC (-U for older versions of rtl_433)
# -F json - emit data in json format (not all rtl_433 decoders support this)
# -G      - emit data for all rtl decoders (only available in newer rtl_433)
#           as of early 2020, the syntax is '-G4', but use only for testing

# very old implmentations:
#DEFAULT_CMD = 'rtl_433 -q -U -F json -G'
# as of dec2018:
#DEFAULT_CMD = 'rtl_433 -M utc -F json -G'
# as of feb2020:
DEFAULT_CMD = 'rtl_433 -M utc -F json'

def loader(config_dict, _):
    return SDRDriver(**config_dict[DRIVER_NAME])

def confeditor_loader():
    return SDRConfigurationEditor()

class AsyncReader(threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self, fd, queue, label):
        self._fd = fd
        self._queue = queue
        self._running = False

    def run(self):
        logdbg("start async reader for %s" % self.getName())
        self._running = True
        for line in iter(self._fd.readline, ''):
            if not self._running:

    def stop_running(self):
        self._running = False

class ProcManager(object):
    TS = re.compile('^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d[\s]+')

    def __init__(self):
        self._cmd = None
        self._process = None
        self.stdout_queue = queue.Queue()
        self.stdout_reader = None
        self.stderr_queue = queue.Queue()
        self.stderr_reader = None

    def startup(self, cmd, path=None, ld_library_path=None):
        self._cmd = cmd
        loginf("startup process '%s'" % self._cmd)
        env = os.environ.copy()
        if path:
            env['PATH'] = path + ':' + env['PATH']
        if ld_library_path:
            env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ld_library_path
            self._process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(' '),
            self.stdout_reader = AsyncReader(
                self._process.stdout, self.stdout_queue, 'stdout-thread')
            self.stderr_reader = AsyncReader(
                self._process.stderr, self.stderr_queue, 'stderr-thread')
        except (OSError, ValueError) as e:
            raise weewx.WeeWxIOError("failed to start process '%s': %s" %
                                     (cmd, e))

    def shutdown(self):
        loginf('shutdown process %s' % self._cmd)
        logdbg('waiting for %s' % self.stdout_reader.getName())
        if self.stdout_reader.isAlive():
            loginf('timed out waiting for %s' % self.stdout_reader.getName())
        self.stdout_reader = None
        logdbg('waiting for %s' % self.stderr_reader.getName())
        if self.stderr_reader.isAlive():
            loginf('timed out waiting for %s' % self.stderr_reader.getName())
        self.stderr_reader = None
        logdbg("close stdout")
        logdbg("close stderr")
        logdbg('kill process')
        if self._process.poll() is None:
            logerr('process did not respond to kill, shutting down anyway')
        self._process = None

    def running(self):
        return self._process.poll() is None

    def get_stderr(self):
        lines = []
        while not self.stderr_queue.empty():
        return lines

    def get_stdout(self):
        lines = []
        while self.running():
                # Fetch the output line. For it to be searched, Python 3 requires that
                # it be decoded to unicode. Decoding does no harm under Python 2:
                line = self.stdout_queue.get(True, 3).decode()
                m =
                if m and lines:
                    yield lines
                    lines = []
            except queue.Empty:
                yield lines
                lines = []
        yield lines

class Packet:

    def __init__(self):

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        return None

    def parse_json(obj):
        return None

    TS_PATTERN = re.compile('(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)')

    def parse_time(line):
        ts = None
            m =
            if m:
                utc = time.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                ts = timegm(utc)
        except Exception as e:
            logerr("parse timestamp failed for '%s': %s" % (line, e))
        return ts

    def get_float(obj, key_):
        if key_ in obj:
                return float(obj[key_])
            except ValueError:
        return None

    def get_int(obj, key_):
        if key_ in obj:
                return int(obj[key_])
            except ValueError:
        return None

    def parse_lines(lines, parseinfo=None):
        # parse each line, splitting on colon for name:value
        # tuple in parseinfo is label, pattern, lambda
        # if there is a label, use it to transform the name
        # if there is a pattern, use it to match the value
        # if there is a lamba, use it to convert the value
        if parseinfo is None:
            parseinfo = dict()
        packet = dict()
        for line in lines[1:]:
            if line.count(':') == 1:
                    (name, value) = [x.strip() for x in line.split(':')]
                    if name in parseinfo:
                        if parseinfo[name][1]:
                            m = parseinfo[name][1].search(value)
                            if m:
                                value =
                                logdbg("regex failed for %s:'%s'" %
                                       (name, value))
                        if parseinfo[name][2]:
                            value = parseinfo[name][2](value)
                        if parseinfo[name][0]:
                            name = parseinfo[name][0]
                        packet[name] = value
                        logdbg("ignoring %s:%s" % (name, value))
                except Exception as e:
                    logerr("parse failed for line '%s': %s" % (line, e))
                logdbg("skip line '%s'" % line)
        while lines:
        return packet

    def add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id='', packet_type=''):
        # qualify each field name with details about the sensor.  not every
        # sensor has all three fields.
        # observation.<sensor_id>.<packet_type>
        packet = dict()
        if 'dateTime' in pkt:
            packet['dateTime'] = pkt.pop('dateTime', 0)
        if 'usUnits' in pkt:
            packet['usUnits'] = pkt.pop('usUnits', 0)
        for n in pkt:
            packet["%s.%s.%s" % (n, sensor_id, packet_type)] = pkt[n]
        return packet

class Acurite(object):
    def insert_ids(pkt, pkt_type):
        # there should be a sensor_id field in the packet to identify sensor.
        # ensure the sensor_id is upper-case - it should be 4 hex characters.
        sensor_id = str(pkt.pop('hardware_id', '0000')).upper()
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, pkt_type)

class AcuriteAtlasPacket(Packet):
    # {"time": "2019-12-14 16:56:57", "model": "Acurite-Atlas", "id": 896, "channel": "A", "sequence_num": 0, "battery_ok": 1, "message_type": 37, "wind_avg_mi_h": 5.000, "temperature_F": 40.000, "humidity": 76, "byte8": 0, "byte9": 37, "byte89": 37}
    # {"time": "2019-12-14 16:57:07", "model": "Acurite-Atlas", "id": 896, "channel": "A", "sequence_num": 0, "battery_ok": 1, "message_type": 38, "wind_avg_mi_h": 6.000, "wind_dir_deg": 291.000, "rain_in": 0.290, "byte8": 0, "byte9": 37, "byte89": 37}}
    # {"time": "2019-12-14 16:57:58", "model": "Acurite-Atlas", "id": 896, "channel": "A", "sequence_num": 0, "battery_ok": 1, "message_type": 39, "wind_avg_mi_h": 6.000, "uv": 0, "lux": 22900, "byte8": 0, "byte9": 37, "byte89": 37}

    # for battery, 0 means OK (assuming that 1 for battery_ok means OK)
    # message types: 37, 38, 39
    #   37: wind_avg_mi_h, temperature_F, humidity
    #   38: wind_avg_mi_h, wind_dir_deg, rain_in
    #   39: wind_avg_mi_h, uv, lux

    IDENTIFIER = "Acurite-Atlas"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.US
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['model'] = obj.get('model')
        pkt['hardware_id'] = "%04x" % obj.get('id', 0)
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['sequence_num'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'sequence_num')
        pkt['message_type'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'message_type')
        if 'temperature_F' in obj:
            pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_F')
        if 'humidity' in obj:
            pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        if 'wind_avg_mi_h' in obj:
            pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_avg_mi_h')
        if 'wind_dir_deg' in obj:
            pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_dir_deg')
        if 'rain_in' in obj:
            pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_in')
        if 'uv' in obj:
            pkt['uv'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'uv')
        if 'lux' in obj:
            pkt['lux'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'lux')
        pkt['battery'] = 1 if Packet.get_int(obj, 'battery_ok') == 0 else 0
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, AcuriteAtlasPacket.__name__)

class AcuriteTowerPacketV2(Packet):
    # Based on AcuriteTowerPacket type, but implemented for unsupported format
    IDENTIFIER = "Acurite-Tower"
    # Sample data:
    # {"time" : "2019-07-29 07:44:23.005624", "protocol" : 40, "model" : "Acurite-Tower", "id" : 1234, "sensor_id" : 1234, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 22.600, "humidity" : 45, "battery_ok" : 0, "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.938, "rssi" : -0.134, "snr" : 14.391, "noise" : -14.525}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['protocol'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'protocol') # 40
        pkt['model'] = obj.get('model') # model = Acurite-Tower
        pkt['hardware_id'] = "%04x" % obj.get('id', 0)
        pkt['sensor_id'] = "%04x" % obj.get('sensor_id', 0)
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        pkt['mod'] = obj.get('mod') # apparently mod = ASK
        pkt['freq'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'freq')
        pkt['rssi'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rssi')
        pkt['snr'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'snr')
        pkt['noise'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'noise')
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, AcuriteTowerPacketV2.__name__)

class Acurite5n1PacketV2(Packet):
    # Based on Acurite5n1Packet class, but implemented for unsupported format
    IDENTIFIER = "Acurite-5n1"
    # sample json output from rtl_433
    # {"time" : "2019-07-29 07:46:22.482883", "protocol" : 40, "model" : "Acurite-5n1", "id" : 1234, "channel" : "B", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery_ok" : 1, "message_type" : 56, "wind_avg_km_h" : 0.000, "temperature_C" : 20.500, "humidity" : 93, "mod" : "ASK", "freq" : 433.934, "rssi" : -1.719, "snr" : 24.404, "noise" : -26.124}
    # {"time" : "2020-02-05 02:20:54", "model" : "Acurite-5n1", "subtype" : 56, "id" : 956, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery_ok" : 1, "wind_avg_km_h" : 3.483, "temperature_F" : 31.300, "humidity" : 66}
    # {"time" : "2020-10-26 22:09:12", "model" : "Acurite-5n1", "message_type" : 49, "id" : 2662, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "wind_avg_km_h" : 15.900, "wind_dir_deg" : 337.500, "rain_in" : 7.290, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}
    # {"time" : "2020-10-26 22:08:54", "model" : "Acurite-5n1", "message_type" : 56, "id" : 2662, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery_ok" : 1, "wind_avg_km_h" : 9.278, "temperature_F" : 76.100, "humidity" : 15, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.US
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['protocol'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'protocol')
        pkt['model'] = obj.get('model')
        pkt['hardware_id'] = "%04x" % obj.get('id', 0)
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['sequence_num'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'sequence_num')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        # connection diagnostics depend on the version of rtl_433
        pkt['mod'] = obj.get('mod')  # apparently is ASK
        pkt['freq'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'freq')
        pkt['rssi'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rssi')
        pkt['snr'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'snr')
        pkt['noise'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'noise')
        # the label for message type has changed in rtl_433
        if 'subtype' in obj:
            pkt['msg_type'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'subtype')
        elif 'message_type' in obj:
            pkt['msg_type'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'message_type')
        # each message type contains different information.  units vary
        # depending on the rtl_433 configuration, so be ready for anything.
        #   49 has wind_speed, wind_dir, and rain
        #   56 has wind_speed, temperature, humidity
        if 'wind_avg_km_h' in obj:
            pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_avg_km_h')
            if pkt['wind_speed'] is not None:
                # Convert to mph
                pkt['wind_speed'] *= 0.621371
        if 'wind_dir_deg' in obj:
            pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_dir_deg')
        if 'rain_in' in obj:
            pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_in')
        if 'rain_mm' in obj:
            pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_mm')
            if pkt['rain_total'] is not None:
                # Convert to inches
                pkt['rain_total'] /= 25.4
        if 'temperature_F' in obj:
            pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_F')
        elif 'temperature_C' in obj:
            pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
            if pkt['temperature'] is not None:
                pkt['temperature'] = pkt['temperature'] * 1.8 + 32
        if 'humidity' in obj:
            pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, Acurite5n1PacketV2.__name__)

class AcuriteTowerPacket(Packet):
    # initial implementation was single-line
    # 2016-08-30 23:57:20 Acurite tower sensor 0x37FC Ch A: 26.7 C 80.1 F 16 % RH
    # multi-line was introduced nov2016 - only single line is supported here
    # 2017-01-12 02:55:10 : Acurite tower sensor : 12391 : B
    # Temperature: 18.0 C
    # Humidity: 68
    # Battery: 0
    # : 68

    IDENTIFIER = "Acurite tower sensor"
    PATTERN = re.compile('0x([0-9a-fA-F]+) Ch ([A-C]): ([\d.-]+) C ([\d.-]+) F ([\d]+) % RH')

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        m =[0])
        if m:
            pkt['dateTime'] = ts
            pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
            pkt['hardware_id'] =
            pkt['channel'] =
            pkt['temperature'] = float(
            pkt['temperature_F'] = float(
            pkt['humidity'] = float(
            pkt = Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, AcuriteTowerPacket.__name__)
            loginf("AcuriteTowerPacket: unrecognized data: '%s'" % lines[0])
        return pkt

    # JSON format as of mid-2018
    # {"time" : "2018-07-21 01:53:56", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 13009, "sensor_id" : 13009, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.000, "humidity" : 16, "battery_low" : 1}
    # {"time" : "2018-07-21 01:52:24", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 13009, "sensor_id" : 13009, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.600, "humidity" : 16, "battery_low" : 0}

    # JSON format as of early 2017
    # {"time" : "2017-01-12 03:43:05", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 521, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 0.800, "humidity" : 68, "battery" : 0, "status" : 68}
    # {"time" : "2017-01-12 03:43:11", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 5585, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 21.100, "humidity" : 32, "battery" : 0, "status" : 68}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['hardware_id'] = "%04x" % obj.get('id', 0)
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        # support both battery status keywords
        if 'battery_low' in obj:
            pkt['battery'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'battery_low')
            pkt['battery'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'battery')
        pkt['status'] = obj.get('status')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, AcuriteTowerPacket.__name__)

class Acurite5n1Packet(Packet):
    # 2016-08-31 16:41:39 Acurite 5n1 sensor 0x0BFA Ch C, Msg 31, Wind 15 kmph / 9.3 mph 270.0^ W (3), rain gauge 0.00 in
    # 2016-08-30 23:57:25 Acurite 5n1 sensor 0x0BFA Ch C, Msg 38, Wind 2 kmph / 1.2 mph, 21.3 C 70.3 F 70 % RH
    # 2016-09-27 17:09:34 Acurite 5n1 sensor 0x062C Ch A, Total rain fall since last reset: 2.00
    # the 'rain fall since last reset' seems to be emitted once when rtl_433
    # starts up, then never again.  the rain measure in the type 31 messages
    # is a cumulative value, but not the same as rain since last reset.
    # rtl_433 keeps using different labels and calculations for the rain
    # counter, so try to deal with the variants we have seen.

    IDENTIFIER = "Acurite 5n1 sensor"
    PATTERN = re.compile('0x([0-9a-fA-F]+) Ch ([A-C]), (.*)')
    RAIN = re.compile('Total rain fall since last reset: ([\d.]+)')
    MSG = re.compile('Msg (\d+), (.*)')
    MSG31 = re.compile('Wind ([\d.]+) kmph / ([\d.]+) mph ([\d.]+).*rain gauge ([\d.]+) in')
    MSG38 = re.compile('Wind ([\d.]+) kmph / ([\d.]+) mph, ([\d.-]+) C ([\d.-]+) F ([\d.]+) % RH')

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        m =[0])
        if m:
            pkt['dateTime'] = ts
            pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
            pkt['hardware_id'] =
            pkt['channel'] =
            payload =
            m =
            if m:
                msg_type =
                payload =
                if msg_type == '31':
                    m =
                    if m:
                        pkt['wind_speed'] = float(
                        pkt['wind_speed_mph'] = float(
                        pkt['wind_dir'] = float(
                        pkt['rain_total'] = float(
                        loginf("Acurite5n1Packet: no match for type 31: '%s'"
                               % payload)
                elif msg_type == '38':
                    m =
                    if m:
                        pkt['wind_speed'] = float(
                        pkt['wind_speed_mph'] = float(
                        pkt['temperature'] = float(
                        pkt['temperature_F'] = float(
                        pkt['humidity'] = float(
                        loginf("Acurite5n1Packet: no match for type 38: '%s'"
                               % payload)
                    loginf("Acurite5n1Packet: unknown message type %s"
                           " in line '%s'" % (msg_type, lines[0]))
                m =
                if m:
                    total = float(
                    pkt['rain_since_reset'] = total
                    loginf("Acurite5n1Packet: rain since reset: %s" % total)
                    loginf("Acurite5n1Packet: unknown message format: '%s'" %
            loginf("Acurite5n1Packet: unrecognized data: '%s'" % lines[0])
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, Acurite5n1Packet.__name__)

    # sample json output from rtl_433 as of jan2017
    # {"time" : "2017-01-16 02:34:12", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3066, "channel" : "C", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed" : 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 67.500, "wind_dir" : "ENE", "rainfall_accumulation" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 8978}
    # {"time" : "2017-01-16 02:37:33", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3066, "channel" : "C", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed" : 0.000, "temperature_F" : 27.500, "humidity" : 56}

    # some changes to rtl_433 as of dec2017
    # {"time" : "2017-12-24 02:07:00", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 2662, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.000, "temperature_F" : 47.500, "humidity" : 74}
    # {"time" : "2017-12-24 02:07:18", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 2662, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 157.500, "wind_dir" : "SSE", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 421}

    # more changes to rtl_433 as of dec2018
    # {"time" : "2019-01-04 02:37:10", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 2662, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_kph" : 0.000, "temperature_F" : 42.400, "humidity" : 83}
    # {"time" : "2019-01-04 02:37:28", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 2662, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "LOW", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_kph" : 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 180.000, "rain_inch" : 28.970}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.US
        pkt['hardware_id'] = "%04x" % obj.get('sensor_id', 0)
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['status'] = obj.get('status')
        msg_type = obj.get('message_type')
        if msg_type == 49: # 0x31
            pkt['wind_speed'] = Acurite5n1Packet.get_wind_speed(obj)
            pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_dir_deg')
            pkt['rain_total'] = Acurite5n1Packet.get_rain_total(obj)
        elif msg_type == 56: # 0x38
            pkt['wind_speed'] = Acurite5n1Packet.get_wind_speed(obj)
            pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_F')
            pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, Acurite5n1Packet.__name__)

    def get_wind_speed(obj):
        ws = None
        if 'wind_speed_mph' in obj:
            ws = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_speed_mph')
        if 'wind_speed_kph' in obj:
            ws = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_speed_kph')
            if ws is not None:
                ws = weewx.units.kph_to_mph(ws)
        return ws

    def get_rain_total(obj):
        rain_total = None
        if 'raincounter_raw' in obj:
            rain_counter = Packet.get_int(obj, 'raincounter_raw')
            # put some units on the rain total - each tip is 0.01 inch
            if rain_counter is not None:
                rain_total = rain_counter * 0.01 # inch
        elif 'rain_inch' in obj:
            rain_total = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_inch')
        return rain_total

class Acurite606TXPacket(Packet):
    # 2017-03-20: Acurite 606TX Temperature Sensor
    # {"time" : "2017-03-04 16:18:12", "model" : "Acurite 606TX Sensor", "id" : 48, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : -1.100}

    IDENTIFIER = "Acurite 606TX Sensor"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        sensor_id = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, Acurite606TXPacket.__name__)
        return pkt

class AcuriteRain899Packet(Packet):
    # Sample data:
    # {"time" : "2019-12-05 16:32:20", "model" : "Acurite-Rain899", "id" : 1699, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 0, "rain_mm" : 6.096}
    # {"time" : "2019-12-05 16:32:20", "model" : "Acurite-Rain899", "id" : 1699, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 0, "rain_mm" : 6.096}
    # {"time" : "2019-12-05 16:32:20", "model" : "Acurite-Rain899", "id" : 1699, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 0, "rain_mm" : 6.096}

    IDENTIFIER = "Acurite-Rain899"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.US
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['model'] = obj.get('model')
        pkt['hardware_id'] = "%04x" % obj.get('id', 0)
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        if 'rain_mm' in obj:
            pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_mm') / 25.4
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, AcuriteRain899Packet.__name__)

class Acurite986Packet(Packet):
    # 2016-10-31 15:24:29 Acurite 986 sensor 0x2c87 - 2F: 16.7 C 62 F
    # 2016-10-31 15:23:54 Acurite 986 sensor 0x85ed - 1R: 16.7 C 62 F
    # {"time" : "2018-04-22 18:01:03", "model" : "Acurite 986 Sensor", "id" : 43248, "channel" : "1R", "temperature_F" : 69, "battery" : "OK", "status" : 0}
    # {"time" : "2020-10-19 07:00:32", "model" : "Acurite-986", "id" : 9534, "channel" : "2F", "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_F" : -10.000, "status" : 0, "mic" : "CRC"}

    # The 986 hardware_id changes, so using the 2F and 1R as the hardware
    # identifer.  As long as you only have one set of sendors and your
    # close neighbors have none.

    # Older releases of rtl_433 used 'Acurite 986 sensor', while recent
    # versions use 'Acurite 986 Sensor'.  So we try to be compatible by
    # matching on the least that we can.

    # IDENTIFIER = "Acurite 986 sensor"
    # IDENTIFIER = "Acurite 986 Sensor"
    IDENTIFIER = "Acurite-986"
    PATTERN = re.compile('0x([0-9a-fA-F]+) - (1R|2F): ([\d.-]+) C ([\d.-]+) F')

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        m =[0])
        if m:
            pkt['dateTime'] = ts
            pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
            pkt['hardware_id'] =
            pkt['channel'] =
            pkt['temperature'] = float(
            pkt['temperature_F'] = float(
            loginf("Acurite986Packet: unrecognized data: '%s'" % lines[0])
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, Acurite986Packet.__name__)

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['hardware_id'] = obj.get('id', 0)
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        if 'temperature_F' in obj:
            pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.US
            pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_F')
            pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
            pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, Acurite986Packet.__name__)

class AcuriteLightningPacket(Packet):
    # with rtl_433 update of 19mar2017
    # 2017-03-19 16:48:31 Acurite lightning 0x976F Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 66.2 F 25 % RH Strikes 1 Distance 0 L_status 0x02 - c0 97* 6f  99  50  72  81  c0  62*
    # 2017-03-19 16:48:47 Acurite lightning 0x976F Ch A Msg Type 0x02: 66.2 F 25 % RH Strikes 1 Distance 0 L_status 0x02 - c0  97* 6f  99  50  72  81  c0  62*

    # pre-19mar2017
    # 2016-11-04 04:34:58 Acurite lightning 0x536F Ch A Msg Type 0x51: 15 C 58 % RH Strikes 50 Distance 69 - c0  53  6f  3a  d1  0f  b2  c5  13*
    # 2016-11-04 04:43:14 Acurite lightning 0x536F Ch A Msg Type 0x51: 15 C 58 % RH Strikes 55 Distance 5 - c0  53  6f  3a  d1  0f  b7  05  58*
    # 2016-11-04 04:43:22 Acurite lightning 0x536F Ch A Msg Type 0x51: 15 C 58 % RH Strikes 55 Distance 69 - c0  53  6f  3a  d1  0f  b7  c5  18
    # 2017-01-16 02:37:39 Acurite lightning 0x526F Ch A Msg Type 0x11: 67 C 38 % RH Strikes 47 Distance 81 - dd  52* 6f  a6  11  c3  af  d1  98*

    # April 21, 2018 - JSON support
    # {"time" : "2018-04-21 19:12:53", "model" : "Acurite Lightning 6045M", "id" : 151, "channel" : "C", "temperature_F" : 66.900, "humidity" : 33, "strike_count" : 47, "storm_dist" : 12, "active" : 1, "rfi" : 0, "ussb1" : 1, "battery" : "LOW", "exception" : 0, "raw_msg" : "0097af2150f9afcc2b"}
    # {"time" : "2020-10-13 22:49:34", "model" : "Acurite-6045M", "id" : 15431, "channel" : "A", "battery_ok" : 0, "temperature_F" : 91.800, "humidity" : 21, "strike_count" : 171, "storm_dist" : 12, "active" : 1, "rfi" : 0, "exception" : 0, "raw_msg" : "fc47af95d2de55cc58"}

#    IDENTIFIER = "Acurite lightning"
#    IDENTIFIER = "Acurite Lightning 6045M"
    IDENTIFIER = "Acurite-6045M"
    PATTERN = re.compile('0x([0-9a-fA-F]+) Ch (.) Msg Type 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+): ([\d.-]+) ([CF]) ([\d.]+) % RH Strikes ([\d]+) Distance ([\d.]+)')

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.US
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['hardware_id'] = "%04x" % obj.get('id', 0)
        pkt['temperature'] = obj.get('temperature_F')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        pkt['humidity'] = obj.get('humidity')
        pkt['active'] = obj.get('active')
        pkt['rfi'] = obj.get('rfi')
        pkt['exception'] = obj.get('exception')
        pkt['strikes_total'] = obj.get('strike_count')
        pkt['distance'] = obj.get('storm_dist')
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, AcuriteLightningPacket.__name__)

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        m =[0])
        if m:
            pkt['dateTime'] = ts
            units =
            if units == 'C':
                pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
                pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.US
            pkt['hardware_id'] =
            pkt['channel'] =
            pkt['msg_type'] =
            pkt['temperature'] = float(
            pkt['humidity'] = float(
            pkt['strikes_total'] = float(
            pkt['distance'] = float(
            loginf("AcuriteLightningPacket: unrecognized data: %s" % lines[0])
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, AcuriteLightningPacket.__name__)

class Acurite00275MPacket(Packet):
    IDENTIFIER = "00275rm"

    # {"time" : "2017-03-09 21:59:11", "model" : "00275rm", "probe" : 2, "id" : 3942, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 23.300, "humidity" : 34, "ptemperature_C" : 22.700, "crc" : "ok"}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['hardware_id'] = "%04x" % obj.get('id', 0)
        pkt['probe'] = obj.get('probe')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['temperature_probe'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'ptemperature_C')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        return Acurite.insert_ids(pkt, Acurite00275MPacket.__name__)

class AcuriteWT450Packet(Packet):
    IDENTIFIER = "WT450 sensor"

    # {"time" : "2017-09-14 20:24:43", "model" : "WT450 sensor", "id" : 1, "channel" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 25.090, "humidity" : 49}
    # {"time" : "2017-09-14 20:24:44", "model" : "WT450 sensor", "id" : 1, "channel" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 25.110, "humidity" : 49}
    # {"time" : "2017-09-14 20:24:44", "model" : "WT450 sensor", "id" : 1, "channel" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 25.120, "humidity" : 49}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['sid'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'id')
        pkt['channel'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        _id = "%s:%s" % (pkt['sid'], pkt['channel'])
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, _id, AcuriteWT450Packet.__name__)

class AlectoV1TemperaturePacket(Packet):
    # {"time" : "2018-08-29 17:07:34", "model" : "AlectoV1 Temperature Sensor", "id" : 88, "channel" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 27.700, "humidity" : 42, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}

    IDENTIFIER = "AlectoV1 Temperature Sensor"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        station_id = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, AlectoV1TemperaturePacket.__name__)
        return pkt

class AlectoV1WindPacket(Packet):
    # {"time" : "2019-01-20 11:14:00", "model" : "AlectoV1 Wind Sensor", "id" : 7, "channel" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "wind_speed" : 0.000, "wind_gust" : 0.000, "wind_direction" : 270, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}

    IDENTIFIER = "AlectoV1 Wind Sensor"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC  # FIXME: units have not been verified
        station_id = obj.get('id')
        pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_speed')
        pkt['wind_gust'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_gust')
        pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'wind_direction')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, AlectoV1WindPacket.__name__)
        return pkt

class AlectoV1RainPacket(Packet):
    # {"time" : "2019-01-20 15:29:21", "model" : "AlectoV1 Rain Sensor", "id" : 13, "channel" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "rain_total" : 15.500, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}

    IDENTIFIER = "AlectoV1 Rain Sensor"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC # FIXME: units have not been verified
        station_id = obj.get('id')
        pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_total')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, AlectoV1RainPacket.__name__)
        return pkt

class AmbientF007THPacket(Packet):
    # 2017-01-21 18:17:16 : Ambient Weather F007TH Thermo-Hygrometer
    # House Code: 80
    # Channel: 1
    # Temperature: 61.8
    # Humidity: 13 %

#    IDENTIFIER = "Ambient Weather F007TH Thermo-Hygrometer"
    IDENTIFIER = "Ambientweather-F007TH"
        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Temperature': [
            'temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) F'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Humidity': ['humidity', re.compile('([\d.]+) %'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, AmbientF007THPacket.PARSEINFO))
        house_code = pkt.pop('house_code', 0)
        channel = pkt.pop('channel', 0)
        sensor_id = "%s:%s" % (channel, house_code)
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(
            pkt, sensor_id, AmbientF007THPacket.__name__)
        return pkt

    # {"time" : "2017-01-21 13:01:30", "model" : "Ambient Weather F007TH Thermo-Hygrometer", "device" : 80, "channel" : 1, "temperature_F" : 61.800, "humidity" : 10}
    # as of 06feb2020:
    # {"time" : "2020-02-05 19:33:11", "model" : "Ambientweather-F007TH", "id" : 201, "channel" : 5, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_F" : 39.400, "humidity" : 60, "mic" : "CRC"}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.US
        house_code = obj.get('device', 0)
        channel = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_F')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        sensor_id = "%s:%s" % (channel, house_code)
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(
            pkt, sensor_id, AmbientF007THPacket.__name__)
        return pkt

class AmbientWH31EPacket(Packet):

    # {"time" : "2019-02-14 17:24:41.259441", "protocol" : 113, "model" : "AmbientWeather-WH31E", "id" : 24, "channel" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 6.000, "humidity" : 42, "data" :"2f00000000", "mic" : "CRC", "mod" : "FSK", "freq1" : 914.984, "freq2" : 914.906, "rssi" : -13.328, "snr" : 13.197, "noise" : -26.525}

    IDENTIFIER = "AmbientWeather-WH31E"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['channel'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'channel')
        pkt['rssi'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'rssi')
        pkt['snr'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'snr')
        pkt['noise'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'noise')
        return AmbientWH31EPacket.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, AmbientWH31EPacket.__name__)
        return pkt

class CalibeurRF104Packet(Packet):
    # 2016-11-01 01:25:28 :Calibeur RF-104
    # ID: 1
    # Temperature: 1.8 C
    # Humidity: 71 %

    # 2016-11-04 05:16:39 :Calibeur RF-104
    # ID: 1
    # Temperature: -2.2 C
    # Humidity: 71 %

    IDENTIFIER = "Calibeur RF-104"
        'ID': ['id', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Temperature': [
            'temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Humidity': ['humidity', re.compile('([\d.]+) %'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, CalibeurRF104Packet.PARSEINFO))
        pkt_id = pkt.pop('id', 0)
        sensor_id = "%s" % pkt_id
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(
            pkt, sensor_id, CalibeurRF104Packet.__name__)
        return pkt

class EcoWittWH40Packet(Packet):
    # This is for a WH40 rain sensor

    # {"time" : "2020-02-05 12:37:05", "model" : "EcoWitt-WH40", "id" : 52591, "rain_mm" : 0.800, "data" : "0002ed0000", "mic" : "CRC"}

    IDENTIFIER = "EcoWitt-WH40"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_mm')
        return EcoWittWH40Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', 0)
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, EcoWittWH40Packet.__name__)

class FOWH1080Packet(Packet):
    # 2016-09-02 22:26:05 :Fine Offset WH1080 weather station
    # Msg type: 0
    # StationID: 0026
    # Temperature: 19.9 C
    # Humidity: 78 %
    # Wind string: E
    # Wind degrees: 90
    # Wind avg speed: 0.00
    # Wind gust: 1.22
    # Total rainfall: 144.3
    # Battery: OK

    # {"time" : "2016-11-04 14:40:38", "model" : "Fine Offset WH1080 weather station", "msg_type" : 0, "id" : 38, "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 68, "direction_str" : "E", "direction_deg" : "90", "speed" : 8.568, "gust" : 12.240, "rain" : 249.600, "battery" : "OK"}

    # this assumes rain total is in mm
    # this assumes wind speed is kph

    IDENTIFIER = "Fine Offset WH1080 weather station"
#        'Msg type': ['msg_type', None, None],
        'StationID': ['station_id', None, None],
        'Temperature': [
            'temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Humidity': [
            'humidity', re.compile('([\d.]+) %'), lambda x: float(x)],
#        'Wind string': ['wind_dir_ord', None, None],
        'Wind degrees': ['wind_dir', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Wind avg speed': ['wind_speed', None, lambda x: float(x)],
        'Wind gust': ['wind_gust', None, lambda x: float(x)],
        'Total rainfall': ['rain_total', None, lambda x: float(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, FOWH1080Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return FOWH1080Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['msg_type'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'msg_type')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'direction_deg')
        pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'speed')
        pkt['wind_gust'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'gust')
        rain_total = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain')
        if rain_total is not None:
            pkt['rain_total'] = rain_total / 10.0 # convert to cm
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        return FOWH1080Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, FOWH1080Packet.__name__)

class FOWHx080Packet(Packet):
    # 2017-05-15 11:58:31: Fine Offset Electronics WH1080 / WH3080 Weather Station
    # Msg type: 0
    # Station ID: 236
    # Temperature: 23.9 C
    # Humidity: 48%
    # Wind string: NE
    # Wind degrees: 45
    # Wind Avg Speed: 1.22
    # Wind gust: 2.45
    # Total rainfall: 525.3
    # Battery: OK

    # 2017-05-15 12:04:48: Fine Offset Electronics WH1080 / WH3080 Weather Station
    # Msg type: 1
    # Station ID: 173
    # Signal Type: WWVB / MSF
    # Hours: 21
    # Minutes: 71
    # Seconds: 11
    # Year: 2165
    # Month: 25
    # Day: 70

    # {"time" : "2020-10-13 14:04:48", "model" : "Fine Offset Electronics WH1080/WH3080 Weather Station", "msg_type" : 0, "id" : 14, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 24.400, "humidity" : 35, "direction_deg" : 225, "speed" : 0.000, "gust" : 0.000, "rain" : 41.400, "mic" : "CRC"}
    # todays rtl_433 output
    # {"time" : "2020-10-13 14:04:48", "model" : "Fineoffset-WHx080", "subtype" : 0, "id" : 14, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 24.400, "humidity" : 35, "wind_dir_deg" : 225, "wind_avg_km_h" : 0.000, "wind_max_km_h" : 0.000, "rain_mm" : 41.400, "mic" : "CRC"}

    # apparently there are different identifiers for the same packet, depending
    # on which version of rtl_433 is running.  one version has extra spaces,
    # while another version does not.  so for now, and until rtl_433
    # stabilizes, match on something unique to these packets that still matches
    # the strings from different rtl_433 versions.

    # this assumes rain total is in mm (as of dec 2019)
    # this assumes wind speed is kph (as of dec 2019)

    #IDENTIFIER = "Fine Offset Electronics WH1080 / WH3080 Weather Station"
    #IDENTIFIER = "Fine Offset Electronics WH1080/WH3080 Weather Station"
    #IDENTIFIER = "Fine Offset Electronics WH1080"
    IDENTIFIER = "Fineoffset-WHx080"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        # older versions of rlt_433 user 'station_id'
        if 'station_id' in obj:
            pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('station_id')
        # but some newer versions of rtl_433 seem to use 'id'
        if 'id' in obj:
            pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['msg_type'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'msg_type')
        pkt['msg_type'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'subtype')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'win_dir_deg')
        pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_avg_km_h')
        pkt['wind_gust'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_max_km_h')
        rain_total = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_mm')
        if rain_total is not None:
            pkt['rain_total'] = rain_total / 10.0 # convert to cm
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        pkt['signal_type'] = 1 if obj.get('signal_type') == 'WWVB / MSF' else 0
        pkt['hours'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'hours')
        pkt['minutes'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'minutes')
        pkt['seconds'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'seconds')
        pkt['year'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'year')
        pkt['month'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'month')
        pkt['day'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'day')
        return FOWHx080Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, FOWHx080Packet.__name__)

class FOWH3080Packet(Packet):
    # 2017-05-15 11:58:08: Fine Offset Electronics WH3080 Weather Station
    # Msg type: 2
    # UV Sensor ID: 225
    # Sensor Status: OK
    # UV Index: 8
    # Lux: 120160.5
    # Watts / m: 175.93
    # Foot-candles: 11167.33

    # {"time" : "2017-05-15 17:21:07", "model" : "Fine Offset Electronics WH3080 Weather Station", "msg_type" : 2, "uv_sensor_id" : 225, "uv_status" : "OK", "uv_index" : 1, "lux" : 7837.000, "wm" : 11.474, "fc" : 728.346}

    IDENTIFIER = "Fine Offset Electronics WH3080 Weather Station"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('uv_sensor_id')
        pkt['msg_type'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'msg_type')
        pkt['uv_index'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'uv_index')
        pkt['luminosity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'lux')
        pkt['radiation'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wm')
        pkt['illumination'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'fc')
        pkt['uv_status'] = 0 if obj.get('uv_status') == 'OK' else 1
        return FOWH3080Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, FOWH3080Packet.__name__)

class FOWH24Packet(Packet):
    # This is for a WH24 which is the sensor array for several station models

    # {"time" : "2019-02-11 03:44:32", "model" : "Fine Offset WH24", "id" : 140, "temperature_C" : 12.600, "humidity" : 80, "wind_dir_deg" : 111, "wind_speed_ms" : 0.280, "gust_speed_ms" : 1.120, "rainfall_mm" : 1150.800, "uv" : 1, "uvi" : 0, "light_lux" : 0.000, "battery" : "OK", "mic" : "CRC"}
    # {"time" : "2019-02-11 03:44:48", "model" : "Fine Offset WH24", "id" : 140, "temperature_C" : 12.600, "humidity" : 80, "wind_dir_deg" : 109, "wind_speed_ms" : 0.980, "gust_speed_ms" : 1.120, "rainfall_mm" : 1150.800, "uv" : 1, "uvi" : 0, "light_lux" : 0.000, "battery" : "OK", "mic" : "CRC"}

    IDENTIFIER = "Fine Offset WH24"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_dir_deg')
        pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_speed_ms')
        pkt['wind_gust'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'gust_speed_ms')
        pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rainfall_mm')
        pkt['uv_index'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'uvi')
        pkt['light'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'light_lux')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        return FOWH24Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, FOWH24Packet.__name__)

class FOWH25Packet(Packet):
    # 2016-09-02 22:26:05 :   Fine Offset Electronics, WH25
    # ID:     239
    # Temperature: 19.9 C
    # Humidity: 78 %
    # Pressure: 1007.9 hPa
    # 2018-10-09 19:45:12 :   Fine Offset Electronics, WH25
    # id : 21
    # temperature_C : 20.900
    # humidity : 65
    # pressure_hPa : 980.400
    # battery : OK
    # mic : CHECKSUM

    # {"time" : "2017-03-25 05:33:57", "model" : "Fine Offset Electronics, WH25", "id" : 239, "temperature_C" : 30.200, "humidity" : 68, "pressure" : 1008.000}
    # {"time" : "2018-10-10 13:37:11", "model" : "Fine Offset Electronics, WH25", "id" : 21, "temperature_C" : 21.600, "humidity" : 66, "pressure_hPa" : 972.800, "battery" : "OK", "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}
    # {"time" : "2020-10-13 23:29:35", "model" : "Fineoffset-WH25", "id" : 170, "battery_ok" : 0, "temperature_C" : 26.200, "humidity" : 36, "pressure_hPa" : 1009.900, "mic" : "CRC"}
    IDENTIFIER = "Fineoffset-WH25"
        'ID': ['station_id', None, lambda x: int(x)],
            ['temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Humidity': ['humidity', re.compile('([\d.]+) %'), lambda x: float(x)],
            ['pressure', re.compile('([\d.-]+) hPa'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, FOWH25Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return FOWH25Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['pressure'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'pressure_hPa')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        return FOWH25Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, FOWH25Packet.__name__)

class FOWH2Packet(Packet):
    # {"time" : "2018-08-29 17:08:33", "model" : "Fine Offset Electronics, WH2 Temperature/Humidity sensor", "id" : 129, "temperature_C" : 24.200, "mic" : "CRC"}

    IDENTIFIER = "Fine Offset Electronics, WH2"
        'ID': ['station_id', None, lambda x: int(x)],
            ['temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)]

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, FOWH2Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return FOWH2Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        return FOWH2Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, FOWH2Packet.__name__)

class FOWH32BPacket(Packet):
    # This is for a WH32B which is the indoors sensor array for an Ambient
    # Weather WS-2902A. The same sensor array is used for several models.

    # time      : 2019-04-08 00:48:02
    # model     : Fineoffset-WH32B
    # ID        : 146
    # Temperature: 17.5 C
    # Humidity  : 60 %
    # Pressure  : 1001.2 hPa
    # Battery   : OK
    # Integrity : CHECKSUM

    # {"time" : "2019-04-08 07:06:03", "model" : "Fineoffset-WH32B", "id" : 146, "temperature_C" : 16.900, "humidity" : 59, "pressure_hPa" : 1001.300, "battery" : "OK", "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}

    IDENTIFIER = "Fineoffset-WH32B"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['pressure'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'pressure_hPa')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        return FOWH32BPacket.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, FOWH32BPacket.__name__)

class FOWH5Packet(Packet):
    # {"time" : "2019-10-27 14:51:21", "model" : "Fine Offset WH5 sensor", "id" : 48, "temperature_C" : 11.700, "humidity" : 62, "mic" : "CRC"}

    IDENTIFIER = "Fine Offset WH5 sensor"
        'ID': ['station_id', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Temperature': ['temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)]

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, FOWH5Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return FOWH5Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        return FOWH5Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, FOWH5Packet.__name__)

class FOWH65BPacket(Packet):
    # This is for a WH65B which is the sensor array for an Ambient Weather
    # WS-2902A. The same sensor array is used for several models.

    # 2018-10-10 13:37:02 :   Fine Offset WH65B
    # id : 89
    # temperature_C : 17.600
    # humidity : 93
    # wind_dir_deg : 224
    # wind_speed_ms : 1.540
    # gust_speed_ms : 2.240
    # rainfall_mm : 325.500
    # uv : 130
    # uvi : 0
    # light_lux : 13454.000
    # battery : OK
    # mic : CRC

    # {"time" : "2018-10-10 13:37:02", "model" : "Fine Offset WH65B", "id" : 89, "temperature_C" : 17.600, "humidity" : 93, "wind_dir_deg" : 224, "wind_speed_ms" : 1.540, "gust_speed_ms" : 2.240, "rainfall_mm" : 325.500, "uv" : 130, "uvi" : 0, "light_lux" : 13454.000, "battery" : "OK", "mic" : "CRC"}
    IDENTIFIER = "Fine Offset WH65B"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_dir_deg')
        pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_speed_ms')
        pkt['wind_gust'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'gust_speed_ms')
        pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rainfall_mm')
        pkt['uv'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'uv')
        pkt['uv_index'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'uvi')
        pkt['light'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'light_lux')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        return FOWH65BPacket.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, FOWH65BPacket.__name__)

class FOWH0290Packet(Packet):
    # This is for a WH0290 Air Quality Monitor (Ambient Weather PM25)

    #{"time" : "@0.084044s", "model" : "Fine Offset Electronics, WH0290", "id" : 204, "pm2_5_ug_m3" : 9, "pm10_0_ug_m3" : 10, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}

    IDENTIFIER = "Fine Offset Electronics, WH0290"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['pm2_5_atm'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'pm2_5_ug_m3')
        pkt['pm10_0_atm'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'pm10_0_ug_m3')
        return FOWH0290Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, FOWH0290Packet.__name__)

class Hideki(object):
    def insert_ids(pkt, pkt_type):
        channel = pkt.pop('channel', 0)
        code = pkt.pop('rolling_code', 0)
        sensor_id = "%s:%s" % (channel, code)
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, pkt_type)
        return pkt

class HidekiTS04Packet(Packet):
    # 2016-08-31 17:41:30 :   HIDEKI TS04 sensor
    # Rolling Code: 9
    # Channel: 1
    # Battery: OK
    # Temperature: 27.30 C
    # Humidity: 60 %

    # {"time" : "2016-11-04 14:44:37", "model" : "HIDEKI TS04 sensor", "rc" : 9, "channel" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 12.400, "humidity" : 61}
    # {"time" : "2020-10-15 07:13:33", "model" : "Hideki-TS04", "id" : 14, "channel" : 1, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 20.700, "humidity" : 10, "mic" : "CRC"}

    IDENTIFIER = "Hideki-TS04"
        'Rolling Code': ['rolling_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Temperature': [
            'temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Humidity': ['humidity', re.compile('([\d.]+) %'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, HidekiTS04Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return Hideki.insert_ids(pkt, HidekiTS04Packet.__name__)

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['rolling_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        return Hideki.insert_ids(pkt, HidekiTS04Packet.__name__)

class HidekiWindPacket(Packet):
    # 2017-01-16 05:39:42 : HIDEKI Wind sensor
    # Rolling Code: 0
    # Channel: 4
    # Battery: OK
    # Temperature: -5.0 C
    # Wind Strength: 2.57 km/h
    # Direction: 45.0 \xc2\xb0

    # {"time" : "2017-01-16 04:38:39", "model" : "HIDEKI Wind sensor", "rc" : 0, "channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : -4.400, "windstrength" : 2.897, "winddirection" : 292.500}
    # {"time" : "2019-11-24 19:13:41", "model" : "HIDEKI Wind sensor", "rc" : 3, "channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 11.000, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.300, "gust_speed_mph" : 0.100, "wind_approach" : 1, "wind_direction" : 270.000, "mic" : "CRC"}

    IDENTIFIER = "HIDEKI Wind sensor"
        'Rolling Code': ['rolling_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Temperature': [
            'temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Wind Strength': ['wind_speed', re.compile('([\d.]+) km/h'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Direction': ['wind_dir', re.compile('([\d.]+) '), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, HidekiWindPacket.PARSEINFO))
        return Hideki.insert_ids(pkt, HidekiWindPacket.__name__)

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['rolling_code'] = obj.get('rc')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        if 'wind_speed_mph' in obj:
            v = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_speed_mph')
            if v is not None:
                v /= weewx.units.MILE_PER_KM
            pkt['wind_speed'] = v
            pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'windstrength')
        if 'wind_direction' in obj:
            pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_direction')
            pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'winddirection')
        if 'gust_speed_mph' in obj:
            v = Packet.get_float(obj, 'gust_speed_mph')
            if v is not None:
                v /= weewx.units.MILE_PER_KM
            pkt['wind_gust'] = v
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        return Hideki.insert_ids(pkt, HidekiWindPacket.__name__)

class HidekiRainPacket(Packet):
    # 2017-01-16 05:39:42 : HIDEKI Rain sensor
    # Rolling Code: 0
    # Channel: 4
    # Battery: OK
    # Rain: 2622.900

    # {"time" : "2017-01-16 04:38:50", "model" : "HIDEKI Rain sensor", "rc" : 0, "channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "rain" : 2622.900}
    # {"time" : "2019-11-24 19:13:52", "model" : "HIDEKI Rain sensor", "rc" : 0, "channel" : 4, "battery" : "OK", "rain_mm" : 274.400, "mic" : "CRC"}
    IDENTIFIER = "HIDEKI Rain sensor"
        'Rolling Code': ['rolling_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Rain': ['rain_total', re.compile('([\d.]+) '), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, HidekiRainPacket.PARSEINFO))
        return Hideki.insert_ids(pkt, HidekiRainPacket.__name__)

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['rolling_code'] = obj.get('rc')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        if 'rain_mm' in obj:
            pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_mm')
            pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        return Hideki.insert_ids(pkt, HidekiRainPacket.__name__)

class HolmanWS5029Packet(Packet):
    # {"time" : "2019-08-07 10:35:07", "model" : "Holman Industries WS5029 weather station", "id" : 53761, "temperature_C" : 9.100, "humidity" : 102, "rain_mm" : 39.500, "wind_avg_km_h" : 0, "direction_deg" : 338}

    IDENTIFIER = "Holman Industries WS5029 weather station"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'direction_deg')
        pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_avg_km_h')
        pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_mm')
        return HolmanWS5029Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, HolmanWS5029Packet.__name__)

class LaCrosseWSPacket(Packet):
    # 2016-09-08 00:43:52 :LaCrosse WS :9 :202
    # Temperature: 21.0 C
    # 2016-09-08 00:43:53 :LaCrosse WS :9 :202
    # Humidity: 92
    # 2016-09-08 00:43:53 :LaCrosse WS :9 :202
    # Wind speed: 0.0 m/s
    # Direction: 67.500
    # 2016-11-03 17:43:20 :LaCrosse WS :9 :202
    # Rainfall: 850.04 mm

    # {"time" : "2016-11-04 14:42:49", "model" : "LaCrosse WS", "ws_id" : 9, "id" : 202, "temperature_C" : 12.100}
    # {"time" : "2016-11-04 14:44:58", "model" : "LaCrosse WS", "ws_id" : 9, "id" : 202, "humidity" : 67}
    # {"time" : "2016-11-04 14:49:16", "model" : "LaCrosse WS", "ws_id" : 9, "id" : 202, "wind_speed_ms" : 0.800, "wind_direction" : 270.000}

    IDENTIFIER = "LaCrosse WS"
        'Wind speed': [
            'wind_speed', re.compile('([\d.]+) m/s'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Direction': ['wind_dir', None, lambda x: float(x)],
        'Temperature': [
            'temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Humidity': ['humidity', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Rainfall': [
            'rain_total', re.compile('([\d.]+) mm'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, LaCrosseWSPacket.PARSEINFO))
        parts = payload.split(':')
        if len(parts) == 3:
            pkt['ws_id'] = parts[1].strip()
            pkt['hw_id'] = parts[2].strip()
        return LaCrosseWSPacket.insert_ids(pkt)

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
        pkt['ws_id'] = obj.get('ws_id')
        pkt['hw_id'] = obj.get('id')
        if 'temperature_C' in obj:
            pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        if 'humidity' in obj:
            pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        if 'wind_speed_ms' in obj:
            pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_speed_ms')
        if 'wind_direction' in obj:
            pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_direction')
        if 'rain' in obj:
            pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain')
        return LaCrosseWSPacket.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        ws_id = pkt.pop('ws_id', 0)
        hardware_id = pkt.pop('hw_id', 0)
        sensor_id = "%s:%s" % (ws_id, hardware_id)
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, LaCrosseWSPacket.__name__)
        return pkt

class LaCrosseTX141THBv2Packet(Packet):

    # {"time" : "2017-01-16 15:24:43", "temperature" : 54.140, "humidity" : 34, "id" : 221, "model" : "LaCrosse TX141TH-Bv2 sensor", "battery" : "OK", "test" : "Yes"}
    # {"time" : "2020-10-28 00:22:25", "model" : "LaCrosse-TX141THBv2", "id" : 50, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : -0.600, "humidity" : 60, "test" : "No"}
    IDENTIFIER = "LaCrosse-TX141THBv2"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
        sensor_id = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, LaCrosseTX141THBv2Packet.__name__)
        return pkt

class LaCrosseTXPacket(Packet):

    # {"time" : "2017-07-30 21:11:19", "model" : "LaCrosse TX Sensor", "id" : 127, "humidity" : 34.000}
    # {"time" : "2017-07-30 21:11:19", "model" : "LaCrosse TX Sensor", "id" : 127, "temperature_C" : 27.100}

    IDENTIFIER = "LaCrosse TX Sensor"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        sensor_id = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, LaCrosseTXPacket.__name__)
        return pkt

class RubicsonTempPacket(Packet):
    # 2017-01-15 14:49:03 : Rubicson Temperature Sensor
    # House Code: 14
    # Channel: 1
    # Battery: OK
    # Temperature: 4.5 C
    # CRC: OK

    IDENTIFIER = "Rubicson Temperature Sensor"
        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Temperature': ['temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, RubicsonTempPacket.PARSEINFO))
        channel = pkt.pop('channel', 0)
        code = pkt.pop('house_code', 0)
        sensor_id = "%s:%s" % (channel, code)
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, RubicsonTempPacket.__name__)

    # {"time" : "2017-01-17 20:47:41", "model" : "Rubicson Temperature Sensor", "id" : 14, "channel" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : -1.800, "crc" : "OK"}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        channel = obj.get('channel', 0)
        code = obj.get('id', 0)
        sensor_id = "%s:%s" % (channel, code)
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, RubicsonTempPacket.__name__)

class OS(object):
    def insert_ids(pkt, pkt_type):
        channel = pkt.pop('channel', 0)
        code = pkt.pop('house_code', 0)
        sensor_id = "%s:%s" % (channel, code)
        return Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, pkt_type)

class OSPCR800Packet(Packet):
    # 2016-11-03 04:36:23 : OS : PCR800
    # House Code: 93
    # Channel: 0
    # Battery: OK
    # Rain Rate: 0.0 in/hr
    # Total Rain: 41.0 in

    #IDENTIFIER = "PCR800"
    IDENTIFIER = "Oregon-PCR800"
        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Rain Rate':
            ['rain_rate', re.compile('([\d.]+) in'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Total Rain':
            ['rain_total', re.compile('([\d.]+) in'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.US
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, OSPCR800Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSPCR800Packet.__name__)

    # {"time" : "2018-08-04 15:29:27", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "PCR800",        "id" : 236, "channel" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "rain_rate" : 0.000, "rain_total" : 109.594}
    # {"time" : "2020-08-19 19:31:13", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "Oregon-PCR800", "id" : 80, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "rain_rate_in_h" : 0.000, "rain_in" : 27.741}
    # {"time" : "2020-06-06 20:15:17", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "Oregon-PCR800", "id" : 32, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "rain_rate_in_h" : 0.150, "rain_in" : 0.082}
    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.US
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        pkt['rain_rate'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_rate_in_h')
        pkt['rain_total'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_in')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSPCR800Packet.__name__)

# apparently rtl_433 uses BHTR968 when it should be BTHR968
class OSBTHR968Packet(Packet):
    # Added 2017-04-22 ALG
    # 2017-09-12 21:44:55     :       OS :    BHTR968
    # House Code:      111
    # Channel:         0
    # Battery:         OK
    # Celcius:         26.20 C
    # Fahrenheit:      79.16 F
    # Humidity:        36 %
    # Pressure:        1012 mbar

        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Temperature': ['temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Humidity': ['humidity', re.compile('([\d.]+) %'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Pressure': ['pressure', re.compile('([\d.]+) mbar'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, OSBTHR968Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSBTHR968Packet.__name__)

    # original rtl_433 output
    # {"time" : "2017-01-18 14:56:03", "brand" : "OS", "model" :"BHTR968", "id" : 111, "channel" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 27.200, "temperature_F" : 80.960,  "humidity" : 46, "pressure" : 1013}
    # by 06mar2019
    # {"time" : "2019-03-06 13:27:23", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "BHTR968", "id" : 179, "channel" : 0, "battery" : "LOW", "temperature_C" : 19.800, "humidity" : 54, "pressure_hPa" : 974.000}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        if 'pressure' in obj:
            pkt['pressure'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'pressure_hPa')
        elif 'pressure_hPa' in obj:
            pkt['pressure'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'pressure_hPa')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSBTHR968Packet.__name__)

class OSTHGR122NPacket(Packet):
    # 2016-09-12 21:44:55     :       OS :    THGR122N
    # House Code:      96
    # Channel:         3
    # Battery:         OK
    # Temperature:     27.30 C
    # Humidity:        36 %

        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Temperature': [
            'temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Humidity': ['humidity', re.compile('([\d.]+) %'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, OSTHGR122NPacket.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSTHGR122NPacket.__name__)

    # {"time" : "2017-01-18 14:56:03", "brand" : "OS", "model" :"THGR122N", "id" : 211, "channel" : 1, "battery" : "LOW", "temperature_C" : 7.900, "humidity" : 27}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSTHGR122NPacket.__name__)

class OSTHGR810Packet(Packet):
    # rtl_433 circa jul 2016 emits this
    # 2016-09-01 22:05:47 :Weather Sensor THGR810
    # House Code: 122
    # Channel: 1
    # Battery: OK
    # Celcius: 26.70 C
    # Fahrenheit: 80.06 F
    # Humidity: 58 %

    # rtl_433 circa nov 2016 emits this
    # 2016-11-04 02:21:37 :OS :THGR810
    # House Code: 122
    # Channel: 1
    # Battery: OK
    # Celcius: 22.20 C
    # Fahrenheit: 71.96 F
    # Humidity: 57 %

        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Celcius': [
            'temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Fahrenheit': [
            'temperature_F', re.compile('([\d.-]+) F'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Humidity': ['humidity', re.compile('([\d.]+) %'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, OSTHGR810Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSTHGR810Packet.__name__)

    # {"time" : "2020-06-06 20:08:12", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "Oregon-THGR810", "id" : 153, "channel" : 1, "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 18.200, "humidity" : 49}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSTHGR810Packet.__name__)

class OSTHR128Packet(Packet):
    # 2019-04-30:   Thermo Sensor THR128
    # House Code:      5
    # Channel:         1
    # Battery:         OK
    # Temperature:     18.800 C

    IDENTIFIER = "OSv1 Temperature Sensor"
        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
            ['temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x : float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, OSTHR128Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSTHR128Packet.__name__)

    # {"time" : "2019-04-30 20:44:00", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "OSv1 Temperature Sensor", "sid" : 5, "channel" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 18.800}
    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('sid')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSTHR128Packet.__name__)

class OSTHR228NPacket(Packet):
    # 2016-09-09 11:59:10 :   Thermo Sensor THR228N
    # House Code:      111
    # Channel:         2
    # Battery:         OK
    # Temperature:     24.70 C

    IDENTIFIER = "Thermo Sensor THR228N"
        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
            ['temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x : float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, OSTHR228NPacket.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSTHR228NPacket.__name__)

class OSUV800Packet(Packet):
    # 2017-01-30 22:00:12 : OS : UV800
    # House Code: 207
    # Channel: 1
    # Battery: OK
    # UV Index: 0

    IDENTIFIER = "UV800"
        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'UV Index':
            ['uv_index', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x : float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, OSUV800Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSUV800Packet.__name__)

    # {"time" : "2017-01-30 22:19:40", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "UV800", "id" : 207, "channel" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "uv" : 0}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['uv_index'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'uv')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSUV800Packet.__name__)

class OSUVR128Packet(Packet):
    # 2019-11-05 07:07:07 : Oregon Scientific UVR128
    # House Code: 116
    # UV Index: 0
    # Battery: OK

    IDENTIFIER = "Oregon Scientific UVR128"
        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'UV Index': ['uv_index', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, OSUVR128Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSUVR128Packet.__name__)

    # {"time" : "2019-11-05 07:07:07", "model" : "Oregon Scientific UVR128", "id" : 116, "uv" : 0, "battery" : "OK"}
    # {"time" : "2019-11-19 06:44:53", "model" : "Oregon Scientific UVR128", "id" : 116, "uv" : 0, "battery" : "OK"}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['uv_index'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'uv')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSUVR128Packet.__name__)

class OSWGR800Packet(Packet):
    # 2016-11-03 04:36:34 : OS : WGR800
    # House Code: 85
    # Channel: 0
    # Battery: OK
    # Gust: 1.1 m/s
    # Average: 1.1 m/s
    # Direction: 22.5 degrees

        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Gust': [
            'wind_gust', re.compile('([\d.]+) m'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Average': [
            'wind_speed', re.compile('([\d.]+) m'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Direction': [
            'wind_dir', re.compile('([\d.]+) degrees'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, OSWGR800Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSWGR800Packet.__name__)

    # {"time" : "2020-06-06 21:44:43", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "Oregon-WGR800", "id" : 245, "channel" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, "wind_max_m_s" : 3.100, "wind_avg_m_s" : 0.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 90.000}
    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery_ok') == 1 else 1
        pkt['wind_gust'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_max_m_s')
        pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_avg_m_s')
        pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_dir_deg')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSWGR800Packet.__name__)

class OSTHN802Packet(Packet):
    # 2017-08-03 17:24:08     :       OS :    THN802
    # House Code:      157
    # Channel:         3
    # Battery:         OK
    # Celcius:         26.60 C

        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Celcius': ['temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, OSTHN802Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSTHN802Packet.__name__)

    # {"time" : "2017-08-03 17:41:24", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "THN802", "id" : 157, "channel" : 3, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 26.700}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSTHN802Packet.__name__)

class OSBTHGN129Packet(Packet):
    # 2017-08-03 17:24:03     :       OS :    BTHGN129
    # House Code:      146
    # Channel:         5
    # Battery:         OK
    # Celcius:         32.00 C
    # Humidity:        50 %
    # Pressure:        959.36 mPa

        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Celcius': ['temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Humidity': ['humidity', re.compile('([\d.]+) %'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Pressure': ['pressure', re.compile('([\d.]+) mPa'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, OSBTHGN129Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSBTHGN129Packet.__name__)

    # {"time" : "2017-08-03 17:41:48", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "BTHGN129", "id" : 146, "channel" : 5, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 31.700, "humidity" : 52, "pressure_hPa" : 959.364}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['pressure'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'pressure_hPa')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSBTHGN129Packet.__name__)

class OSTHGR968Packet(Packet):


    # {"time" : "2019-02-15 13:43:25", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "THGR968", "id" : 187, "channel" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 16.500, "humidity" : 11}
    # '{"time" : "2019-02-15 13:43:26", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "THGR968", "id" : 187, "channel" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 16.500, "humidity" : 11}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['channel'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSTHGR968Packet.__name__)

class OSRGR968Packet(Packet):


    # {"time" : "2019-02-15 14:32:51", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "RGR968", "id" : 48, "channel" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "rain_rate" : 0.000, "total_rain" : 6935.100}
    # {"time" : "2019-02-15 14:32:51", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "RGR968", "id" : 48, "channel" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "rain_rate" : 0.000, "total_rain" : 6935.100}

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['channel'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'channel')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['rain_rate'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'rain_rate')
        pkt['total_rain'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'total_rain')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, OSRGR968Packet.__name__)

class ProloguePacket(Packet):
    # 2017-03-19 : Prologue Temperature and Humidity Sensor
    # {"time" : "2017-03-15 20:14:19", "model" : "Prologue sensor", "id" : 5, "rid" : 166, "channel" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "button" : 0, "temperature_C" : -0.700, "humidity" : 49}

    IDENTIFIER = "Prologue sensor"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        sensor_id = obj.get('rid')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, ProloguePacket.__name__)
        return pkt

class NexusTemperaturePacket(Packet):
    # 2018-06-30 01:12:12 :   Nexus Temperature
    #         House Code:      55
    #         Battery:         OK
    #         Channel:         1
    #         Temperature:     27.10 C
    # 2018-08-01 22:03:11 :   Nexus Temperature/Humidity
    #    House Code:      180
    #    Battery:         OK
    #    Channel:         1
    #    Temperature:     20.10 C
    #    Humidity:        42 %

    IDENTIFIER = "Nexus Temperature"
        'House Code': ['house_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
                'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
            ['temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x : float(x)],
            ['humidity', re.compile('([\d.-]+) %'), lambda x : float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, NexusTemperaturePacket.PARSEINFO))
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, NexusTemperaturePacket.__name__)

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['house_code'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        if 'humidity' in obj:
            pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        return OS.insert_ids(pkt, NexusTemperaturePacket.__name__)

class Bresser5in1Packet(Packet):
    #  'time' => '2018-12-15 16:04:04',
    #  'model' => 'Bresser-5in1',
    #  'id' => 118,
    #  'temperature_C' => 6.4000000000000003552713678800500929355621337890625,
    #  'humidity' => 87,
    #  'wind_gust' => 2.79999999999999982236431605997495353221893310546875,
    #  'wind_speed' => 2.899999999999999911182158029987476766109466552734375,
    #  'wind_dir_deg' => 315,
    #  'rain_mm' => 10.800000000000000710542735760100185871124267578125,
    #  'data' => 'e7897fd71fd6ef9bff78f7feff18768028e02910640087080100',
    #  'mic' => 'CHECKSUM',

    # {"time" : "2018-12-15 16:04:04", "model" : "Bresser-5in1", "id" : 118,
    # "temperature_C" : 6.400, "humidity" : 87, "wind_gust" : 2.800,
    # "wind_speed" : 2.900, "wind_dir_deg" : 315.000, "rain_mm" : 10.800,
    # "data" : "e7897fd71fd6ef9bff78f7feff18768028e02910640087080100",
    # "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}#012

    IDENTIFIER = "Bresser-5in1"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX
        pkt['station_id'] = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_dir_deg')
        pkt['uv'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'uv')
        pkt['uv_index'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'uvi')
        # deal with different labels from rtl_433
        for dst, src in [('wind_speed', 'wind_speed_ms'),
                         ('gust_speed', 'gust_speed_ms'),
                         ('rain_total', 'rainfall_mm'),
                         ('wind_speed', 'wind_speed'),
                         ('gust_speed', 'gust_speed'),
                         ('rain_total', 'rain_mm')]:
            if src in obj:
                pkt[dst] = Packet.get_float(obj, src)
        return Bresser5in1Packet.insert_ids(pkt)

    def insert_ids(pkt):
        station_id = pkt.pop('station_id', '0000')
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, station_id, Bresser5in1Packet.__name__)
        return pkt

class SpringfieldTMPacket(Packet):
    # {"time" : "2019-01-20 11:14:00", "model" : "Springfield Temperature & Moisture", "sid" : 224, "channel" : 3, "battery" : "OK", "transmit" : "MANUAL", "temperature_C" : -204.800, "moisture" : 0, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}

    IDENTIFIER = "Springfield Temperature & Moisture"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        sensor_id = obj.get('sid')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['moisture'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'moisture')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['transmit'] = obj.get('transmit')
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, SpringfieldTMPacket.__name__)
        return pkt

class TFATwinPlus303049Packet(Packet):
    # 2019-09-25 17:15:12 :   TFA-Twin-Plus-30.3049
    # Channel: 1
    # Battery: OK
    # Temperature: 8.40 C
    # Humidity: 91 %

    # {"time" : "2019-09-25 17:15:12", "model" : "TFA-Twin-Plus-30.3049", "id" : 13, "channel" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 8.400, "humidity" : 91, "mic" : "CHECK  SUM"} 

    IDENTIFIER = "TFA-Twin-Plus-30.3049"
        'Rolling Code': ['rolling_code', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Channel': ['channel', None, lambda x: int(x)],
        'Battery': ['battery', None, lambda x: 0 if x == 'OK' else 1],
        'Temperature': [
            'temperature', re.compile('([\d.-]+) C'), lambda x: float(x)],
        'Humidity': ['humidity', re.compile('([\d.]+) %'), lambda x: float(x)]}

    def parse_text(ts, payload, lines):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = ts
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt.update(Packet.parse_lines(lines, TFATwinPlus303049Packet.PARSEINFO))
        return Hideki.insert_ids(pkt, TFATwinPlus303049Packet.__name__)

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['rolling_code'] = obj.get('rc')
        pkt['channel'] = obj.get('channel')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['battery'] = 0 if obj.get('battery') == 'OK' else 1
        return Hideki.insert_ids(pkt, TFATwinPlus303049Packet.__name__)

class TSFT002Packet(Packet):
    # time : 2019-12-22 16:57:58
    # model : TS-FT002 Id : 127
    # Depth : 186 Temperature: 20.9 C Transmit Interval: 180 Battery Flag?: 8 MIC : CHECKSUM

    # {"time" : "2019-12-22 22:54:58", "model" : "TS-FT002", "id" : 127, "depth_cm" : 186, "temperature_C" : 20.700, "transmit_s" : 180, "flags" : 8, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}


    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['depth'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'depth_cm')
        pkt['transmit'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'transmit_s')
        pkt['flags'] = Packet.get_int(obj, 'transmit_s')
        sensor_id = pkt.pop('id', '0000')
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, TSFT002Packet.__name__)
        return pkt

class WS2032Packet(Packet):
    #{"time" : "2020-10-19 22:41:24", "model" : "WS2032", "id" : 11768, "temperature_C" : 3.800, "humidity" : 48, "wind_dir_deg" : 315.000, "wind_avg_km_h" : 7.740, "wind_max_km_h" : 15.480, "maybe_flags" : 0, "maybe_rain" : 256, "mic" : "CRC"}
    IDENTIFIER = "WS2032"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        sensor_id = obj.get('id')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt['humidity'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'humidity')
        pkt['wind_gust'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_max_km_h')
        pkt['wind_speed'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_avg_km_h')
        pkt['wind_dir'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'wind_dir_deg')
        pkt['total_rain'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'maybe_rain')
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, WS2032Packet.__name__)
        return pkt

class WT0124Packet(Packet):
    # 2019-04-23: WT0124 Pool Thermometer
    # {"time" : "2019-04-23 12:28:52", "model" : "WT0124 Pool Thermometer", "rid" : 122, "channel" : 1, "temperature_C" : 22.800, "mic" : "CHECKSUM", "data" : 172}

    IDENTIFIER = "WT0124 Pool Thermometer"

    def parse_json(obj):
        pkt = dict()
        pkt['dateTime'] = Packet.parse_time(obj.get('time'))
        pkt['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
        sensor_id = obj.get('rid')
        pkt['temperature'] = Packet.get_float(obj, 'temperature_C')
        pkt = Packet.add_identifiers(pkt, sensor_id, WT0124Packet.__name__)
        return pkt

class PacketFactory(object):

    # FIXME: do this with class introspection

    def create(lines):
        # return a list of packets from the specified lines
        logdbg("lines=%s" % lines)
        while lines:
            pkt = None
            if lines[0].startswith('{'):
                pkt = PacketFactory.parse_json(lines)
                if pkt is None:
                    logdbg("punt unrecognized line '%s'" % lines[0])
                pkt = PacketFactory.parse_text(lines)
            if pkt is not None:
                yield pkt

    def parse_json(lines):
            obj = json.loads(lines[0])
            if 'model' in obj:
                for parser in PacketFactory.KNOWN_PACKETS:
                    if obj['model'].find(parser.IDENTIFIER) >= 0:
                        return parser.parse_json(obj)
                logdbg("parse_json: unknown model %s" % obj['model'])
        except ValueError as e:
            logdbg("parse_json failed: %s" % e)
        return None

    def parse_text(lines):
        ts, payload = PacketFactory.parse_firstline(lines[0])
        if ts and payload:
            logdbg("parse_text: ts=%s payload=%s" % (ts, payload))
            for parser in PacketFactory.KNOWN_PACKETS:
                if payload.find(parser.IDENTIFIER) >= 0:
                    pkt = parser.parse_text(ts, payload, lines)
                    logdbg("pkt=%s" % pkt)
                    return pkt
            logdbg("parse_text: unknown format: ts=%s payload=%s" %
                   (ts, payload))
        logdbg("parse_text failed: ts=%s payload=%s line=%s" %
               (ts, payload, lines[0]))
        return None

    TS_PATTERN = re.compile('(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)[\s]+:*(.*)')

    def parse_firstline(line):
        ts = payload = None
            m =
            if m:
                utc = time.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                ts = timegm(utc)
                payload =
        except Exception as e:
            logerr("parse timestamp failed for '%s': %s" % (line, e))
        return ts, payload

class SDRConfigurationEditor(weewx.drivers.AbstractConfEditor):
    def default_stanza(self):
        return """
    # This section is for the software-defined radio driver.

    # The driver to use
    driver = user.sdr

    # How to invoke the rtl_433 command
#    cmd = %s

    # The sensor map associates observations with database fields.  Each map
    # element consists of a tuple on the left and a database field name on the
    # right.  The tuple on the left consists of:
    #   <observation_name>.<sensor_identifier>.<packet_type>
    # The sensor_identifier is hardware-specific.  For example, Acurite sensors
    # have a 4 character hexadecimal identifier, whereas fine offset sensor
    # clusters have a 4 digit identifier.
    # glob-style pattern matching is supported for the sensor_identifier.
# map data from any fine offset sensor cluster to database field names
#    [[sensor_map]]
#        windGust = wind_gust.*.FOWH1080Packet
#        outBatteryStatus = battery.*.FOWH1080Packet
#        rain_total = rain_total.*.FOWH1080Packet
#        windSpeed = wind_speed.*.FOWH1080Packet
#        windDir = wind_dir.*.FOWH1080Packet
#        outHumidity = humidity.*.FOWH1080Packet
#        outTemp = temperature.*.FOWH1080Packet


class SDRDriver(weewx.drivers.AbstractDevice):

    # map the counter total to the counter delta.  for example, the pair
    #   rain:rain_total
    # will result in a delta called 'rain' from the cumulative 'rain_total'.
    # these are applied to mapped packets.
        'rain': 'rain_total',
        'strikes': 'strikes_total'}

    def __init__(self, **stn_dict):
        loginf('driver version is %s' % DRIVER_VERSION)
        self._log_unknown = tobool(stn_dict.get('log_unknown_sensors', False))
        self._log_unmapped = tobool(stn_dict.get('log_unmapped_sensors', False))
        self._sensor_map = stn_dict.get('sensor_map', {})
        loginf('sensor map is %s' % self._sensor_map)
        self._deltas = stn_dict.get('deltas', SDRDriver.DEFAULT_DELTAS)
        loginf('deltas is %s' % self._deltas)
        self._counter_values = dict()
        cmd = stn_dict.get('cmd', DEFAULT_CMD)
        path = stn_dict.get('path', None)
        ld_library_path = stn_dict.get('ld_library_path', None)
        self._last_pkt = None # avoid duplicate sequential packets
        self._mgr = ProcManager()
        self._mgr.startup(cmd, path, ld_library_path)

    def closePort(self):

    def hardware_name(self):
        return 'SDR'

    def genLoopPackets(self):
        while self._mgr.running():
            for lines in self._mgr.get_stdout():
                for packet in PacketFactory.create(lines):
                    if packet:
                        pkt = self.map_to_fields(packet, self._sensor_map)
                        if pkt:
                            if pkt != self._last_pkt:
                                logdbg("packet=%s" % pkt)
                                self._last_pkt = pkt
                                yield pkt
                                logdbg("ignoring duplicate packet %s" % pkt)
                        elif self._log_unmapped:
                            loginf("unmapped: %s (%s)" % (lines, packet))
                    elif self._log_unknown:
                        loginf("unparsed: %s" % lines)
            self._mgr.get_stderr()  # flush the stderr queue
            logerr("err: %s" % self._mgr.get_stderr())
            raise weewx.WeeWxIOError("rtl_433 process is not running")

    def _calculate_deltas(self, pkt):
        for k in self._deltas:
            label = self._deltas[k]
            if label in pkt:
                pkt[k] = self._calculate_delta(
                    label, pkt[label], self._counter_values.get(label))
                self._counter_values[label] = pkt[label]

    def _calculate_delta(label, newtotal, oldtotal):
        delta = None
        if newtotal is not None and oldtotal is not None:
            if newtotal >= oldtotal:
                delta = newtotal - oldtotal
                loginf("%s decrement ignored:"
                       " new: %s old: %s" % (label, newtotal, oldtotal))
        return delta

    def map_to_fields(pkt, sensor_map):
        # selectively get elements from the packet using the specified sensor
        # map.  if the identifier is found, then use its value.  if not, then
        # skip it completely (it is not given a None value).  include the
        # time stamp and unit system only if we actually got data.
        packet = dict()
        for n in sensor_map.keys():
            label = SDRDriver._find_match(sensor_map[n], pkt.keys())
            if label:
                packet[n] = pkt.get(label)
        if packet:
            for k in ['dateTime', 'usUnits']:
                packet[k] = pkt[k]
        return packet

    def _find_match(pattern, keylist):
        # find the first key in pkt that matches the specified pattern.
        # the general form of a pattern is:
        #   <observation_name>.<sensor_id>.<packet_type>
        # do glob-style matching.
        if pattern in keylist:
            return pattern
        match = None
        pparts = pattern.split('.')
        if len(pparts) == 3:
            for k in keylist:
                kparts = k.split('.')
                if (len(kparts) == 3 and
                    SDRDriver._part_match(pparts[0], kparts[0]) and
                    SDRDriver._part_match(pparts[1], kparts[1]) and
                    SDRDriver._part_match(pparts[2], kparts[2])):
                    match = k
                elif pparts[0] == k:
                    match = k
        return match

    def _part_match(pattern, value):
        # use glob matching for parts of the tuple
        matches = fnmatch.filter([value], pattern)
        return True if matches else False

def main():
    import optparse
    import syslog

    usage = """%prog [--debug] [--help] [--version]
        [--action=(show-packets | show-detected | list-supported)]
        [--cmd=RTL_CMD] [--path=PATH] [--ld_library_path=LD_LIBRARY_PATH]

  show-packets: display each packet (default)
  show-detected: display a running count of the number of each packet type
  list-supported: show a list of the supported packet types

  This is a comma-separate list of the types of data that should not be
  displayed.  Default is to show everything."""

    syslog.openlog('sdr', syslog.LOG_PID | syslog.LOG_CONS)
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option('--version', dest='version', action='store_true',
                      help='display driver version')
    parser.add_option('--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true',
                      help='display diagnostic information while running')
    parser.add_option('--cmd', dest='cmd', default=DEFAULT_CMD,
                      help='rtl command with options')
    parser.add_option('--path', dest='path',
                      help='value for PATH')
    parser.add_option('--ld_library_path', dest='ld_library_path',
                      help='value for LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
    parser.add_option('--hide', dest='hidden', default='empty',
                      help='output to be hidden: out, parsed, unparsed, empty')
    parser.add_option('--action', dest='action', default='show-packets',
                      help='actions include show-packets, show-detected, list-supported')

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if options.version:
        print("sdr driver version %s" % DRIVER_VERSION)

    if options.debug:

    if options.action == 'list-supported':
        for pt in PacketFactory.KNOWN_PACKETS:
    elif options.action == 'show-detected':
        # display identifiers for detected sensors
        mgr = ProcManager()
        mgr.startup(options.cmd, path=options.path,
        detected = dict()
        for lines in mgr.get_stdout():
            # print "out:", lines
            for p in PacketFactory.create(lines):
                if p:
                    del p['usUnits']
                    del p['dateTime']
                    keys = p.keys()
                    label = re.sub(r'^[^\.]+', '', keys[0])
                    if label not in detected:
                        detected[label] = 0
                    detected[label] += 1
        # display output and parsed/unparsed packets
        hidden = [x.strip() for x in options.hidden.split(',')]
        mgr = ProcManager()
        mgr.startup(options.cmd, path=options.path,
        for lines in mgr.get_stdout():
            if 'out' not in hidden and (
                    'empty' not in hidden or len(lines)):
                print("out:%s" % lines)
            for p in PacketFactory.create(lines):
                if p:
                    if 'parsed' not in hidden:
                        print('parsed: %s' % p)
                    if 'unparsed' not in hidden and (
                            'empty' not in hidden or len(lines)):
                        print("unparsed:%s" % lines)
        for lines in mgr.get_stderr():
            print("err:%s" % lines)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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