
I'm getting the following error:
Feb 23 17:25:58 pi3 weewx[1803] DEBUG user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) 
MessageCallbackProvider data-> incoming topic: emhi/26038/precipitations, 
QOS: 0, retain: 1, payload: b'0.1'
Feb 23 17:25:58 pi3 weewx[1803] DEBUG weewx.units: Unable to convert from 
mm_per_hour to cm
Feb 23 17:25:58 pi3 weewx[1803] ERROR user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) 
MessageCallbackProvider on_message_individual failed with: 'cm'
Feb 23 17:25:58 pi3 weewx[1803] ERROR user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) **** 
MessageCallbackProvider Ignoring topic=emhi/26038/precipitations and 

weewx.conf snippet:
    # This section is for the MQTTSubscribe driver.
    # The driver to use:
    driver = user.MQTTSubscribe
    # The MQTT server.
    # Default is localhost.
    host = localhost
    # The port to connect to.
    # Default is 1883.
    port = 1883
    # Maximum period in seconds allowed between communications with the 
    # Default is 60.
    keepalive = 60
    # username for broker authentication.
    # Default is None.
    username = xxxx
    # password for broker authentication.
    # Default is None.
    password = xxxx
    # Configuration for the message callback.
        type = individual
    # The topics to subscribe to.
        unit_system = METRIC
        use_topic_as_fieldname = true
        use_server_datetime = true
            name = outTemp
            name = UV
            name = pressure
            name = rain
            units = mm_per_hour
            name = outHumidity
            name = windDir
            name = windSpeed
            units = meter_per_second
            name = windGust
            units = meter_per_second
            name = phenomenon
            conversion_type = None
            name = visibility
            conversion_type = None

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