Looking through both SQLite and Weewx documentation, i can't find a 
reference to a tool or report that will take a existing SQLdb and display 
the underlying DB's structure? I can see that wee-debug will give a listing 
of fields and key's, but there's no references to the relationships 
established for the exiting db. I ask because i'd like to understand how 
the existing data maintains keys. i.e., if data is stored with the only 
primary key as epoch time, can weewx manage joined keys of epoch+Device-ID? 
That would allow me to store multiple occurrences of epochDT, but different 
devices. that would allow me to store data from devices as raw data and 
data from WF (or other weather services) corrected data concurrently. It 
would also solve the often-mentioned "What's raw data and what has WF 
'conditioned' data in my SQLdb?" issues.

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