Hello I tried the Weewx 4.5.1-1 update. Since then, the HP1000 driver has 
stopped working. I uninstalled and reinstalled Weewx. Unfortunately I can't 
add the HP1000 driver anymore. I have a Raspi4 with 8gb Ram. I tried to 
download and install the driver with these commands. wget 
wee_extension --install HP1000.tar.gz 
wget -P / var / tmp 
sudo wee_extension --install /var/tmp/HP1000.tar.gz
I think that the file cannot be extracted. 
I then use this error message. 
 pi @ raspberrypi: ~ $ sudo wee_extension --install = / var / tmp / 
HP1000.tar.gz Request to install '/var/tmp/HP1000.tar.gz' Extracting from 
tar archive /var/tmp/HP1000.tar.gz Traceback (most recent call last): File 
"/ usr / share / weewx / wee_extension", line 88, in <module> Main() File 
"/ usr / share / weewx / wee_extension", line 80, in main 
ext.install_extension (options.install) File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weecfg/extension.py", line 118, in install_extension 
self.tmpdir, self.logger) File "/usr/share/weewx/weecfg/__init__.py", line 
1808, in extract_tar tar_archive = tarfile.open (filename, mode = 'r') File 
"/usr/lib/python3.7/tarfile.py", line 1580, in open raise ReadError ("file 
could not be opened successfully") tarfile.ReadError: file could not be 
opened successfully pi @ raspberrypi: ~ $ 

I hope someone can help me. I think the HP1000 driver is better than the 
Interceptor driver. 

 Greetings André

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