It is discussed in other treads the fact that the Belchertown skin now no 
longer displays full 24 hours for the today time interval (with just white 
area for the future) but instead has x axis min at midnight and max at 
current time. Especially for Hays charts this looks weird.
It seems that the current workaround is to comment out a specific change to 
the code, but the change was (hopefully) done for a purpose and I don't 
want to do that unless necessary.
>From what I can tell Highcharts supports setting min/max values for the x 
axis as well, but trying to add xAxis_max has so far not changed the 
generated chart for me. I know there is no mention of xAxis_max in the 
Belchertown chart wiki, but one could always hope.
Can someone confirm that it indeed is not possible to manually set a max 
for the xAxis? Or has someone any working configuration for doing this?

Konrad Skeri Ekblad

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